CM: Inflammatory Dermatoses Flashcards
normal epidermis
infiltrate around blood vessels in superficial plexus
blood vessels dilated
superficial perivascular dermatitis w/o epidermal change
What is the clinical presentation of superficial perivascular dermatitis w/o epidermal change?
erythematous macules and patches, papules and plaques
normal epidermis –> smooth skin surface
What kinds of skin diseases commonly show a superficial perivascular dermatitis w/o epidermal change pattern?
viral exanthems
drug eruptions of morbilliform type (7-14 days after)
thickened stratum corneum = parakeratosis
alteration of dermoepidermal jxn by infiltrate
superficial perivascular dermatitis w interface change
What are the two types of superficial perivascular dermatitis w interface change?
vacuolar subtype - interface altered by vacuolated basal cells as result of inflammation
lichenoid subtype - lichen planus like, band of lymphocytes obscures interface
What is the clinical presentation of superficial perivascular dermatitis w interface change?
erythema, violaceous
papules and plaques, scale
What skin diseases commonly show superficial perivascular inflammation w interface change?
EM, dermatomyositis, lichen planus, mycosis fungoides, cutaneous t cell lymphoma
serum and inflammatory cells in stratum corneum
acanthosis and parakeratosis
superficial perivascular infiltrate
superficial perivascular dermatitis w spongiosis
What is the clinical presentation of superficial perivascular dermatitis w spongiosis?
erythema, papules and plaques, crust
Which skin diseases present w superficial perivascular dermatitis w spongiosis?
allergic contact dermatitis
nummular dermatitis
tinea inf
superficial perivascular infiltrate
epidermal hyperplasia due to elongation of thinned rete ridges
diminished granular layer and parakeratosis
thin epidermis above widened capillaries
neutrophils in stratum corneum or spinous layer
superficial perivascular dermatitis w psoriasiform hyperplasia
What is the clinical presentation of superficial perivascular dermatitis w psoriasiform hyperplasia?
erythema, papules and plaques, sharp circumscription of lesions, (silver) scale
What are skin diseases that show superficial perivascular dermatitis w psoriasiform hyperplasia?
lichen simplex chronicus
inflammatory cells in superficial and deep vascular plexuses in dermis
variable changes in epidermis
superficial and deep perivascular dermatitis
What is the clinical presentation of superficial and deep perivascular dermatitis?
erythema, papules and plaques, indurated due to deeper inflammation
What are skin diseases that present w superficial and deep perivascular dermatitis?
lupus and dermatomyositis (interface change) secondary syph (psoriasiform + lichenoid changes) arthropod bite rxn (maybe spongiosis)
perivascular aggregates of inflammatory cells around superficial and deep vascular plexi
extensive coalescence of nodular aggregates to form sheets
possible granulomas
nodular and diffuse dermatitis
What is the clinical correlation of nodular and diffuse dermatitis?
reddish-brown granulomatous infiltrates by exam
yellow-brown infiltrates on diascopy
erythematous non-granulomatous infiltrates
papules, nodules, plaques
What are skin diseases that show a nodular and diffuse dermatitis pattern?
Hansen’s dz, tb, sarcoidosis, sweet syndrome, b-cell lymphoma
*blood vessel injury or destruction
What are the different kinds of vasculitis?
small vessel: leukocytoclasis = perivascular neutrophilic infiltrate, extravasated erythrocytes, fibrinoid degeneration, endothelial cell necrosis
medium and large vessel
What is the clinical correlation of vasculitis?
small vessel: purpuric macules, patches, papules, plaques
medium vessel: papulonodules
What are the skin diseases that present w vasculitis?
leukocytoclastic vasculitis, PN, Wegener’s
vesicles w/i epidermis
ballooning degeneration
intraepidermal vesicular dermatitis
What is the clinical correlation of intraepidermal vesicular dermatitis?
translucent vesicle or bulla
What are skin diseases that present w intraepidermal vesicular dermatitis?
pemphigus vulgarus
allergic contact dermatitis
vesicles beneath epidermis
sometimes superficial perivascular inflammation in dermis
subepidermal vesicular dermatitis
What is the clinical correlation of subepidermal vesicular dermatitis?
translucent vesicle or bullae, erythema at base of blister
thicker roof = tense bullae
loss of roof = erosions
What are skin dzs that show subepidermal vesicular dermatitis?
bullous pemphigoid
dermatitis herpatiformis
porphyria cutanea tarda
alteration in quality and quantity of collagen
fibrosis w increase in fibrocytes, sclerosis w decrease in fibrocytes
fibrosing and/or sclerosing dermatitis
What is the clinical correlation of fibrosing and/or sclerosing dermatitis?
erythema and violaceous border of active inflammation
papules and plaques from increased collagen
depressed plaques from decreased collagen
What are skin dzs that show a fibrosing or sclerosing dermatitis?
scar, keloid, morphea, scleroderma
inflammatory cells w/i follicle
follicular pustule
inflammatory cells around follicle
What is the clinical correlate of folliculitis/perifolliculitis?
erythema, yellow or creamy pustules
follicular papules
papules or nodules
What are skin diseases that show folliculitis/perifolliculitis?
acne vulgaris and hidradenitis suppurativa
alopecia areata (just perifolliculitis)
inflammatory cells in fibrous septa of subcutaneous fat
septal panniculitis (erythema nodosum)
inflammatory cells present through lobules as well as septa of subcutaneous fat
foamy macrophages
lobular panniculitis (lupus profundus)
What is the clinical correlate of panniculitis?
nodules and plaques w ill defined boundaries fixed to underlying fascia
What does erythema correlate with?
inflammation (non-granulomatous) and vascular dilation
What does scale correlate with?
What does serous crust correlate with?
spongiosis, serum and inflammatory cells in stratum corneum, loss of epidermal barrier fxn
What does deep inflammation correlate with?
What does flaccid blister correlate with?
intraepidermal vesicle
What does tense blister correlate with?
subepidermal vesicle
What does sclerotic abundant collagen extending throughout dermis correlate with?
hide bound skin
What does ill-defined borders correlate with?
subcutaneous inflammation