Clinical Assessment Introduction Flashcards
Find the Cause - Then treat the cause
____ : A physical & emotional response to tissue irritation, derangement, damage, or tissue death?
What is the most common symptom for which patients seek care?
What is Pain?
a) An unpleasant sensation associated with actual or potential tissue damage
b) Mediated by specific nerve fibres to the brain
c) Conscious appreciation may be modified by various factors
d) All of the above
e) A & C
D) all of the above
What is inflammatory pain?
a) Pain results from the stretch or compression of pain sensitive structures
b) Pain results from the release of chemical irritants of inflammation
c) Pain as a result of swelling/edema that compresses nociceptors
d) A & C
e) B & C
E) B&C
What is Mechanical pain?
a) Pain results from the stretch or compression of pain sensitive structures
b) Pain results from the release of chemical irritants of inflammation
c) Structures that contain nociceptors, when stimulated produce painful sensations
d) A&C
e) All of the above
D) A&C
T/F: Acute pain is pain provoked by noxious stimulation produced by injury/disease
T/F: Chronic pain is pain that persists beyond the usual course of healing
Chronic pain Syndrome
a) involves functional limitations and often times depression
b) is a clinical syndrome in which clients present with high levels of pain that is chronic in duration
c) All of the above
d) B
c) all of the above
T/F: Neurogenic pain is pain as a result of non-inflammatory dysfunction of the peripheral or central nervous system that involves nociceptor stimulation or trauma
False: It DOES NOT involve nociceptor stimulation or trauma
____ : Pain that is felt at another location of the body that is distant from the tissues that have caused it
Referred pain
a) known as radicular or nerve root pain
b) involves spinal nerve or spinal nn root
c) pain that is felt in a dermatome, myotome, or sclerotome
d) A&C
e) All of the above
e)all of the above
T/F: A dermatome is an area of skin supplied by one dorsal nerve root
True. Injury can cause sensory alteration to the skin, or pain (usually burning or electric)
What is myotomal pain?
Group of muscles supplied by one nerve root
What is sclerotomal pain?
Area of bone or fascia innervated by a nerve root
T/F: Pain can be felt in a dermatome as a result of visceral injury
T/F: Untreated TrPs can be associated w/ pain syndromes that include but not limited to: Radiculopathy, tension headaches, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow ..
As a lesion worsens, the area of pain enlarges and moves distally from the original lesion. This concept is referred to as _____
If pain is resolving, the area decreases and becomes localized, this is called ______
If Onset of pain is immediate, it is an indication of
a) Gradual or insidious onset
b) Traumatic/more serious injury
c) Repetitive strain injury
B) Traumatic injury
Frequency & Duration of Pain Q 20 - 26
Pain all the time indicates
a severe injury or an active inflammatory state
Pain when repeating the mechanism suggests
Local lesion, Ligament or muscular
Ligament cause pain when
Muscles cause pain when
Pain in the morning …
Caused by adaptive shortening (Plantar Fasciitis)
If accompanied by stiffness may indicate intracapsular swelling that builds overnight d/t inactivity (common w/ arthritis)