Clinical Signs: Repro & Urinary Flashcards
Name the kidney disease:
Unilateral: abdominal distention with palpable mass
Bilateral: severe azotemia then death
Name that kidney disease:
Signs vary with type, size and location.
Hematuria, abdominal distension, anorexia, weight loss, depression, abdominal pain.
Seen on ULS
Renal Neoplasia
Name that ureter condition:
Associated with other abnormalities such as hydroureter, small/absent kidney, pelvic bladder.
Signs: incontinence, fails to house train, UIT, urine scalding.
Seen in young female Siberian Huskies.
Ectopic Ureter
Name that ureter disease:
Dilation of distal ureter. Classified as either intravesicular or ectopic. See signs of UTI, incontinence, or azotemia if obstruction.
Name that ureter disease:
Primarily in cats. Can be asymptomatic or signs of UTI, hemturia, anorexia, lethargy and pain.
In radiographs can see radiopaque stones. In ULS you can see dilation of ureter/pelvis of the kidney.
What nerves supply the bladder?
Hypogastric- sympathetic
Pelvic- parasympathetic
What is the blood supply of the bladder?
Caudal vesicular
Prostatic/vaginal artery
What is the most cranial area of the bladder?
What is the most common type of urachal abnormality?
Vesicouracheal diverticulum.
Name that bladder disease:
Urine dribbling from umbilicus, omphalitis, ventral abdominal dermatitis, UTI.
Hint: its a urachal abnormality
Persistent Urachus
Name that bladder disease:
Severe cystitis caused by trauma.
Acute signs of hematuria, anuria and abdominal pain.
Progresses to signs of dehydration, acidosis, azotemia, hyperkalemia, and death within 47-90 hours.
Bladder can be palpable or not. Can have normal urination or not.
Bladder Rupture
Name that bladder disease:
Signs similar to LUTD. Palpation of a large thickened bladder. UTI is common. More severe signs if obstructed.
Cystic Calculi
Name that bladder disease:
Resembles TCC. Found in females. Signs of hematuria.
Polypoid Cystitis
Name that bladder disease:
Palpable abdominal mass, painful abdomen, weight loss, signs of metastatic disease(lymphadenopathy, coughing/dyspnea, lameness).
Transitional Cell Carcinoma
Name that urethra condition:
Caused by sexual excitement, dyspnea, infection and straining. See in young male brachycephalic dogs.
Can see bleeding from prepuce, licking and red-purple mass.
Urethral prolapse
Name that urethra condition:
Incidence has decline due to dietry changes. High incidence in male cats. Results in uremia and can lead to death.
Caused by mucous plugs, crystals or stones, neoplasia, or strictures.
Urethral Obstruction
Where are urethral obstructions most common in male dogs?
Ischial arch or just caudal to os penis