Clinical Signs: Repro & Urinary Flashcards
Name the kidney disease:
Unilateral: abdominal distention with palpable mass
Bilateral: severe azotemia then death
Name that kidney disease:
Signs vary with type, size and location.
Hematuria, abdominal distension, anorexia, weight loss, depression, abdominal pain.
Seen on ULS
Renal Neoplasia
Name that ureter condition:
Associated with other abnormalities such as hydroureter, small/absent kidney, pelvic bladder.
Signs: incontinence, fails to house train, UIT, urine scalding.
Seen in young female Siberian Huskies.
Ectopic Ureter
Name that ureter disease:
Dilation of distal ureter. Classified as either intravesicular or ectopic. See signs of UTI, incontinence, or azotemia if obstruction.
Name that ureter disease:
Primarily in cats. Can be asymptomatic or signs of UTI, hemturia, anorexia, lethargy and pain.
In radiographs can see radiopaque stones. In ULS you can see dilation of ureter/pelvis of the kidney.
What nerves supply the bladder?
Hypogastric- sympathetic
Pelvic- parasympathetic
What is the blood supply of the bladder?
Caudal vesicular
Prostatic/vaginal artery
What is the most cranial area of the bladder?
What is the most common type of urachal abnormality?
Vesicouracheal diverticulum.
Name that bladder disease:
Urine dribbling from umbilicus, omphalitis, ventral abdominal dermatitis, UTI.
Hint: its a urachal abnormality
Persistent Urachus
Name that bladder disease:
Severe cystitis caused by trauma.
Acute signs of hematuria, anuria and abdominal pain.
Progresses to signs of dehydration, acidosis, azotemia, hyperkalemia, and death within 47-90 hours.
Bladder can be palpable or not. Can have normal urination or not.
Bladder Rupture
Name that bladder disease:
Signs similar to LUTD. Palpation of a large thickened bladder. UTI is common. More severe signs if obstructed.
Cystic Calculi
Name that bladder disease:
Resembles TCC. Found in females. Signs of hematuria.
Polypoid Cystitis
Name that bladder disease:
Palpable abdominal mass, painful abdomen, weight loss, signs of metastatic disease(lymphadenopathy, coughing/dyspnea, lameness).
Transitional Cell Carcinoma
Name that urethra condition:
Caused by sexual excitement, dyspnea, infection and straining. See in young male brachycephalic dogs.
Can see bleeding from prepuce, licking and red-purple mass.
Urethral prolapse
Name that urethra condition:
Incidence has decline due to dietry changes. High incidence in male cats. Results in uremia and can lead to death.
Caused by mucous plugs, crystals or stones, neoplasia, or strictures.
Urethral Obstruction
Where are urethral obstructions most common in male dogs?
Ischial arch or just caudal to os penis
Where is urethral obstruction in male cats most common?
Distal 1/3 urethra
Name that urethra condition:
Caused by blunt or penetrating trauma, pelvic or os penis fractures and iatrogenic catheterization.
See signs of hematuria, stranguria, SQ or abdominal fluid accumulation or signs of azotemia.
Urethral Trauma
Name the condition of the ovary:
Prolonged stage of estrus seen in young adult dogs and cats.
Functional Ovarian Cyst
Name that ovarian condition:
Incidental finding. Space occupying lesion.
Hormone related signs. Progesterone:pyometra w/ progesterone and estrogen:persistent proestrus/estrus.
Ovarian Neoplasia
Ovarian cancer in cats tends to be more
Malignant or benign
Name that ovarian condition:
After OHE/OVE surgery. Recurrence of estrus: vulvular swelling and behavioral estrus. Vaginal bleeding uncommon because the uterus has already been removed.
Ovarian Remnant Syndrome
What hormone does the ovary produce after heat(estrus)
Name that Uterus Condition:
Caused by excess progesterone. Glandular tissue becomes cystic.
The uterus fills with secretion and cysts may become hemorrhagic.
Signs of failure to conceive, bright and alert, some systemically ill.
Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia
What do you get when you combine bacteria with cystic uterine disease?
Name that uterine condition:
Recent heat cycle. PU/PD and possible systemic illness.
Fever, abdominal pain/guarding, vaginal discharge(purulent).
What impairs the concentrating ability of the kidney by inhibiting ADH in the proximal tubule?
Bacterial Toxins.
If you have an intact female presenting for any systemic illness, what should be on your rule out list?
Name that uterine condition:
Occurs post partum. Signs of systemic illness with foul smelling reddish brown discharge.
Name that uterine condition:
Signs of shock, abdominal pain, “acute abdomen” following dystocia.
Uterine torsion.
Name that vagina condition:
Recurrent vaginitis, recurrent UTI, difficulty.pain with breeding, urinary incontinence.
Vestibulovaginal Stenosis
Name that vagina condition:
Common in medium to large breed dogs in St. Kitts. Looks like there is a hood on the vulva.
Signs of skin fold dermatitis or vaginitis. Urine pooling with recurrent UTI and apparent incontinence.
Recessed Vulva
Name that vagina condition:
Older intact female dogs with signs of vaginal discharge, dysuria and tenemus. Can usually see a vulvar mass.
Vagina Neoplasia. Most likely a Leiomyoma.(benign)
Name that mammary condition:
Rapidly progressive signs of edema, erythema of affected mammary glands. Firm consistency and painful.
Signs may mimic mastitis.
Inflammatory carcinoma
How many mammary glands does a cat have?
Name that mammary condition:
Lesion that occurs in young cats. Seen during first estrus cycle or during pregnancy.
Fibroadenomatous Hyperplasia.
Hello, I am
Suppress spermatogenesis in normal testicle
Highly prone to neoplastic transformation
Prone to torsion
What male repro condition am I?
Cryptorchid testicle
This male repro condition is found commonly with abdominal testicles. You can see mild signs or acute abdomen signs like pain and shock.
It is diagnosed by ULS and upon palpation. With surgery it is fatal.
What is it?
Testicular Torsion
I cause urine scalding and stranguria in Boston Terriers.
What male repro condition am i?
Name that male repro condition:
A normal aging change. Will see signs of dyschezia and dysuria.
PAIN-FREE prostate on palpation.
Name that male repro condition:
Seen in middle aged to older intact dogs with pre-existing BPH.
Signs seen include: dyschezia, dysuria, pain on urination/defecation, purulent penile discharge.
Signs of illness:anorexia, lethargy FEVER
In severe cases will see septic shock and peritonitis
Prostate VERY PAINFUL on palpation.
Name that male repro condition:
Large discrete mass in caudal abdomen. May be asymptomatic so usually an incidental finding.
Will see “double bladder on ULS”
Prostatic Cyst
Name that male repro condition:
Signs of dysuria, hematuria, urinary retention, dyschezia due to rectal compression, weight loss, lethargy, pain and lameness common due to bone metastasis.
Upon rectal palpation the prostate will be large and asymmetrical.
Prostatic Neoplasia