Clinical Science Flashcards
Order of Stance Phase:
Initial Contact (heel strike) Load Response (foot flat) Mid stance (push off) Terminal Stance (acceleration)
Swing Phase:
Pre -Swing (toe off) Mid swing (swing through) Terminal swing (deceleration)
What disease can case all types of gait pathology?
Cerebral Palsy
What is Erb’s Palsy
Traction injury to upper brachial plexus
C5 - C6 nerve root
Waiter’s tip
(Shoulder Add and int rot, elbow EXT, wrist and finger FLX)
What runs under the 5th Metatarsal (styloid process of foot)?
ABductor Digiti Minimi
Fibularis Longus
How is Osteoporosis Diagnosed?
X-rays (densitometry) Heel ultrasound (check bone density)
How is Hyper Tension diagnosed?
Blood pressure reading
Above 140/90
On 2 - 3 occasions during a 4 week period
What’s the function of a Halo?
To stabilize the cervical spine after a traumatic injury to the neck/spinal injury
Define a Cohort Study
Observational Study / developing evidence
Outcome has not yet occurred
Members are observed for a long period of time
High Attrition
A review of literature and hypotheses:
An Abstract
CI for contact dermatitis:
No work over affected areas (open lesions, blisters)
irritating substances are avoided
CI for psoriasis:
Massage is NOT CI’d UNLESS there is open lesions
It’s uncomfortable for the client
Special Test for Medial Meniscus:
Apley’s Compression Test with Lateral Rot
Bragard’s sign can also point to Med, meniscus injury
How to differentiate meniscus tear:
Apley’s Compress (meniscus)
Apley’s distraction (collateral ligaments)
ITB Friction Syndrom
Inflam + P where ITB crosses Lat Femoral Condyle
Caused by running/cycling, over use, Ant pelvic tilt, HT TFL
P felt along Lat thigh and into Lat knee
TPs in TFL, hip flexors, and Rec Fem
+ Nobles Test
Tx = stretch ITB adn TFL + hot hydro (or ice if inflamed)
Last Layer of skin:
Largest Carpal Bone
Systemic Lupus Erythematous (Chronic)
Tx = decreasing P, HT, TPs to
maintain thoracic lumbar mobility and respiratory function.
Prevent/reduce postural changes
Educate client about correct posture (stress reduc + hyperkyphosis tx)
Maintain mobility, strength erectors, increase post pelvic tilt
Diaphragmatic breathing into Lat ribs
Effect of hydrotherapy on Abdomen:
Cold wash stimulates bowel mvmts
Ilieocecal Valve
Found in R lower Quadrant btw small and large intestine
Prevents material from flowing back into the small intestine
A referred P pattern over the right shoulder could be caused by:
Liver or Gallbladder
Inflam, irritation, disease
T12 refferred P could be from:
Lower Abdomen & Groin region
Parathesia over the anatomical stuff box involves:
ABductor Pollicis Longus
EXT Pollicis Longus
Achilles Tendonitis S/Sx:
P felt along tendon btw gastrocnemius/soles complex & calcaneus
Caused by running on a prorated foot or HT calves)
(Boards question asks the effect of cryotherapy on the injury adn how long you should leave on the cold txt and what the outcome/affect is)