CNS Flashcards
Doral horn has what type of fibers
sensory affarent
Ventral horn has what type of fibers
motor efferent
Interolateral horn has what type of fibers
Alar plates have what type of n?
sensory affarent
Basilar plates have what type of n?
motor efferent
What do A-alpha n fibers transmit?
What do A-beta n fibers transmit?
What do A-delta n fibers transmit?
pain, temp (1st pain)
What do C n. fibers transmit?
pain, temp, itch (2nd pain)
What n. fibers are unmyelinated?
SNS fiber characteristics
short pre
long post
PNS fiber characteristics
long pre
short post
What to alpha-1 receptors innervate?
VSM = vasoconstriction
What do alpha-2 receptors innervate?
presynaptic n. terminals platelets fat cells GI tract = inhibition
What do Beta-1 receptors innervate?
heart (inc HR and contractility)
What do Beta-2 receptors innervate?
skeletal and bronchial smooth m (dilation)
NE stimulates what receptors
Epi stimulates what receptors
alpha and beta
Spinothalamic tract fxn
lateral: pain, temp, light anterior: touch
Dorsal (post) column fxn:
light touch
cortiospinal (pyramidal) tract fxn:
fine skilled skeletal m. movement
Extrapyramidal tract fxn
gross motor movement, posture, balance
What spinal tract controls neck m.
Spinal cord lesions cause what type of dysfunction?
ipsilateral motor loss (corticospinal)
contralateral pain and temp loss (spinothalamic)
What’s the most abundant excitatory NT?
What’s the most abundant inhibitory NT?
olgiodendrocyte cells
epindymal cells
line ventricular system
microglial cells
phagocytic cells of CNS
Babinski sign indicates damage to what neural structure?
upper motor neuron