Coastal Landscapes Flashcards
What is the littoral zone
The littoral zone is the area of shoreline where land is subject to wave action. It’s subdivided into offshore, nearshore, foreshore and backshore. (ONFB - OKAY NOW FRY BANANAS!)
sea - offshore - nearshore - foreshore - backshore - field with lots of cows
What is the offshore, nearshore, foreshore, backshore
Offshore: The area of deeper water beyond the point at which waves begin to break. Friction between the waves and the sea bed may cause some distortion of the wave shape.
Nearshore: The area of shallow water beyond the low tide mark, within which friction between the seabed and waves distorts the wave sufficiently to cause it to break. (breaker zone) There may be a breakpoint bar between the offshore and nearshore zones.
Foreshore: The area between the high tide and the low tide mark.
Backshore: The area above the high tide mark, affected by wave action only during major storm events.
3 types of coastline
Rocky, cliffed coastline
areas of high relief varying from a few metres to hundreds of metres in height
usually form in areas with resistant geology, in a high energy environment, where erosion is greater than deposition and big, stormy (not Daniels) waves. Destructive waves!
Sandy coastline
areas of low relief with sand dunes and beaches, that are much flatter.
they usually form in areas with:
less resistant geology
a low energy environment
where deposition > erosion
constructive waves
Estuarine coastline
Areas of low relief with salt marshes and mudflats (estuaries)
They form:
in river mouths
where deposition > erosion
in a low energy environment
usually in areas of less resistant rock
Dynamic zone
There are constantly changing inputs, through flows, and outputs of energy and material. (short term)
There are also long-term changes, e.g. sea level variation due to climate change.
And short term changes (e.g. high and low tide variation over the lunar month; wave energy variation due to weather conditions)
Long term criteria for classifying coats
Long Term Criteria
Geology is all the characteristics of land, including lithology (rock type) and structure (arrangement of rock units).
It can be used to classify coasts as rocky, sandy or estaurine.
Or, concordant and discordant.
Sea Level Change
Sea level change can be used to classify coasts as emergent or submergent.
This can be caused by:
Tectonic processes can lift sections of land up, causing local sea fall, or lead sections of land to subside, causing local sea rise.
Climate change causes sea levels to rise and fall in a 100,000 year cycle due to the change in the Earth’s orbit shape.
sea levels fall for 90,000 years during glacials as ice sheets expand and rise for 10,000 during interglacials
sea levels rise even more when the Earth emerges from an ice age and all surface ice melts
Short term criteria for classifying coasts
Short Term Criteria
Energy Inputs
Coasts receive energy inputs from waves (main input), tides (ebb and flow over a 12.5 hour cycle), currents. rivers, atmospheric processes, gravity and tectonics.
Used to classify coasts as high energy and low energy.
Sediment Inputs
Coasts receive sediment inputs from waves and wind (vary constantly with weather), tides (ebb and flow over 12 1/2 hour cycle), currents, mass movement and tectonic processes.
Sediment is added to a coastline through deposition and removed by erosion.
Where erosion > deposition there is a net loss of sediment and the coastline retreats – an eroding coastline.
Where deposition > erosion there is a net gain of sediment and the coastline advances – an outbuilding coastline.
Coastlines are classified as advancing or retreating due to long-term processes (emergent/submergent) and short term (outbuilding/eroding).
Rocky coasts
Rocky Coasts
Rocky coasts occupy about 1,000 km of the UK’s coastline, mainly in the north and west.
Cliffs vary in height from high-relief areas,
e.g. 427 m Conachair Cliff on the Isle of Hirta in the Outer Hebrides
to low-relief
e.g. 3m cliffs at Chapel Porth in Cornwall
Rocky coasts usually form in areas of geology that is resistant to the erosive forces of the sea, rain and wind. Their lithology and structure means they erode and weather slowly
See 2B.3A for how lithology affects resistance.
Rocky coastlines form in a high-energy environment where erosion > deposition.
Erosion is continuously moving transported and deposited sediment as well as slowly eroding the cliff.
Coastal plains
Coastal Plains - (sandy and estuarine coastlines)
Coastal plain landscapes are relatively flat, low relief areas adjacent to the sea.
They often contain freshwater wetlands and marshes due to the poor drainage of the flat landscape.
Their littoral zone is composed of sand dunes, beaches, mud flats and salt marshes.
Coastal plain landscapes form in low-energy environments where deposition > erosion, so they experience a net accumulation of sediment. They form through coastal accretion (a continuous net deposition of sediment.) This comes from:
offshore sources (transported by waves, tides or current)
terrestrial sources (transported by rivers, glaciers, wind or mass movement)
Coastal plains may be
sandy coasts, composed of sands, shingles and cobbles.
estuarine (alluvial) coasts composed of mud (clays and silts)
They form most of the UK’s south and east coastline.
Coastal Plain Formation
They usually form by coastal accretion, where continuous net deposition causes the coastline to extend seawards. This is often extended biologically as plants colonise shallow water, trapping sediment and forming organic deposits when they die.
They also form by sea level change, when the falling sea level exposes a flat continental shelf. e.g. the Atlantic coastline of the USA.
Where erosion = deposition dynamic equilibrium exists as there’s a continuous flow of energy and material through the coasts, but the size of stores (beach, salt marsh, mudflat) remains unchanged.
Concordant coasts
Concordant coasts usually form where rock strata or folds run parallel to the coast.
Some concordant coasts have long, narrow islands running parallel to the coastline.
Concordant coasts are also known as dalmatian coasts, after the Dalmatian region of Croatia, or Pacific coasts, after the coastline of Chile in South America.
Discordant coasts
These are where rock strata or structures are aligned at an angle to the coastline.
Discordant coasts have a crenellated pattern of projecting headlands and indented bays.
Discordant coasts are also known as Atlantic coasts, after the Cork coastline in the Republic of Ireland.
Discordant coasts forms where geological structure is such that different rock strata of folds are aligned at an angle to the coastline.
Rock strata that are less resistant (due to the rock unit’s lithology and structure) erode rapidly to form indented bays.
More resistant strata erode only slowly, and are left projecting into the sea as headlands.
The relative resistance of rock types influences the degree of indentation of bays.
The morphology of discordant coasts alters the distribution of wave energy and rate of erosion through wave refraction. Where the wind is blowing directly onshore and the wave front is parallel to the coastline, the section of wave approaching the headland will encounter shallow water before the wave front approaching the indented bay. The waves approaching the headland slow and wave height increases. The wave front refracts, becoming curved. Convex in bays, dispersing energy, and concave at headlands, concentrating energy. Refraction increases the rate of erosion at headlands and reduces it at bays, generally decreasing the degree of indentation.
South Dorset coast
South Dorset Coast
A concordant coastline with resistant Portland Limestone forming a protective stratum parallel to the sea.
Less resistant Purbeck limestone and Wealden Clay lie behind the Portland, with resistant chalk further north.
Portland limestone erodes very slowly, retreating landwards by marine undercutting and collapse to form a straight W-E coastline.
At points where the Portland is weaker, erosion has broken through and then rapidly eroded out the softer strata laterally, creating a series of coves, e.g. Lulworth Cove and Stair Hole, with narrow openings, widening laterally parallel to the coast.
In places such as Worbarrow Bay and St Oswald’s Bay, lateral widening of coves led to them joining into a single bay, with remnants of the outer Portland left as a line of stumps parallel to the coast, e.g. Bull’s Head in St Oswald’s Bay.
Straight coastline now formed by a concordant band of constant chalk.
Dalmation coast
Dalmatian Coast of Croatia
On the Adriatic Sea
A concordant coastline produced by the geological structure of folds parallel to the coast.
Tectonic forces produced by the collision of African and Eurasian plates compressed Carboniferous Limestone during the Alpine Orogeny 50 million years ago.
Created up folded ridges (anticlines) and down folded valleys (synclines) aligned parallel to the coast.
Sea level rise at the end of the Devensian Glacial overtopped the low points of the anticlines and the sea flooded synclines.
This produces lines of narrow islands parallel to the coast formed by projecting sections of anticlines.
Lines of islands separated by narrow sea channels parallel to the coast (sounds)
Half coastline
Haff Coastlines
These form where deposition produces unconsolidated geological structures parallel to the coastline.
During the Devensian glacial the sea level was about 100 m lower than today as water was retained in huge ice sheets.
Meltwater rivers on land beyond the ice front deposited thick layers of sand and gravels onto outwash plains (sandurs)
In the Holocene Interglacial constructive waves pushed the ride of sands and gravel landwards as sea levels rose.
Sand ridge formed bars across some bays and river mouths, with trapped river water forming a lagoon behind (callled haffs in Poland on the Baltic Sea)
For example the Neman Haff behind the bar running from the Kaliningrad in Russia to the Lithuanian coast at the mouth of the river Neman.
Chesil Beach in Dorset was formed this way. Shingle ridge reconnected island of Portland Bill to land (a tombolo)
Swanage bay
Swanage Bay
on the Isle of Purbeck in East Dorset
formed by the erosion of less resistant Wealden Clays
More resistant Jurassic Portland Limestone forms the Peveril Point headland to the south, projecting out by 1 km.
Resistant Cretaceous Chalk forms the Foreland headland, projecting 2.5 km to the north.
However, structure is not the only factor influencing the indentation of Swanage Bay, since Swanage bay faces east, and is sheltered from the prevailing south westerly wind and highest energy waves.
Bantry bay
Bantry Bay
In Cork in the south west of the Republic of Ireland
Formed from less resistant Carboniferous Limestone
Beara Peninsula to the north formed from more resistant Devonian Old Red Sandstone and projects 35 km into the Atlantic Ocean.
Sheep’s Head Peninsula to the south formed from more resistant coarse sandstone, projects out 21 km.
The high degree of indentation of Bantry Bay is not solely influenced by the relative resistance of rock types, but also the orientation of strata SW-NE means that they directly face high energy Atlantic waves driven by the prevailing SW wind.
The Bay is also a product of sea level rise, since river erosion cut a low-relief river valley into Carboniferous Limestone, allowing the sea to flood inland and creating a ria at the start of the Holocene.
Joints are fractures in rocks created without displacement.
They occur in most rocks, often in regular patterns, dividing rock strata up into blocks with a regular shape.
In igneous rocks, cooling joints form when magma contracts as it looses heat.
In sedimentary rocks, joints form when rock is subject to compression or stretching by tectonic forces or weight of overlying rock.
When overlying rock is removed, underlying strata expand and stretch, creating unloading joints parallel to the surface.
Jointing increases erosion rates by creating fissures which marine erosion processes such as hydraulic action can exploit.
Faults are major fractures in rock created by tectonic forces, with displacement of rocks either side of the fault line. They are often large scale, extending many kilometres. It significantly increases rate of erosion, since zones of faulted rock are much more easily eroded.
Huge forces are involved in faulting and displacing them. Because of this, either side of the fault line, rocks are often heavily fractured and broken, which is easily exploited by marine erosion.
Folds are bends in rocks. They are produced by sedimentary rock layers being squeezed by tectonic forces. The two main types are anticlines and synclines.
Folded rock is often more heavily fissured and jointed, meaning they are more easily eroded.
It also increases erosion rates by increasing angle of dip, and by causing joint formation as rock is stretched along anticline crests and compressed in syncline troughs.
Dip is the angle of inclination of the rock strata from the horizontal. It’s a tectonic feature. Sedimentary rocks are deposited horizontally, but can be tilted by folding and faulting by tectonic forces. It can have dramatic effects on cliff profiles.
Horizontal dip produces a vertical, or near-vertical profile, with notches reflecting weathering and small scale mass movement of strata that are jointed or more easily eroded.
High angle of seaward dip (>45) produces a sloping, low-angled profile with one rock layer facing the sea; vulnerable to rock slides down the dip slope when uppermost strata are attacked by sub-aerial processes. The profile slopes corresponding to that of strata dip. Bedding planes between strata are weakly bonded and readily loosened by weathering.
Low angle of seaward dip (<45) produces a steep profile, that may even exceed 90 degrees, creating areas of overhanging rock; very vulnerable to rock falls. Frequent small-scale mass movement of material weathered from cliff face. Major cliff collapse when undercutting by marine erosion makes overhang unsustainable.
Landward dipping strata produces steep profiles on 70-80’ as downslope gravitational force pulls loosened blocks into place. Very stable profile with few rock falls.
cliff profile: the height and angle of a cliff face, plus its features such as wave-cut notches or changes in slope angle.
Micro Features
Micro-features are small-scale coastal features such as caves and wave-cut notches which form part of a cliff profile.
They form in areas weakened by heavy jointing, which have faster rates of erosion, enlarging the joint to form a sea cave.
The location of micro-features found within cliffs, are often controlled by the location of faults and/or strata which have a particularly high density of joints and fissures.
Mineral composition
Mineral composition
Some rocks contain reactive minerals easily broken down by chemical weathering, e.g. calcite in limestone.
Other minerals are more inert that chemically weather more slowly, if at all, e.g. quartz in sandstone.
Rock class
Rock class
Sedimentary rocks, e.g. conglomerates, sandstones, limestones and clays, are clastic (made of clasts (sediment particles), cemented together)
Many cements are reactive and easily chemically weathered, e.g. iron oxide and calcite.
Sedimentary rocks with very weak cementation, e.g. boulder clay, gravels and sands, are termed unconsolidated.
Igneous rocks, e.g. granite, and metamorphic rocks, e.g. marble, are crystalline with strong chemical bonding.
Rocky coastlines vary in resistance of geology.
Granite erodes at a rate of 0.1 cm p.a.
Carboniferous limestone at 1 cm p.a.
Sandstone at 10 cm p.a.
Boulder clay at 1 m p.a.
Rocks with fissures (e.g. faults and joints) or air spaces (porous) rocks, weather and erode rapidly.
Lithology is rock type.
Rate of recession is the speed at which the coastline is moving inland.
Clastic rocks are those made of sediment particles cemented together
Crystalline rocks are made of interlocking mineral crystals.
Rate of recession is influenced by bedrock lithology (igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic) and the geology unconsolidated sediment.
How reactive minerals in the rock are when exposed to chemical weathering
Whether rocks are clastic (less) or crystalline (more resistant)
The degree to which rocks have cracks, fractures, and fissures (these weaknesses are exploited by weathering and erosion)
Igneous rock type
Igneous rocks are formed from solidified lava or magma. (Lava is just magma on the surface of the Earth)
Some examples are: granite, dolerite, basalt and pumice.
They erode and weather very slowly, producing very slow rates of coastal recession, because:
It’s composed of interlocking crystals, forming hard, resistant rock. (so less recession)
In addition, although they may contain cooling joints, they usually have fewer joints (e.g. granite) and weaknesses than other rock groups, slowing the rate of recession.
Igneous coasts recede at less than 0.1 cm p.a.
However, there are exceptions:
Newly formed lava and solidified ash layers (tuff) erode easily.
Newly formed volcanic islands can exhibit very rapid erosion rates of 40m p.a.
Metamorphic rock
They are formed by the recrystallisation of sedimentary and igneous rocks through heat and pressure.
Some examples are: slate, schist, marble, gneiss
It’s hard and resistant because:
It has a crystalline structure
However, it is less resistant than sedimentary rock because:
Their crystals are often orientated in the same direction (foliation) making them weaker than the interlocking crystals of igneous rocks.
Often heavily folded and faulted
Metamorphic coasts often recede slowly about 0.1-0.3 cm p.a.
Sedimentary rock
They are formed by the compaction and cementation of deposited material, or sediment.
E.g. sandstone, limestone, shale
Usually the sediment is fragments of other rock (clasts)
Sometimes the sediment is a chemical precipitate.
E.g. limestone
Sometimes the sediment is composed of dead organic matter.
They are less resistant than metamorphic or igneous rocks, due to:
Weak bedding planes
They’re clastic
Often heavily jointed as a result of compaction and pressure release.
Rocks like shale may have many bedding planes and fractures.
However, the rate of erosion varies from slow (0.5 cm) to fast (10 cm):
Carboniferous limestone 1 cm p.a.
Young sandstones 10 cm p.a.
This is because:
Older sedimentary rock is buried deeper and is subject to more intense compaction with stronger sedimentation - so tend to be more resistant than younger sedimentary rocks.
Unconsolidates sediment
Unconsolidated Sediment - sediment that has not yet been cemented to form solid rock (lithification)
Drift geology is recently deposited unconsolidated sediment that usually overlies the solid geology of the bedrock.
Some examples of unconsolidated sediment are: (or sand)
Fluvial alluvium
Glacial boulder clay
Aeolian loess
They are very easily eroded, resulting in very fast rates of recession
The boulder clay of Holderness coast in Yorkshire retreats at 2-10 m p.a.
Complex cliff profiles
Complex cliff profiles are produced where cliffs are composed of strata of differing lithology. Less resistant strata erode and weather quickly, being cut back rapidly, wave cut notches may be formed. Resistant strata erode and weather slowly, retreating less rapidly. They may form a ‘bench’ feature at the cliff base. Higher up, they form overhanging sections until they collapse by mass movement. However, generally the overall rate of cliff recession is determined by the resistance of its weakest rock layer.
Rocks show different levels of resistance to marine erosion in the foreshore zone.
Rocks show different levels of resistance to weathering or mass movement in the foreshore and backshore zones.
Complex cliff profiles can also be produced when there are alternating permeable and non-permeable strata.
Permeable rocks are those that allow water to flow through them. This may be because:
they’re porous (e.g. chalk)
these are rocks containing voids called pores, for example chalk and poorly cemented sandstones
they have numerous joints (e.g. carboniferous limestone)
Examples of permeable rocks are many sandstones and limestones.
Permeable rocks tend to be less resistant to weathering because water percolating comes into contact with a large surface area that can be chemically weathered.
e.g. Limestone weathered by carbonation converting calcium carbonate to soluble calcium bicarbonate.
Feldspar in granite weathered by hydrolysis into kaolin (china clay)
Impermeable rocks do not allow water to flow through them.
Clays, mudstones, and most igneous and metamorphic rocks are impermeable.
A spring creating erostion
1) A spring creating erosion
Where a permeable rock overlays an impermeable stratum groundwater is unable to percolate down into the lower layer.
Water accumulates in the permeable layer, producing a saturated layer where the pores are full of water.
A spring will form on the cliff face at the top of the saturated layer.
As the stream flows down the cliff, fluvial erosion (surface run off erosion( will attack the saturated permeable bed and lower impermeable stratum, reducing the angle of the cliff profile.
Groundwater flow
2) Groundwater flow removing cement
Water flows through the permeable (sands) but can’t flow through the impermable (clay), so flows along the interface. Groundwater flow through rock layers can weaken rock by removing the cement that binds them together. Weak, unconsolidated layers slump.
Pore water pressure and saturation
3) Pore water pressure leads to slumping and sliding
It also produces pore water pressure: (the internal force within cliffs exerted by a mass of groundwater within permeable rocks)
Pore water pressure in the saturated layer pushes rock particles apart.
Reduces friction between grains in unconsolidated material
Lubricates lines of weakness, e.g. joints and bedding planes.
This affects their stability.
4) Saturation leads to slumping and sliding
Saturation promotes mass movement through lubrication and by adding weight.
Leads to slumping in unconsolidated material and sliding in consolidated strata - producing a complex cliff profile.
Vegetation context
Vegetation can stabilise unconsolidated sediment and protect it from erosion.
Plant roots bind sediment together, making it harder to erode.
Plant stems and leaves covering the ground surface protect sediment from wave erosion and erosion form tidal or longshore currents when exposed at high tide.
They also prevent sediment from wind erosion at low tide.
In addition vegetation increases the rate of sediment accumulation:
Plant stems and leaves interrupt the flow of wind and water, reducing their velocity and encouraging deposition.
When the vegetation dies it adds its organic matter (hummus) to the soil.
Unconsolidated sand, silt and clay, freshly deposited at the coast are a very harsh environment for plants.
The coast is an incredibly harsh environment for plants because:
They’re exposed to high wind speeds at low tide.
Lack of shade produces a high diurnal (daily) temperature range.
They’re submerged in salty water for half the day.
The evaporated sea spray makes the sediment saline.
Salt is highly porous and permeable, so rain water drains quickly- so plants have little fresh water.
Submerged sediment has its pores saturated with salt water - there’s no oxygen for plant roots to respire with.
Sand lacks nutrients.
Pioneer plants
Pioneer Plants
These are the first plants to colonise freshly deposited sediment.
They modify the environment:
Stabilising sediment
Adding organic matter that retains moisture, contributes nutrients and provides shade.
Reduce evaporation in sand.
Now, slightly less hardy plants can colonise the sediment. They add more organic matter, stabilise existing sediment and trap more.
Each step in plant succession is called a seral stage.
The end result of plant succession is called a (climatic) climax community.
Plant succession: the changing structure of a plant community over time as an area of initially bare sediment is colonised.
Plant succession: the process by which a series of different plant communities occupy an area over time.
Dune successional development
Xerophytic plants are specially adapted to dry conditions to colonise bare sand.
Plant succession on sand is called psammosere.
Embryo dunes form when seaweed driftwood or litter provides a barrier or shelter to trap sand.
As the embryo grows, it is colonised by xerophytic pioneer plants, like sea couch grass, lyme grass, saltwort and sea rocket.
the embryo dunes alter the conditions to something other plants can tolerate, allowing other plants to colonise and forms a fore dune
Pioneer plants stabilise the sand allowing marram grass to colonise.
Marram grass is marvellous because it:
has waxy leaves to limit water loss through transpiration and resist wind-blown sand abrasion.
has roots that can grow to 3m to reach down the water table and the stem can grow 1m a year to avoid burial by deposited sand.
allows the dune to grow, rapidly forming a yellow dune
it’s called this because the surface is mainly sand, not soil
As the marram grass and sedge grass dies, it adds hummus to the sand, creating soil. A grey dune develops, with plants such as gorse.
grey dunes and dune slacks (see bottom) are fixed dunes
examples of plants are: red fescue, heather, creeping willow
The dune is now above high tide level, so rain washes salt from the soil, making it less saline.
The soil now has improved nutrients and moisture retention, allowing non-xerophytic plants to colonise the dunes until a climax plant community is reached, in equilibrium with the climate and soil conditions.
e.g. bramble, pine, birch
Salt marsh successional development
Halophytic plants are specially adapted to saline conditions to colonise mud.
Halosere is plant succession in salty water.
Estuarine areas are ideal for salt marshes because:
they’re sheltered from strong waves (so sediment like mud and silt can be deposited)
rivers transport a supply of sediment to the river mouth, which may be added to by sediment flowing into the estuary at high tide
The mixing of fresh water and sea water in the estuary causes clay particles to stick together and sink - called flocculation.
Blue-green algae and gut weed colonise mud, exposed at low tide for only a few hours.
The algae binds mud, adds organic matter, and traps sediment.
As the sediment thickens, water depth is reduced, and the mud is covered by tide for less time.
Halophytic glasswort and cord grass colonise as the next seral stage - the marsh is still low, and covered by high tide each day.
An accumulation of organic matter and sediment raises the height of the marsh until it is only covered by spring tides.
The higher marsh is colonised by less hardy plants
sea aster
sea lavender
sea thrift
scurvy grass
Rainwater washes salt out of the high marsh’s soil, allowing land plants to colonise.
This continues until climax community is reached.
In most of the UK, the climax community would be deciduous oak forest, or coniferous pine forest in north Scotland.
Waves in general
Waves in general
A wave is created through friction between the wind and water surface, transferring energy from the wind into the water. This generates ripples, which grow into waves when the wind is sustained.
A wave is the transfer of energy from one water particle to its neighbour with individual water particles moving in a circular orbit
The size of the wave particle orbit decreases with depth
Wave height is the vertical distance from peak to trough
it’s determined by the energy transferred from the wind, and the water depth
Wave length is the horizontal distance from crest to crest (or trough to trough)
Wave frequency is the number of waves passing a particular point over a given period of time
Waves in open sea
Waves are simply energy moving through water
The water itself only moves up and down, not horizontally
There is some orbital water particle motion within the wave, but no net forward water particle motion.
Wave size depends upon
the strength of the wind
the duration for which the wind blows
water depth
wave fetch
this is the uninterrupted distance across water over which the wind blows, and therefore the distance waves have to grow in size.
How a wave breaks
When waves reaching the shore reach a wave depth of 1/2 their wavelength, the internal orbital motion of water within the wave touches the sea bed.
Friction between the sea bed begins to distort the wave particle orbit from circular to elliptical, and slows down the wave.
The wave has entered the offshore zone
The wave depth decreases further, and the wave velocity slows, wavelength shortens, and wave height increases. Waves ‘bunch’ together.
The wave crest begins to move forwards much faster than the wave trough
Eventually the wave crest outruns the trough and the wave topples forwards - breaking.
The wave breaks in the nearshore zone, and water flows up the beach as swash
The wave then losses energy and gravity pulls the water back down the beach as backwash
Constructive waves
Low energy waves
Low, flat wave height (<1m)
Long wavelength (up to 100 m)
Low wave frequency (about 6-9 per minute)
This means their swash is unimpeded by previous backwash
A strong swash that pushes sediment up the beach, but a weaker backwash is unable to transport all particles back down, so they are deposited it as a ridge of sediment (berm) at the top of the beach
A backwash that percolates into the beach material
encouraged by a long, shallow nearshore, so friction slows down the wave and releases energy
Constructive (spilling or surging) waves have a stronger swash than backwash due to a low
Destructive waves
High energy waves
Large wave height (>1 m)
Short wavelength (about 20 m)
High wave frequency (13-15 per minute)
They’re encouraged by a short, steep nearshore zone, quickly dropping away into deeper water, so that there is little energy loss through friction
They have strong backwash and weak swash due to the steep angle of impact
this directs most energy downwards and backwards, so the particle orbit is more circular than constructive breakers(?)
Strong backwash erodes material from the top of the beach, carrying down the beach to the offshore zone
it’s often deposited as a offshore ridge or berm
Beach morphology
Beach morphology is the shape of the beach.
A beach sediment profile is the pattern of distribution of different sized or shaped deposited material.
Constructive waves alter beach morphology by causing net movement of sediment up the beach, steeping the beach profile.
They produce berms at the point where the swash reaches the high tide line. (A berm is a ridge of material across the beach)
Swash carries sediment of all sizes up the beach, but weaker backwash can only transport smaller particles down the beach.
This leads to a sorting of material in the foreshore zone, with larger, heavier shingle (pebble-sized sediment) at the back of the beach, and sand drawn back closer to the sea.
Since the backwash flows down the beach and loses energy through friction and depletion of water through percolation, sediment is further sorted as coarser sands are deposited in the middle of the beach and only fine sands are carried to the area of beach closest to the sea.
Decadal variation
Decadal Variation
Climate change is expected to produce more extreme weather events in the UK.
Winter profiles may be present for longer time over course of year
More frequent and more powerful destructive waves may reduce beach size, allowing high tides to reach further inland and increasing rate of coastal erosion in what was backshore zone.
Seasonal variation in the UK
Destructive, high-energy waves dominate in the winter, lowering angle of beach profile and spreading shingle over the whole beach. Offshore ridges/bars formed by destructive wave erosion and subsequent deposition of sand and shingle offshore.
In summer, constructive, low-energy waves dominate, steepening beach angle and sorting particles by size, with larger shingle particles towards back of beach. In summer, constructive waves build berm ridges, typically of gravel/shingle at high tide mark
Low channels and runnels between berms
Monthly variation of waves
Monthly Variation
Tide height varies over course of lunar month, with highest high tide occurring twice a month at spring tide and two very low high tides (neap tides)
As month progresses from spring down to neap tide, successively lower high tides may produce a series of berms at lower and lower points down the beach.
Once neap tide passes and move towards next spring tide, berms successively destroyed as material pushed further up beach by rising swash reach.
Daily variation of waves
Daily Variation
Storm events during summer will produce destructive waves that reshape beach profile in a few hours.
Calm anticyclonic conditions in winter can produce constructive waves that begin to rebuild beach, steepening profile for few days before storm.
Destructive waves change to constructive ones as the wind drops.
Storm beaches, high at the back of the beach, result from high energy deposition of very coarse sediment during the most severe storms
Sea waves and swell waves
Sea waves and swell waves
Sea waves are produced by winds currently blowing in the local area, and vary in height and direction
When the wind drops, wave energy continues to be transferred across the ocean in the form of swell waves
As swell waves travel away from their origin they may absorb smaller sea waves and gain energy and height
They can travel long distances before they lose energy and dissipate
They produce waves at the coast even when there is no wind
Swell waves can form periodically larger waves amongst smaller, local sea waves at the coast
4 wave erosion processes
There are four wave erosion processes:
Hydraulic action
How these are influences by wave type, size and lithology
They are most effective during high energy storm events with large destructive waves.
However, even coastlines composed of soft, unconsolidated sediment (e.g. boulder clay of Holderness Coast in Yorkshire), experience little erosion under normal conditions.
Most erosion (in the UK) occurs in the winter, in high energy storms.
It’s faster when the wind is blowing directly onshore
It’s faster when the tide is high (bringing deeper water closer to the cliff so less energy is lost to friction before impact)
The effect of erosion
The boulder clay of the Holderness coast has retreated by 120 m in the last 100 years.
The granite of Land’s End in Cornwall has retreated by only 10 cm in the last 100 years.