CLIN SKILLS: Basic Medical History Flashcards
basic structure of medical interview
- intro + hand hygiene
- PC
- system/s review
- PMHx
- FHx
- SocHx
- conclusion + hand hygiene
intro phase
- hi, I’m Sienna Gauci, a 2nd year medical student from Monash uni and I’ve been asked to take a full medical history
- name + preferred address
- age/DOB
- occupation
- confidentiality (will remain confidential b/w you, me, treating team unless disclosure required by law)
- consent
how to ascertain PC
- what brings you in today
- can you tell me more
- where – location (L/R?) and radiation
- when - when it began, circumstances, fluctuation over time, has it happened before
- quality - describe what it feels like
- quantity - rate out of 10
- aggravating and alleviating factors
- associated symptoms
- beliefs on what is causing symptoms
- impact on life
- concerns
- expectations for visit
- past and current conditions? how long ago and how long did it last? any Tx? any complications?
- SHx: past surgeries? when? why? any complications?
- past or current injuries? have you recovered? any lasting effects?
- hospitalisations: when, why, how long?
- childhood illnesses? any complications?
- immunisations up to date? if not, which ones have you had?
- any FHx of any medical conditions? then ask specifically re: relevant system
- any medical conditions in siblings, parents, children, grandparents? if so, when were they diagnosed? is it well managed? if any have died from a medical condition ask age of death. if suspected genetic disorder, ask about 3 previous generations
- Doctor prescribed
- Recreational (smoking/vaping, alcohol, drugs)
- User/OTC e.g. vitamins, painkillers, alternative/herbal medicines
- Gynaecological e.g. contraception, HRT
- Sensitivity: allergies (how serious, nature of response, how are they managing it)
if yes to medications:
- name + route of administration
- dosage + frequency (inc time of day)
- how long they’ve been taking it for
- compliance
- side effects
drugs, alcohol, smoking/vaping Hx (+ cage)
- do you or have you ever engaged in recreational drugs
- name + route of administration
- dosage + frequency
- how long they’ve been taking it for
- side effects
- do you regularly drink alcohol? Have you ever had any major drinking habits?
- what do you drink
how much do they drink per session (std drinks) - advice is no more than 4 per session, no more than 10 per week
- how often do they drink
- how long have they been in this habit
- do you or have you ever smoked or vaped?
- what do you smoke? cigarettes? vapes? bought? roll your own?
- how much do you smoke per day - calculate pack years if possible (1 pack year = 20 cigs/day)
- how often do you smoke?
- how long have you been in this habit?
- ever felt the need to cut down?
- ever get annoyed if ppl tell you to cut down?
- ever feel guilty about drinking too much?
- ever needed an eye opener/woke up and felt the need to drink?
- exercise
- stress: financial, work etc
- spirituality
- nutrition
- connectedness: social support, hobbies
- environment (living + work): who do you live with
- travel
ending the interview phase
- thank Pt for their time
- any questions or anything else to share?
- I will now pass onto GP
- hand hygiene