Clinical Technique Manual Flashcards
What are the mandatory questions for the subjective assessment of a lower quadrant scan?
- bladder, bowel, genital dysfunction
- saddle paresthesia
- rectal, scrotal, testicular, penile, vaginal, or perineal pain
- groin and medial thigh pain
- medication usage (steroids, NSAIDs, anticoagulants)
- special tests: x-rays, bone scans, CT scans, MRI, MRA, blood work
What is the objective ax for a lower quadrant scan in terms of:
- observation
- active movements
- passive movements
- neuro exam (key ms and dermatomes, reflexes, cord and upper motor neuron signs)
- articular assessment
- neural mobility tests
- vascular assessment
- p 15-17
Lumbar spine assessment and Rx
p 18-21
SA (mandatory and joint specific questions)
- read over surface anatomy (what makes up the femoral triangle?, what way do the Lx facet joints face?, where does the iliac crest lie? What lies in popliteal fossa?)
- resisted tests (RISOM)
- palpation (what are signs of a facilitated segment?)
- articular assessment
- neural mobility tests
- joint stability tests (what’s Farfan’s torsion test?)
Hip assessment and Rx
p 22-24
SA (mandatory and joint specific questions)
- observation
- read over surface anatomy (O, I, and function of adductor longus?)
- AROM/active tests
- resisted tests (RISOM)
- palpation
- neural mobility tests
- vascular assessment
- joint stability tests
Knee assessment and Rx
p 25-29
SA (mandatory and joint specific questions)
- observation (Baker’s cyst, Osgoode-Schlatter’s Disease)
- read over surface anatomy (medial and lateral coronary ligament, oes anserinus tendons, adductor tubercle, Gerdy’s tubercle, trochlear groove, heads of the hamstrings, fat pad and suprapatellar bursa, what is in the popliteal fossa)
- AROM/active tests
- resisted tests (RISOM)
- palpation
- neural mobility tests
- vascular assessment
- joint stability tests/stress tests (what angles to test varus and valgus at)
- special tests (lachman’s, mcmurray, apleys)
- DTFs (5)
- Mobs (4)
Foot and ankle Ax and Rx
p 30-34
SA (mandatory and joint specific questions)
- observation
- read over surface anatomy
- AROM/active tests
- non-weight bearing tests
- resisted tests (RISOM)
- palpation
- neural mobility tests
- vascular assessment
- joint stability tests/stress tests
- DTFs (2) - contraindications for achilles tendon DTF?
- Mobs (4)
What are the mandatory questions for the subjective assessment of an upper quadrant scan?
Cardinal S&S
- paraesthesia (bilateral, quadrilateral, hemi, hemi + contralateral facial paraesthesia)
- peri-oral numbness
- dysphasia
- drop attacks
- periodic LOC
- cranial nerve signs
Non-Cardinal S&S
- bowel and bladder S&S
- facial paraesthesia
- dizziness or vertigo
- diplopia
- dysarthria
- dysphagia
Other Mandatory Q’s
- traumatic MOI
- immediate post-trauma pain
- pain with cough
- headache (possible intracranial lesion)
- medication usage (steroids, NSAIDs, anticoagulants)
- special tests: x-rays, bone scans, CT scans, MRI, MRA, blood work
What is the objective ax for an upper quadrant scan in terms of:
- observation
- active movements
- passive movements
- neuro exam (key ms and dermatomes, reflexes, cord and upper motor neuron signs)
- articular assessment
- neural mobility tests
- vascular assessment
p 35-38
how to assess the vertebrobasilar system
p 39
describe the cranial nerve assessment
p 39/40
Cx spine Ax and Rx
p 41-44
SA (mandatory and joint specific questions - vertebral artery symptoms vs cord signs)
- observation
- read over surface anatomy (what is the posterior triangle of the neck?, vertebral body landmarks (C1-7), anterior aspect of cervical vertebrae palpation)
- AROM/active tests
- resisted tests (RISOM)
- palpation
- articular assessment
- neural mobility tests
- vascular assessment
- joint stability tests/stress tests (OA vs AA joints)
Tx spine Ax and Rx
p 45-48
SA (mandatory and joint specific questions)
- observation
- read over surface anatomy (levels of T-spine anterior markers, spinus and transverse process, rib angles alignment for T-spine)
- AROM/active tests
- resisted tests (RISOM)
- palpation
- articular assessment (sitting and prone)
- neural mobility tests
- joint stability tests/stress tests
Shoulder girdle Ax and Rx
p 49-53
SA (mandatory and joint specific questions)
- observation
- read over surface anatomy (level of scapula, GH capsule attachments)
- AROM/active tests
- resisted tests (RISOM)
- palpation
- neural mobility tests
- joint stability tests/stress tests
- DTF (4 main types + subtypes)
Elbow Ax and Rx
p 54-56
SA (mandatory and joint specific questions)
- observation (normal carrying angle values m and f)
- read over surface anatomy
- resisted tests (RISOM)
- palpation
- neural mobility tests
- vascular ax
- joint stability tests/stress tests
- DTF (3 main types)
Wrist and Hand Ax and Rx
p 57-60
SA (mandatory and joint specific questions)
- observation
- read over surface anatomy (anatomical snuffbox structures)
- resisted tests (RISOM)
- palpation
- neural mobility tests
- vascular ax
- joint stability tests/stress tests
- DTF (2 main types)