Clinical discussion: back and thorax Flashcards
COPD on xray
Pink puffer: flattening of diaphragm, hyperinflation of chest, larger costophrenic angle
Blue bloater: sternum out, ribs lifted up as if to take a huge breath
Head forward posture
narrows posterior oropharynx, COPD pts, increases risk of sleep apnea, neck collapsing into chest –> limited ability to generative negative intrathoracic pressure to pump lymphatics …fluid backup
INhalation ribs
caused by coughing and air trapping, limit ability to generate negative intrathoracic pressure, fixed with rib raising
Flattened diaphragm
caused by coughing, air trapping, limit ability to generative negative intrathoracic pressure, diaphragm redoming, fixed with pedal pump
anticholinergic, good drug for COPD
Kerley B lines
lymphatic vessels between lung lobule segments, appear as white lines throughout lungs on cxr, appear as 1-2 cm long lines perpendicular to the pleura in the costophrenic angle, where easiest to see
CXR of lymphedema pt
Kerley B lines, fluid collects in costophrenic angle, hazing around lung root where lymph builds up, hylar nodes are in the hilum (aka bronchopulmonary nodes)
Frank-Starling’s Law
- ability to pump more is decreased in heart failure
- graph showing curves: blue curve (bottom) is “Sleeping,” purple is “walking,” etc.
- ionotropy = pumping strength
- downward right side slope i due to heart attempting to pump for more than its ionotropy allows –> decreased pumping ability –> fluid backup
CHF on capillary system
- increased hydrostatic pressure (increased pressure in capillary beds –> blood not flowing away quickly)
- possibly decreased osmotic pressure (low protein - albumin)