CO, Heart Sounds, Auscultation Flashcards
What is cardiac output?
The amount of blood discharged from the L or R ventricle per minute
HR x SV = CO
What is Systolic volume?
SV- amount of blood pumped from the L ventricle per beat (oxygenated)
-End diastolic volume = preload -> water in damn- volume
-Average aortic BP = afterload - pressure heart pumps against to eject blood - pressure
-Strength (contractility) - norepinephrine and epi and direct sympathetic stimulation to heart (frank stearling stretch)
What is S1?
-Closing of the tricuspid and mitral, onset of systole
“See you TM, in 1 day”
What is S2?
-Closing of aortic and pulmonic valves, onset of diastole (“Dub Diastole”)
What is S3?
Ventricular gallop, HF
What is S4?
Atrial gallop, HTN, MI
What is the order of heart sounds?
S4, S1, S2, S3
What is the order of auscultation?
PT’s make 223.45
Aortic, pulmonic, erbs, tricuspid, mitral