Clinic classes Flashcards
- bring all you paper work e,g red flags
Case taking
20 mins you should be at the digestion tract
Student reflection
Bring to each class- if there is something that you do not know write down and reflect
Bristol stool chart
show the client the chart it should be 3/4
Vegetarian 5
clinic set up file
Put a logo and fill in the letters
Dr referral letter- remove the logo
Pick the red flag and ask the Dr to investigate.
year 1- how clients to book
1 client, appointment and follow up
areas that you will be assessed in
reflective practice- plan how that i will become a better practitioner at a personal academic and clinical level
What are you good a particular area how do become great
clinic start up file
appointment letter , GP referral letter and client handouts
what do want to achieve in the next 6 weeks
Ask the client- solve one problem at a time. Have clear targets, and clear plan.
You can not do everything in one go- give a step by step problem
Educate your client– why they should not be doing a particular thing
what is PS and HS
painful situation, e.g tinnitus - they by health when in heathy situation They will by from you when you can be the catalyse from the painful situation it the healthy situation. The client only buys when they have a perception when you be a guide through pain to health Youtube video- showing the ways How do you guide from pain to health
- Give/create the client a plan - understand that they can do it. tailored around the goal. e.g make 9-10 steps
- Make the journey as easy as possible for the client .eg a client who only go out to restaurants- plan with the clients what food they can and cant have.
3. Speed of delivery- be as fast a possible for some sort of result. Chronic- 6month -1 year. one meaning improvement in 1 week. e.g. candida itching can be resolved in 1 week. 6 weeks substantial results
observer can help you
Can you help me find a solution for bloating e.g
write a handout
Influence the change of the person
learn to help someone to influence there state. Last for a week two weeks the most
what is the blueprint
how you influence the long term decision
physical body, energy and spiritual body
How to release the trauma. Find a business partner for another therapy side e.g accuputure.
Facebook groups- answer the questions of the clients. sugar free challenge
Tell me the reason why you are here, what do you want to achieve
realistic goals
when you are pain it caused cortisol to raised
your serotonin goes down
Capsaicin- reduces pain
Omega 3
All reduces substance P
what do you want to achieve, what is going to be success for you
Agree a target, define the situation. Get what the client wants.
SUPPLEMENT- you can send the supplements and recommend what works. Send straight to the clients home
practice at least five times taking the client details for a consultation
Take note taking for the client case study
know the lifestyle- work life balance
environment, job, relationships
3 dietary and 1 lifestyle change change- for exam.
Do not use supplements because you have show interactions
10 step on nutrient 8-7 steps
2-3 physical, personal improvement
2-3 supplement
what is convergent thinking
Problem comes with one solution