Clinical Epidemiology Flashcards
clinical epidemiology
focuses on patients and the application of epidemiological methods to assess the efficacy of screening, diagnosis, and treatmnent in a clinical setting
what is a simple measure of prognosis?
case-fatality rate
Case fatality rate
incidence cases who die from a disease/condition during a specific time period; good for acute infectious diseases/conditions
sensitivity of a screening
proportion of subjects with the disease who have a positive test [TP/(TP+FN)]
specifity of a screening
proportion of subjects without the disese who have a negative test [TN/TN+FP)]
how well a test measures what exactly it is supposed to measure
the consistency of a test over time–repeatability
pro-gnosis (before-knowing)
prediciton of the course of disease for a given patient
lead time
difference in time between the date of diagnosis with screening and the date of diagnosis without screening
length bias sampling
screening is more likely to detect slower-growing tumors that are less lethal
selection bias
caused by choosing non-random, non-representative data for analysis
overdiagnosis bias
when screening identifies an illness that would not have shown clinical signs before a person’s death from other causes
avoiding bias
use the randomized control trial
intended to improve the prognosis of diagnosed cases; important for chronic disease
lead time bias
the survival time is improved because screening led to the discovery of the disease earlier
odds ratio
measure of relative probabilities of disease in case-control studies
true positive
indicates that a person has the disease when they do; leads to needed cx and tx
false positive
indicates that a person has the disease when in fact they do not; causes unnecessary stress and anxiety
true negative
indicates that a person does not have a disease when they don’t; ideal situation
false negative
indicates tha a person does not have a disease when they do; creates a false sense of security and lack of needed cx and tx