CO Real Estate - Trust Accounts Flashcards
A separate bank account established to hold money for the benefit of others
A trust account
In Colorado who is allowed to have a trust account?
Only principal brokers who are either an employing or independent broker
Does this mean associate brokers aren’t responsible for collected earnest money?
No, all licensed brokers are responsible for collecting earnest money and other funds and seeing that it’s delivered/deposited correctly. They just do so in their employing brokers accounts.
Is an operating account a trust account?
No, operating accounts hold funds that belong to the principal broker/firm and are used for operating expenses including commissions.
Funds cannot go from trust accounts to paying bills, they must always flow through the operating account first
Combining operating and trust funds is called
Commingling and is illegal
Who is liable for what happens to funds at all times during a closing?
The principal broker, even if deposited into a title company trust account
Can accounting for trust accounts be delegated?
Yes, principal broker may delegate the accounting to another person in the company but must do so in writing but they are still responsible and must maintain control over the accounts at all times
An additional requirement of principal broker ?
They must be able to withdrawal funds from the trust accounts without a cosigner
Principal broker MAY authorize other signers on the account who may be licensed or unlicensed.
Can an unlicensed person sign checks from a trust account?
Yes, if authorized to do so by the principal broker
What is the only means of “commingling” allowed?
If a broker must use their funds sufficient to open and operate the trust account but should not be in excess of what would be a considered a reasonable amount
Types of Trust Accounts
Sales trust account (earnest money)
Management trust account (PM services)
Security deposits trust account (refundable to tenants)
Advance rental (different from security deposit)
HOA trust account (held on behalf of Condos, use a separate account for each HOA because money belongs to all owners as a group)
How are commissions handled via accounts?
Once commission is earned, the funds are deposited to firm’s operating account and from there a check to the broker associate is cut for their share
Where do funds going into trust accounts come from?
Written documents that are kept in the transaction file and can be used to reconcile the the accounts using “beneficiary ledger cards” for each new beneficiary
Where can COlorado brokerages have trust accounts?
They must be in a bank or recognized depository in Colorado that is insured by an agency of the US government
Most often involved agency in trust accounts?
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Can Colorado brokers use credit unions for their trust accounts?
No, because all parties might not be insured against a loss with credit unions so it’s prohibited
All trust accounts must be identified in the bank records and on bank statements with the following specific information:
- company name as registered with the COmmission
- The personal name and capacity of the principal broker responsible for the account
- The type of trust account, such as sales or property management
- The account records, checks and deposit slips stating that it is a trust or trustee account
What form is used to document protection of the trust account from actions against the principal broker?
A notice of escrow or Trust Account form, executed between the bank and principal broker
Can branch offices of a brokerage firm use the trust accounts of the primary office?
Yes, but if they maintain separate accounts then they must also maintain separate record keeping system
The statute and Commission rules permit funds to be held in interest-bearing accounts under the following conditions
- All parties with an interest in the fund must provide their informed consent and agree to risks or penalties of a withdrawal. They must also agree to whom the interest will go to
- If an affording housing program benefiting COlorado residents will receive the interest, the broker must post a notice in the office indicating that the company participates in such a program
What is the most used affordable housing program in Colorado?
Colorado Association of REALTORS Housing Opportunity Fund
What forms can earnest money take?
Any form the seller will accept, cash, personal check or property etc.
When must earnest money be delivered, if required?
From buyer’s broker to listing broker immediately upon accepting the offer
Listing broker has 3 business days to deposit the earnest money into a trust account
If an Earnest Money Release is used when a transaction does not close…
Seller has 3 days to sign and return the release to the brokerage. The holder of the earnest money will then have 5 days to return the money to the buyer