Clojure Flashcards
Unlike most Lisp systems, Clojure doesn’t use its own custom virtual machine. It was originally designed to compile to code that would run on the ANSWER.
Java Virtual Machine
The main programming paradigm for Clojure is ANSWER programming.
The loop and recur constructs are in Clojure to guide ANSWER.
tail recursion optimization
tail recursion elimination
In Clojure, the value of (repeat 1) is ANSWER.
an infinite sequence of 1s
a lazy infinite sequence of 1s
In Clojure, (take 3 (iterate (fn [x] (* 2 x)) 2)) produces ANSWER.
(4 8 16)
The main Clojure approach to concurrency is called ANSWER.
Software Transactional Memory
In Clojure, ANSWER is a concurrency construct that allows an asynchronous return before computation is complete.
a future
In Clojure, you cannot change a reference outside of ANSWER,
a transaction