CNS Emergency Flashcards
CT is best in :
Bone fractures
Acute stroke
Cerebral hemorrhage
CT head
Indications :
Obvious compound or depressed fractures
Suspected fracture of skull :scalp laceration or boggy scalp hematoma
Penetrating head injury
Signs of fractured base of skull :black eyes or nose bleeding with CSF discharge
Suspected intracranial foreign body
Scalp hematoma two types :
Cephalo hematoma : beneath the periosteum “ do not cross sutures
SubGaleal hematoma : between periosteum & galea aponeuritica
Types of hematoma in CT scan according to chronicity :
Acute hyper dense lesion
Subacute 7-10 day Isodense lesions
Chronic “more than 2 weeks” : hypodense
Describe the extradural hematoma :
Extra axial hyperdense lens shaped lesion on the RT side for example
“ must mention midline shift if there is one “
Acute on chronic subdural hematoma you can see : “ sign”
Fluid fluid sign
Description : extra axial crescent shaped lesion with mixed densities on the left side for example , with no midline shifting.
Differential diagnosis of cerebellopontine angle tumors:
A coustic neuroma
M eningioma
E pendymoma
N euroepithelial cyst
Describe the Subarachnoid hemorrhage :
Commonly caused by :
Hyperdense material occupying sulci & area surrounding the circle of Willis
Rupture of berry aneurysm
Intraventricular hemorrhage : the present of blood within the ventricular system
Can lead to :
Obstructive hydrocephalus
Describe intraventricular hemorrhage:
Hyperdense material occupying ventricles , heavier than CSF , pooling dependently in the occipital horn
Small amount of intraventricular hemorrhage can be detected by :
MRI is more sensitive than CT
MRI T2 Flair
Criteria of polycystic Kidney disease “ Ultrasound” :
Multiple anechoic non communicating cysts
Posterior acoustic enhancement
Infected or hemorrhagic cysts shows echogenic material
+/- Calcification
DDX of Ring enhanced lesion in the Brain :
Tumour : Glioblastoma , Metastasis
Radiological features of Osteomylitis :
Acute :Intraosscieous abscess
Cloaca “beneath periosteum”
Subacute : Brodie’s abscess
Chronic Osteomylitis :
Séquestrum & involocrum
Radiological features of urinary TB :
Calyces become irregular
Cortical abscess
Fibrosis & ureteric stricture
Parenchymal calcifcation & auto nephrectomy
Urinary bladder fibrosis & irregularity