Breath Sounds Flashcards
What are the normal breath sounds?
Tracheal, bronchial, bronchovesicular, vesicular
What are the abnormal breath sounds?
Whispered pectoriloquy
Tracheal breath sounds?
Located along trachea- higher pitches
Bronchial breath sounds?
A more hollow, echoing sound normally found only over the R superior anterior thorax.
Bronchovesicular breath sounds?
intermediate breath sound between bronchial and vesicular with equal periods of inspiration and expiration
Egophony breath sound?
Nasal or bleating sound heard during auscultation
E sounds sound like A
Bronchophony breath sounds?
An intense, clear sound during auscultation- YOU SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO HEAR ANYTHING CLEARLY
Whispered pectoriloquy breath sound?
When whispered sounds are heard clearly
What do abnormal breath sounds indicate?
Consolidation or fluid filled areas
What are adventitious breath sounds?
Rales, wheezes, stridors, pleural friction rub
Heard during inspiration
Caused by atelectasis, fibrosis, pulmonary edema
Musically pitched sound heard during expiration usually caused by airway obstruction
-COPD, foreign body