CNS infections (Gianani) Flashcards
Infectious diseases by class of organism
Prion Viral Bacterial Fungal Protozoan Helminthic
Post-infectious (autoimmune)
Description of infection by site
Epidural or subdural abscess
Subdural empyema and brain abscess
Meningo -encephalitis
Bacteria, fungi, viruses or parasites may invade the nervous system and locate in either the dura, leptomeninges, brain or spinal cord.
- Extradural or subdural infections from sinusitis, otitis, open skull fractures, endocarditis or lung abscesses are usually caused by pyogenic bacteria.
Infection in the subdural space is called
meningitis. (The same word is used for neoplastic spread in the subarachnoid space as in “lymphomatous meningitis” or “carcinomatous meningitis”).
intracerebral abscess vs encephalitis vs meningoencephalitis
In the brain, a localized infection may occur as an intracerebral abscess. When not so localized, an infection of the brain is known as an encephalitis or cerebritis, one of the spinal cord as a myelitis, and one affecting both as an encephalomyelitis.
By convention, the term encephalitis refers to viral infections of the brain.
Many infections involve both the subarachnoid space and the brain parenchyma. They are called meningoencephalitis
Subdural Abscess (Subdural Empyema)
Infection may spread to the subdural space from air sinuses or from the middle ear.
The subdural space is traversed by bridging arteries and veins but has no vascular network of its own. Therefore, ** antibiotics have no access to this space.
Treatment of the subdural abscess consists of evacuation plus intravenous antibiotics.
Epidural and subdural abscesses are collections of pus.
If they are large enough, they compress the brain and spinal cord, resulting in loss of function and increased intracranial pressure.
Meningitis Risk factors in adults and children include:
Local infection Recent brain surgery Recent head injury Spinal abnormalities CSF shunt placement Urinary tract infections/UT abnormalities Weakened immune system
Bacterial Meningitis
infection of the arachnoid membrane, subarachnoid space, and cerebrospinal fluid by bacteria. The subarachnoid space is bounded externally by the arachnoid membrane and internally by the pia, and dips into the brain along blood vessels in the perivascular (Virchow-Robin) spaces. It extends from the optic chiasm to the cauda equina and surrounds the brain and spinal cord completely.
The infection may –> meninges from an adjacent infected area such as sinusitis, otitis media, and mastoiditis or from the environment through a penetrating injury or congenital defect, such as a menigomyelocele. Most commonly, however, meningitis results from hematogenous dissemination of bacteria.
The most common organisms of bacterial meningitis in children and adults
Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitidis.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is declining after the introduction of conjugated vaccines. Hemophilus influenzae, once very common in children, is now rare thanks to vaccination. In newborns, the most common organisms are beta hemolytic Streptococcus group B (Streptococcus agalactiae) and Escherichia coli. In babies, group B streptococcal infection is frequently acquired during passage through the birth canal but meningitis may also develop a few days or weeks after birth. Nosocomial sources of meningitis include craniotomy, internal and external ventricular shunts, penetrating cranial fractures, closed head injuries with CSF-leaking basilar skull fractures, external lumbar catheters, and rarely lumbar puncture.
normal CSF findings
Pressure under 200 mm H2O
Protein 14-45 mg%
Glucose >50% serum
WBCs 0-10
Purulent CSF findings
Protein 45-200
very low glucose, maybe 0
WBCs: 1000s
Aseptic (viral) CSF findings
normal to slight increase in pressure
normal to slight increase protein
normal glucose
WBC: monos 10-100s
Lumbar puncture
- direct access to the subarachnoid space of the lumbar cistern.
- obtain samples of CSF
- measure CSF pressure
- remove CSF in cases of suspected normal pressure hydrocephalus
- introduce drugs (such as antibiotics or cancer chemotherapy) or radiological contrast material into the CSF.
First, patient should be evaluated for evidence of elevated intracranial pressure: CT scan first to avoid risk of herniation.
Also, caution should be used in cases of impaired coagulation because of the risk of iatrogenic spinal epidural hematoma, which can compress the cauda equina.
Use Sterile technique under local anesthesia. A hollow spinal needle is introduced through the skin with a stylet occluding the lumen to prevent the introduction of skin cells into CSF during needle insertion.
Lumbar puncture needle passes through
subcutaneous tissues, ligaments of the spinal column, dura, and arachnoid, to finally encounter CSF in the subarachnoid space of the lumbar cistern.
Note that the lumbar cistern is normally in direct communication with CSF in the ventricles and CSF flowing over the surface of the brain. The procedure may be done in the lying or seated position. A manometer tube is used to measure CSF pressure. Pressure measurements are more reliable in the lying position because in the seated position the entire column of CSF in the spinal canal adds to the pressure measured in the lumbar cistern. Normal CSF pressure in adults is less than 20 cm H2O.
conus medullaris location
the bottom portion of the spinal cord, or conus medullaris, ends at about the L1 or L2 level of the vertebral bones, and the nerve roots continue downward into the lumbar cistern, forming the cauda equina, meaning “horse’s tail” (see Figure 5.22B). To avoid hitting the spinal cord, the spinal needle is generally inserted at the space between the L4 or L5 vertebral bones. As the tip of the needle enters the subarachnoid space, the nerve roots are usually harmlessly displaced. The posterior iliac crest serves as a landmark to determine the approximate level of the L4–L5 interspace.
Acute bacterial meningitis clinical picture
acute onset (hours), fever, lethargy, headache, altered mental status, signs of meningeal irritation, such as neck stiffness. Of all infections of the central nervous system, acute purulent (bacterial) leptomeningitis is the most common. Purulent leptomeningitis (often simply called meningitis) still has an overall mortality of 10-15%, often as a result of diffuse cerebral edema and herniation. In survivors, long-term sequelae are not uncommon.
acute bacterial meningitis clinical findings
The initial symptoms of meningitis are fever, severe headache, and stiff neck. The inflamed spinal structures are sensitive to stretch, and pain can be elicited by maneuvers that stretch the spine, such as bending the leg with an outstretched knee (Kernig sign) or bending the neck (Brudzinski sign). As the disease progresses, confusion, coma, and seizures develop. These complications are due to HIE, increased intracranial pressure, and a toxic metabolic encephalopathy. HIE is due to shock. The toxic metabolic encephalopathy is probably caused by unknown diffusible substances (perhaps cytokines) that have a neurotoxic action. In infants, meningitis may present with nonspecific signs such as a depressed state, apneic spells, changes in heart rate, and atypical seizures.
Pathogenesis of bacterial meningitis (and inflammatory reaction)
- colonize the nasopharynx. –> blood stream –> subarachnoid space
- porous structure of choroid plexus capillaries facilitates their spillage into the CSF.
- The CSF provides enough nutrients for their multiplication and has few phagocytic cells, and low levels of antibodies and complement.
bacteria multiply uninhibited
Bacterial toxins –> neuronal apoptosis, cell wall lipopolysaccharide, released from bacteria–> damage to blood brain barrier (BBB).
Increased vascular permeability from BBB damage–> cerebral edema, increased intracranial pressure, decreased cerebral perfusion, hypoxia, and neuronal necrosis.
Cells of innate immune system of the brain, in the BBB, choroid plexus, and ependyma, detect bacteria and secrete cytokines, chemokines, and complement, which attract circulating neutrophils into the CSF.
Neutrophils have powerful lysosomal enzymes + free radicals, which they use to kill bacteria, but have a short life span. As they lyse, these compounds are spilled and can destroy everything in their way. If neutrophils accumulate, they can damage brain tissue, nerves, and blood vessels.
Vasculitis and clotting –> cerebral infarcts.
So, brain damage in bacterial meningitis is caused in part by the direct action of bacteria and in part by the antibacterial inflammatory response. The brain has elaborate mechanisms for controlling inflammation but, in some cases, unbalanced defense reactions can cause severe injury.
Diagnosis and Pathology
of meningitis
cornerstone of dx : CSF examination.
- hundreds, even thousands of neutrophils, teeming with organisms.
- protein is elevated and glucose is low (because it is consumed by inflammatory cells). The CSF:blood glucose ratio is lower than 50%.
Neutrophils in the subarachnoid space infiltrate and damage cranial nerves resulting in cranial nerve deficits, and invade leptomeningeal vessels causing phlebitis and arteritis with thrombosis and ischemic infarction. Sinovenous thrombosis may also occur. The thick fibrinopurulent exudate in the subarachnoid space organizes into fibrous tissue that blocks the exits of the fourth ventricle and impairs CSF circulation around the cerebral convexities. This causes hydrocephalus. These complications take time to develop and may appear after the inflammation has subsided. They may be prevented by prompt treatment. The effects of HIE and cerebral infarction are especially devastating in newborn babies in whom the brain can literally melt away.
Virchow - Robbin space
The CSF flows/bathes the brain surface and fills the “Virchow-Robbin space”. This space, which surrounds the vessels, ends at the level of the capillaries. Thus, whatever is in the CSF is brought deep into the brain parenchyma (such as inflammatory cells). Under normal circumstances, the BB barrier is intact throughout this system.
blood brain barrier
- no fenestrations or pinocytotic (transportation) vesicles
- tight and adherens junctions
- different receptors and ion channels on their surface facing the lumen than on the surfaces facing the brain, an arrangement that facilitates transcellular transport.
—> blood-brain barrier (BBB).
endothelial cells surrounded by pericytes, and these vascular cells are enclosed within a basement membrane made up of collagens, laminins, and proteoglycans.
Astrocytic processes cover the capillaries, and perivascular macrophages are interposed between them and the capillary basement membrane.
The BBB separates plasma from the interstitial space of the CNS and is key to maintaining homeostasis in the CNS.
- controls the traffic of molecules, including ions and water in and out of the brain
- plays an important role in supplying the brain with nutrients and getting rid of waste and toxic products.
Lipophilic compounds cross the BBB easier than hydrophilic ones do, and small lipophilic molecules such as O2 and CO2 diffuse freely.
The glia limitans
a thick tight mesh of astrocytic processes, joined by dense junctions and covered by basement membrane, resists penetration by bacteria and neutrophils. Undamaged, it provides an effective barrier that prevents the infection from spreading into brain tissue. Thus, brain abscess as a complication of meningitis is rare.
BBB dysfunction.
A wide variety of disorders including stroke, trauma, CNS infections, demyelinative diseases, metabolic disorders, degenerative diseases, and malignant brain tumors are associated with BBB dysfunction.
end result of BBB dysfunction: increased vascular permeability –> vasogenic edema. E.g., blood vessels in GBM and other malignant brain tumors do not have tight junctions, explaining the fluid leakage and cerebral edema that accompanies these tumors.
Cytokines generated during infectious and inflammatory processes enhance transmigration of circulating leukocytes and may even loosen tight junctions, thus facilitating the migration of inflammatory cells into the brain. HIE disrupts the BBB. More subtle BBB dysfunction may result in impaired glucose transport and accumulation of Aβ.
Common causes of bacterial meningitis related to age
Birth to two months: E. coli, Group B Streptococcus, Listeria
Two months to five years: Streptococcus pneumoniae, meningococcus. H. flu was a very common cause prior to development of a vaccine.
older child/adult: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis (Meningococcus). Note: only form of bacterial meningitis that may occur in epidemics.***
Elderly: Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumococcus), E. coli, Group B Streptococcus, Listeria
Cerebral Abscess - signs, spread
Headaches, fever, seizures, focal signs
Mortality 10 - 30% (even with appropriate therapy)
~50% of survivors with complications
Direct extension
- Trauma, surgery
- Endocarditis, other infections