Coastal Management Flashcards
2 Main Aims of Management Strategies
Defend and mitigate against impacts of flooding
Protect and mitigate against impacts of erosion
Hold the Line
Maintain existing defences
Advance the Line
Build defences seaward of existing line
Managed Realignment / Retreat the Line
Allow retreat but closely manage its’ rate and location
Do Nothing
Low value land left to natural processes
Tangible Costs
Costs and benefits known
Given monetary value
i.e. Houses, infrastructure, farmland
Intangible Costs
Costs that are difficult to assess but that are important
i.e. Impacts downwind, visual impacts, ecosystem loss
For a management strategy to pass a CBA, how much does £1 spent have to protect?
Sea Wall Advantages
Prevents erosion
Promenade for tourists
Flood barrier, increases height of coastline
Sea Wall Disadvantages
Reflects energy, doesn’t absorb it
Unnatural looking
Expensive to build and maintain- gaps exploited by hydraulic action
Rip Rap / Rock Armour Advantages
Absorbs large amounts of energy
Rip Rap / Rock Armour Disadvantages
Not always same lithology as surrounding area- unnatural
Groynes Advantages
Not too expensive
Works with natural processes
Increases tourist potential
Groynes Disadvantages
Starves beaches downwind, increasing erosion
Cliff Fixing
Iron bars in cliff face
Stabilises it
Absorbs wave energy
Cliff Fixing Advantages
Prevents mass movement
Hidden structure, natural appearance
Cliff Fixing Disadvantages
Cliff still eroded overtime
Gabions Advantages
Decreases erosion at foot of cliff
Relatively cheap to install
Can use local beach material to decrease visual impact
Gabions Disadvantages
Risk of injury if mesh breaks
Ongoing maintenance costs
Short lifespan compared to other strategies
Sloping wood, concrete, or rock structures
Absorb wave energy
Revetments Advantages
Relatively cheap
Revetments Disadvantages
Intrusive and unnatural
High maintenance levels
Barrages Advantages
Hydroelectric Power
Keeps water levels constant
Barrages Disadvantages
Impacts habitats and wildlife