two major areas in clinical microscopy
Urinalysis and Fecalysis
examination of urine
Lab examinations of feces
Used to chemicaly test urine
Reagent strip
Duties or Test Performed under CM
Routine Urinalysis
Urine: Beta-hcg testing
tested in physical examination of urine
color and clarity
tested in chemical examination of urine
11 parameters
where are the kidneys located
posterior abdominal wall known as retroperitoneum
The part that is tested in microscopic examination after urine is centrifuged
The liquid part above a residue after a sample is centrifuged
detected in fecalysis
parasitic worms and ova and Fecal occult blood test
what is examined in FOBT
Colorectal Cancer
Beta-hcg meaning
Beta-human chrionic gonadotropin
where is beta-hcg produced
meaning of beta-hcg in urine
person in pregnant
measurement of kidney
150g, 12.5 cm in length, 6cm in width, and 2.5 cm in depth
functional unit of kidneys
how many nephrons are there in kidneys
Reasons for performing urinalysis
Diagnosis of disease
Screening asymptomatic populations for undetected disorder
Monitoring the progress of disease
Monitoring the effectiveness of therapy
Composition of urine
consists of urea and other chemicals dissolved in water
Major organic solute in urine
urea (protein, amino acid breakdown), and creatinine and uric acid
percent composition of urine
95% water and 5% solutes
factors that may effect percent composition of urine
dietary intake, physical activity, body metabolism, and endocrine function
most useful substance that identifies a fluid as urine
uniquely high creatine concentration
term for urine that has not left the body yet
determined by body’s state of hydration
urine volume
normal urine output
1200-1500 ml
600-2000 ml is considered normal
decrease in urine output
increase in urine output
no urine output
increase urine output at night
Normal urine color
pale yellow- yellow - dark yellow
yellow pigment in urine
abnormal urine color
red = rbc in blood
black = malignant melanoma
what are present when urine are turbid
RBC WBC bacteria abnormal crystals lymph fluids
presence of rbc in blood
presence of wbc in blood
They produce casts
reticulo endothelial cells
presence of casts in blood
Epithelial cells
squamous, transitional, rte
where are squamous epithelial cells found
lining of vagina, urethra
where are transitional epithelial cells found
renal pelvis, calyces, ureters, bladder
where are rte found
tubules of kidneys
indicator of kidney disease or injury
RTE with lipid
oval fat bodies
most common parasite in urine
caused by trichomonas
strawberry cervix or ping pong disease, trichomonas vaginalis
other elements that can be observed when examining urine under the microscope
bacteria, yeast, spermatozoa, mucus
how are crystals in urine formed
precipitation of solutes
what crystal signifies that px has gouty arthritis
uric acid crystal
2 major brands of reagent strips
multistix and chemstrip
Some of the laboratory methods in parasitology
baermann funnel
bentonite flocculation test
entero/string test
FECT Formalin Ether Concentration technique
Kato Katz
knott’s concentration test
scotch tape swab