Cluster 2 - Tort Law Flashcards
Define Tort Law
Tort law is a part of
private law, governing liability outside of contract
What is the aim of tort law?
The aims of tort law are (1) the compensation of the victim (award of damages, injunction) and (2) prevention.
Types of liability
Liability can be fault based (directly involves the tortfeasor) or
strict (based on one’s relationship with the tortfeasor, e.g. vicarious, Negligence).
What are the requirements for negligence?
1.The existence of a duty or care.
2. A breach of that duty.
3. Harm as a consequence of the breach.
What are the 3 elements
considered in civil law in
relation to fault based
General fault-based liability – 3 main elements:
1. Fault (of the tortfeaser)
2. Damage – harm to some interest (material/immaterial)
3. Causality
Name 3 defences the
tortfeasor may consider.
If someone consented, act not unlawful (e.g. boxing match)
- If plaintiff contributed to damage, reduced or no damages (e.g. car accident)
- Prescription (statute of limitations) time limit for starting court action by
victim since having had the necessary knowledge (3 years – English, German;
10 years – French; there can be exceptions – e.g. sexual abuse
What is Prescription(Statue of limitation)
Prescription (statute of limitations) time limit for starting court action by
victim since having had the necessary knowledge (3 years – English, German;
10 years – French; there can be exceptions – e.g. sexual abuse)