Clinical cases, test prep Flashcards
Peruvian farmer, 2 days of non painful ulcer, dyspnea, HA, shock. CXR shows mediastinal widening.
Organism? Transmission? Diagnosis? Treatment?
Bacillus Anthracis
Inhalation of spores
Penicillin + Cipro + Meropenem + antitoxin (if you have it) The reason for these drugs is because he has CNS involvement
Peruvian farmer, two week history of painful lesions
Organism? Transmission? Diagnosis? Treatment?
Dx: Sporothrix Schenkii
Transmission: Cutaneous
Diagnosis: Daisy cells on pathology
Tx; Itraconazole
Patient with painful lesion (12cm) that developed over 12 months. Undermined lesion. Organism? Treatment?
Dx: Mycobacterium Ulcerans (Buruli Ulcer)
Tx: Clarithromycin + Rifampicin
Painless ulcer/lesion that developed over 1 week in a Brazilian Farmer
Organism? Treatment?
Dx: Leishmania Braziliensis
Tx: Pentavalent Antimonials
VERY painful lesion that developed over 2 days. Plaque like lesion with small vesicles and 3 colors. Red, white, blue. Organism? Tx?
Dx: Loxosceles spp (spider bite)
Tx: None
Bolivian patient with a 6 month h/o pleuritic chest pain, wound at the lateral chest wall, pleural effusion, grain.
Empyema necesitans, actinomyces spp
Tx: Penicillin
Painless lesions with concomitant uveitis and hepatitis. NEver traveled out of Lima. Disseminated papular nodular rash on back, palms and soles. Organism? Tx?
Treponema Pallidum (syphilis)
Tx: Penicillin
A 50 year old woman returns from 2 weeks of medical mission trip to Honduras. She develops bloating, epigastric discomfort, diarrhea. The diarrhea is watery/foul smelling. What are the top 4 protozoans that cause this? Treatment for each?
- Giardia Lamblia -Metronidazole
- Cystoisospora Belli-TMP/SMX
- Cyclospora Cayatenensis -TMP/SMX
- Cryptosporidium Hominis-Nitazoxanide
12 year old girl with headache, seizures, tonic/clonic seizures, HA, photophobia. From Cusco, no known TB contacts.
Organism? Treatment?
Single CT lesion <20mm, no e/o ICP elevation, Can see the scolex:
Taenia Solium, Neurocystercircosis
Tx: Albendazole + steroids (both for short time) + Keppra (AEDs to be continued)
*DO NOT need prazi because only single cyst
24yoF with h/o developmental delay; Seizures at 8years old, continued to have seizures.
Identify what kind of cyst, what is the organism, what is the treatment
Cystic lesions with scolex present, calcifications: intraventricular AND subarachnoid
Org: T. Solium, neurocystercircosis
Tx: Concern for hydrocephalus with ventricular NCC, so need to consider neuroendoscopy removal if possible or a VP shunt to relieve hydrocephalus. Continue albendazole and praziquantel and steroids and anti epileptics
Patient has intermittent positional vertigo and headache. One day, develops left hemiparesis. ICP is increased. Has Hoffmans sign, UE Strength diminished. What do you see, what are you concerned about, what organism, what tx
You see CT scan with dilated lateral and third ventricle, concern for intraventricular but also maybe subarachnoid involvement. Lacunar strokes are concerning.
Organism: Taenia Solium, INtraventricular, subarachnoid
Tx: Steroids, Mannitol, Albendazole, Praziquantel, Acetazolamide, VP Shunt
45yo F 10-15 years PTA seizure. Began paresthesias in fingers, hands, arms, LOC, tonic clonic movements, somnolence. What do you see? What is the organism? What is the treatment
MRI shows ICP elevation, cerebral edema, collapsed ventricles.
Dx: Taenia Solium
Tx: DO NOT give antiparasitic drugs in ICP elevation; first give STEROIDS and other meds to control ICP. THEN give Albendazole and prazi. If you give antiparasitics immediately, you will cause the parasite to die and increase ICP even more
A 55 year old mexican male presented with fever, abdominal pain, RUQ tenderness with leukocytosis and left shift. Alk phosph 2x ULN. Single hypodense lesion in the right lobe of his liver. Organism? Treatment?
Organism : Entamoeba Histolytica
Treatment: Luminal agent-parmomycin, Tissular-Metronidazole
62yo Man presented with 3 days of fever, onset 4 weeks after safari to tanzania. INitial evaluation neg, fever resolved. Pt then devloped a urticarial rash, pruritis. Labs WBC 8100, Eos 12%. Pt went swimming in hotel pond. What causes this? How to diagnose? What treatment?
Organism: Schistosoma spp (Katayama Fever)
Diagnosis: Serology
Treatment: Steroids (for the katayama fever) + Praziquantel. Then repeat the prazi to kill the adult worms
Fresh water exposure in Africa, high grade eosinophilia. Fever, Rash, Urticaria. Oranism? Diagnosis? Treatment?
Organism: Acute schistosoma spp (Katayama Fever)
Diagnosis: Serology
Treatment: Praziquantel + Steroids, repeat Praziquantel
65yoF immigrant from cambodia 20years prior. Notes mild abdominal pain. Exam unremarkable. Abs eos 720. Stool O&P negative. H pylori negative. Colonoscopy neg. Organism? Diagnosis? Treatment?
Org: Strongyloides Stercoralis
Diagnosis: Serology
Tx: Ivermectin (2 doses) unless hyperinfection
Cough, nonspecific abdominal pain, rash , perianal itching
Org: Strongyloides Stercoralis
Diagnosis: Serology
Tx: Ivermectin (2 doses)
Soldiers with eosinophilia >10%, abdominal pain and diarrhea. In moist climate, exposed to soil
Organism: Hookworm spp. (Necator Americanus, Ancylostoma Duodenale)
Diagnosis: Stool examination
Treatment: Albendazole
What is the lifecycle of this?
organism: Hook worm
Life cycle: eggs in feces, rhabditiform larva hatches, development to filariform larva in the environment, filariform larva penetrates the skin, larva exit irculation in the lungs, coughed and swallowed
26year old man with 6 years of working in the rainforest in Madagascar, ROS MIld swelling in the forearms. Lives in rural areas. Has lived in Africa. +Eosinophilia. Migratory swelling . Organism? Vector? Symmptoms? Diagnosis? Treatment?
Organism: Loa Loa
Vector: Chrysops fly
Symptoms: calabar swelling, eye worm
Diagnose: centrifuge blood and examine microscopy
Treatment: Depending on #. Caution with ivermectin and DEC because of CNS side effects if microfilaria >2500 mf/mL. Look for co-infection with onchocerca (skin snips) -then definitely do not give DEC!
tropical pulmonary eosinophilia and calabar swelling
Loa Loa
Diagnose: Blood microscopy
Treatment: >2500, apharesis then DEC
<2500 DEC
Check onchocerca first
Caution with ivermectin for CNS side effects
23yoF traveled to SE Asia for 2 months. 3 weeks after return, onset fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, urticarial rash. Lab shows 57% eos.
Toxocara Canis (Visceral larva migrans)
Diagnosis is usually clinical
Tx: Albendazole if symptomatic
What are the larva migrans syndromes? List at least 7
Acute Ascaris
Acute Fascioliasis
List the things that cause skin nodules with eosinophilia, migratory larvae
Gnathostomiasis, Paragonimiasis, Fascioliasis, Sparganosis
List what causes skin nodules, eos, fixed nodules
Cysticercosis, Onchocerciasis
Pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia causes, localized and diffuse and fleeting?
Localized: Paragonimus, Echinococcus
Diffuse: Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia due to filaria
Fleeting (i.e. loefflers): Larva migrans (Schisto, strongy, toxacara, ascaris, hookworm)
Abdominal pain in a patient with esosinophilia, fever.
Fasciola Hepatica
Tx: Triclabendazole
*Chronic phase can cause biliary involvement, cholangitis, pancreatitis
Immigrants from Africa with eosinophilia. What should you consider?
Strongyloides Stercoralis, Schistosoma Haematobium or Mansoni, Filaria
63 year old man presented with 3 days of fever, onset 4 week after Tanzania safari trip. Had a pruritic and urticarial rash on the trunk with eosinophilia. Had hotel pond exposure.
Organism? Infective stage? Transmission? Treatment?
Organism: Schistosoma Haematobium or Mansoni, Katayama Fever
Infective stage: Cercariae
Transmission: Through the skin, from fresh water snails
Diagnose: Direct smear, serology
Treatment: Praziquantel + Steroids and then Prazi again in the future ; can have co-infections with hepatitis, salmonella, HIV , malnutrition
48year old peruvian woman with colicky abdominal pain in RUQ quadrant. SHe previously worked as an agricultural worker raising cattle in Piura. The month prior, she noted pain that increased in intensity. The patient had 34% eos. CT scan shows liver hypodensities.
Organism? Diagnosis? Infective stage? Treatment?
Fasciola Hepatica
Diagnosed by ELISA
Infective stage metacercariae
1st int host; snails; definitive is sheep and cattle
Treatment: Triclabendazole
While working in Guatemala, a mother comes to you asking you to treat her 4 year old son for worms. When asked how she knows her son has worms , she says he vomits up round worms
Round worms: Ascaris Lumbricoides, Ancylostoma Duodenale, Necator Americanus, Trichuris trichuria, strongyloides stercoralis, enterobius vermicularis
An AIDS patient in Lima presents with diarrhea and rhabditiform larvae in his stool. How to manage?
Strongyloides Stercoralis, likely hyper infection (could be on steroids or have HTLV1)
Tx: Ivermectin daily until they clear the infection (cover for gram negatives at the same time)
A child in Cusco presents with cough and mild chest pain. CXR reveals large cannonball like lesions 8-10cm. What is the organism? What is the lifecycle? What is the treatment?
Org: Echinococcus Granulosum
Lifecycle: Echinococcus granulosus (sensu lato) (2—7 mm long) image resides in the small intestine of the definitive host. Gravid proglottids release eggs image that are passed in the feces, and are immediately infectious. After ingestion by a suitable intermediate host, eggs hatch in the small intestine and release six-hooked oncospheres image that penetrate the intestinal wall and migrate through the circulatory system into various organs, especially the liver and lungs. In these organs, the oncosphere develops into a thick-walled hydatid cyst image that enlarges gradually, producing protoscolices and daughter cysts that fill the cyst interior. The definitive host becomes infected by ingesting the cyst-containing organs of the infected intermediate host. After ingestion, the protoscolices image evaginate, attach to the intestinal mucosa image , and develop into adult stages image in 32 to 80 days.
Humans are aberrant intermediate hosts, and become infected by ingesting eggs image . Oncospheres are released in the intestine image , and hydatid cysts develop in a variety of organs image . If cysts rupture, the liberated protoscolices may create secondary cysts in other sites within the body (secondary echinococcosis).
Treatment for the lung: Lobectomy/Cystectomy followed by albendazole. Sometimes praziquantel as well for seeding prevention
15year old peruvian girl from Andes, 3 mo h/o HA, nausea, vomiting, visual and auditory lesions. Her MRI shows “swiss cheese” like appearance. How to treat?
Neurocysticercosis encephalitis; Taenia Solium with diffuse brain edema
-Give steroids (high dose)
-Mannitol, bring down ICPs
-DO NOT give antiparasitics
Patient who comes in with vomicus, salty output, found to have a 4cm cyst in the lung. Organism? Treatment?
Echinococcus Granulosa
Tx: Albendaozle (because its <4cm)
Patient comes in a lung hytadid cyst with daughter cysts, what is your treatment? Why
Echinococcus Granulosa
Tx: Surgery, because when there is a cyst with daughter cysts, there is a higher risk of relapse
Patient has a ruptured hydatid cyst, now has “white cancer”. What is white cancer, what is the treatment
Echinococcus multiple abdominal cysts-white cancer because of the peritoneal spread-first peritoneal lavage/surgery, then give 1 year of therapy with prazi and albendazole after
28 year old male with no previous medical history , 9 months of progressive loss of visual acuity in the left eye. Dx? How to diagnose? Treatment?
Treponema Pallidum (Syphilis)
-VDRL or RPR (interchangeable); treponemal Ab
Tx: 2 weeks of penicillin + prednisone
(you want to see them have a 4 fold decline with treatment–>2 dilutions)
What are the most common infectious uveitis in tropical environments
Tuberculosis, Brucellosis, Bartonellosis, Histoplasmosis, Syphilis
20 year old male initially seen with a 15 day h/o bilateral inguinal swelling which was tender. No urethral discharge or ulcers.
LGV Serovar 1 2 or 3 of chlamydia trachomatis
Dx with culture
Tx with doxycycline
What are ddx for bubo formation
yerstinia pestis, tularemia, tuberculosis
57yoF with 10 day of history of pruritic rash and painful violaceous nodule in mid upper abdominal region without surrounding erythema and extreme warmth . She was tx with abx, and then the initial lesion resolved, second one started. No other systemic symptoms. From Lima, ate some fish in Mexico recently
Epi: Latin america, raw fish
Tx with albendazole or ivermectin, excise the papule
List causes of larva migrans
Ancylostoma (well demarcated, thin red linear serpentine lesions)
Loa Loa
Toxocara, Bayliscaris
list things that cause subcutaneous nodules
onchocerciasis, cysticercosis, sparganosis
(do not present migratory)
Patient who comes in with urethritis, was treated for GC/Chlamydia. What other ddx could this be
Mycoplasma Genitalium
Tx: Doxycycline, then moxifloxacin
14yoM with 2 weeks of nausea, severe anorexia, fatigue, noticeable pallor. Afebrile for 5 days, then Tmax 40, vomiting, HA, dark urine. From the highlands off the Andes (3700m). HCT 16, 6.8% reticulocytes. Org? Vector? Treatment?
Bartonella Bacilliformis: Oroya fever
Blood film: pleomorphic coccobacilli intracellular which are diagnostic of acute bartonellosis
-Treatment varies but chloramphenicol, cipro, azithro, have been used
If you have bartonella, what opportunistic infections are you at risk for?
S. typhi and non. typhi; toxoplasma; other OIs
What things can you diagnose in Blood smear?
What is carried by the vector lutzomyia
Bartonella bacilloformis and Leishmaniasia
61 yo with 7 day history of fever, diffuse myalgia, dyspnea, jaundice, several episodes of hemoptysis. Conjunctival suffusion. patchy infiltrates on CXR. Tbili elevated
Leptospirosis, treatment is ceftriaxone
Not yellow fever because AST/ALT not elevated
51yoM with 8 month history of fever, cough, weight loss, painful oral lesion. Poor farmer, painful oral lesions and easy bleeding. CXR shows central lung involvement
Most common manifestation of HIV NEGATIVE and crypto?
lung nodule
HIV with CD4 low, 2 month fever, dry cough, progressive dyspnea. High jungle. Wasted cervical adenopathy, diffuse rales. LDH is higih.
pancytopenia and LDH elevation to 1000
cutaneous, RES, oral cavity, lung involvement, organomegaly from the jungle
42yoM 2 year h/o fever, dry cough, several episodes of hemoptysis. Started TB treatment 2 months ago. Born in highlands, eos 10%, negative TB. Failing treatment
Paragonimiasis (TB mimicker + eos)
what fungi causes eos
cocci (sometimes aspergillosis as well)
Pulmonary nodules Tropical DDx
dirofilariosis, TB, NTM, NOcardia, botryo, crypto, aspergillosis