BIOCH Y1 S1: Metabolism Flashcards
3 main fuel sources in body
- glucose
- proteins
- lipids
- glucose (6C) > 2 pyruvate (3C each)
- cytosol (aerobic or anaerobic)
- inputs: glucose (6C), 4 ADP+Pi, 2NAD+
- outputs: 2 pyruvate (3C), 2ATP (net), 2NADH
- first, 2 ATP are used. Then 2NADH are produced. Then 4 ATP are produced
- rate-limiting enzyme: phosphofructokinase-1 (PFK-1)
fate of pyruvate (aerobic)
- pyruvate oxidised to 2 acetyl-CoA (2C) and 2 CO2 in mitochondrial matrix (exergonic)
- produces 2 NADH
- needs pyruvate dehydrogenase which needs thiamine (B1)
fate of pyruvate (anaerobic/fermentation/reduction)
- pyruvate reduced to lactate (exergonic) in cytosol of muscles
- requires lactate dehydrogenase
- 2 NADH > 2 NAD+
- reversible
key features of citric acid (Krebs) cycle
- acetyl-CoA oxidised to 2 CO2 (since it’s 2C molecule) and water in the mitochondrial matrix
- inputs: acetyl-CoA, FAD, 3 NAD+
- outputs: 2 CO2, H2O, 3 NADH, FADH2, 1 GTP, 1 ATP
- acetyl-coA makes citrate with the help of oxaloacetate
how does natural uncoupling of mitochondria work
- natural uncouplers e.g. thermogenin protein found in the brown fat of newborn mammals
- provide alternative proton channel so some protons are lost as heat energy
electron transport chain (oxidative phosphorylation)
- inner mitochondrial membrane (cristae)
- electrons move across complexes I-IV, causing H+ ions to be pumped into the intermembrane space
- H+ ions are NOT pumped by complex II
- O2 (final e- acceptor) combines w/ 2 H+ to form 2x H2O in matrix
- H+ ions have been moving against conc grad (proton motive force) so only way for them to come back into matrix (coupling) is via ATP synthase (passive) > drives synthesis of ADP + Pi into ATP
inputs and outputs of the electron transport chain
- inputs: oxygen, ADP + Pi, NADH, FADH2, O2
(1 NADH > 2.5 ATP and 1 FADH2 > 1.5 ATP) - outputs: 3 NAD+, 1 FAD, H2O and GTP
what is uncoupling of mitochondria
- when ETC is uncoupled from the process of ATP synthesis
- some protons don’t come back into matrix for ATP synthesis, they are dissipated in the form of heat e.g. for hibernation
in one cycle of the CAC and its associated pathways, how much ATP is produced?
- 10 ATP
- 1 ATP, 3 NADH and 1 FADH2 are produced from the CAC
- in ETC, each NADH produces 2.5 ATP and each FADH2 produces 1.5 ATP, therefore we end up with an additional 9 ATP so 9+1=10
- synthesis of glycogen by glycogen synthase
- formed when there is excess energy
- glycogen mostly found in cytosol of liver and muscle cells
- glycogen mobilised into glucose-6-phosphate
- if in liver: G6P hydrolysed to glucose using glucose-6-phosphatase to help maintain BGL etc
- if in muscles: G6P can directly enter glycolysis b/c there is no G6P-ase > provides energy for muscle contractions
- slow glucose synthesis using endogenous non-carbohydrates (liver cytosol) during starving
- uses energy from metabolism of fatty acids
- uses carbon skeletons from pyruvate, lactate, amino acids and glycerol (via DHAP)
gluconeogenesis using pyruvate
- 7/10 enzymatic glycolysis reactions are reversible
- reversal of glycolysis except 3 bypasses are required
- needs ATP from oxidation of fatty acids and NADH
gluconeogenesis using lactate
- Cori cycle
- glycogen in muscles is mobilised to form glucose
- glucose undergoes glycolysis to produce pyruvate
- pyruvate is reduced to form lactate (anaerobic in muscles)
- lactate is transported to liver to avoid cramps
- lactate undergoes gluconeogenesis to form glucose
- glucose transported back into muscle for glycogenesis
why are fatty acids a good fuel?
- carry more energy per carbon b/c they are more reduced
- long carbon chains have more energy
- carry less water b/c non-polar > more efficient
- therefore better long-term energy source/storage compared to glucose
how are dietary lipids metabolised
- TAGs emulsified into micelles (droplets) by bile
- lipase in small intestine breaks micelles > glycerol + fatty acids
- packaged into chylomicrons which transport in LYMPH
- fatty acid formation in liver cytoplasm, occurs when there is excess energy
- rate limiting step: synthesis of malonyl-CoA by acetyl-coA carboxylase
- acetyl-CoA > malonyl-CoA > fatty acid
- 2 carbons are added to the fatty acid chain each time to form palmitate (16C) FA
- uses 8 acetyl Co-A
- each addition of 2C uses 2 ATP and 1 NADPH
TAG synthesis
- occurs in liver + adipose tissue in well-fed state, requires glycolysis to occur
- liver: glycerol + fatty acids + ATP > TAGs
- adipose: glycolysis intermediate + NADH + fatty acids > TAGs
beta oxidation
- occurs in mitochondrial matrix (short chain FAs) or peroxisome (longer chain FAs)
- inputs: FAD, NAD+, H2O, fatty acids, CoA
- each time it is oxidised, 2 carbons are removed
- each round produces one acetyl-coA (+ one extra @ end), one NADH and one FADH2
- promoted by glucagon, inhibited by insulin
cholesterol synthesis
- acetyl-CoA > cholesterol
- uses enzyme HMG-CoA reductase
- stimulated by insulin
- occurs in liver, adrenal cortex and gonads
how are amino acids metabolised?
- broken down into amino group and carbon skeleton
- amino group undergoes glucose alanine cycle (for deamination/transamination) > transported to liver > excretion via urea cycle
- carbon skeletons are either glucogenic ( > sent to liver for gluconeogenesis) or ketogenic ( > ketone bodies)
glucose alanine cycle
- amino acids from muscle protein are transaminated to glutamate
- glutamate combines w/ pyruvate and helps transport amino groups to liver for excretion via urea cycle
function of the liver
- hepatocytes process fatty acids, monosaccharides and amino acids - either metabolise them or transport them to other tissues depending on needs
- converts nitrogen to excess urea
- distributes ketone bodies
- store nutrients
- detoxification: e.g. amino group from AAs sent to urea cycle
function of adipose tissue
- synthesises, stores and mobilises triacylglycerols (TAGs)
structure and function of white adipose tissue (WAT)
- S = large spherical cells filled w/ one lipid droplet, mitochondria and large nucleus squeezed to periphery
- F = TAG storage
structure and function of brown adipose tissue (BAT)
- S = smaller, less round cells filled w/ several lipid droplets, have more mitochondria and brown colour due to cytochrome content. found primarily in newborns + around the kidneys and spine
- F = expresses uncoupling protein thermogenin which dissipates H+ gradient in mitochondria, inhibiting ATP synthesis > energy instead released as heat (thermogenesis)
protein metabolism in adipocytes
- does not feature in adipocytes
slow-twitch myocytes
- many blood vessels and mitochondria
- mitochondria provide energy via slow and steady ETC
fast-twitch myocytes
- less mitochondria and lower oxygen delivery
- uses ATP faster and fatigues faster due to higher demands and lower oxygen delivery
- endurance training can increase mitochondria
primary energy source for: body, brain, RBC, heart, skeletal muscles in well fed vs starving state
- body: lipids (well fed) and glucose (starve)
- brain: glucose (well fed) and ketone bodies (starve - only other thing that can cross BBB)
- RBC: always glucose (no organelles to metabolise other stuff)
- skeletal muscles: glucose and lipids (well fed), protein (starvation)
- heart: lipids (well fed) and glucose/ketone bodies (starve)
why does rapid breathing continue after vigorous exercise?
- extra oxygen used for oxidative phosphorylation to build proton gradient and replenish ATP
- ATP used for gluconeogenesis to use up lactate and restore muscle glycogen
energy for muscles at diff stages of a run
- 0s: dietary lipids
- sprint @ start: creatine phosphate
- 2m: anaerobic respiration (glucose)
- 5m: glycogen mobilisation > aerobic respiration (glucose)
- 30m: 1:1 carbs and stored lipids
- 45m: lipids
can RBCs oxidise fatty acids?
no b/c don’t have any organelles, instead rely on glucose as a source of energy - highest rate of glucose utilisation of any cell in the body
2 metabolic pathways for glucose in RBCs
- glycolysis (anaerobic)
- pentose phosphate pathway
2 types of cells in the pancreas and where they’re found
- alpha cells: release glucagon when BGL are low
- beta cells: release insulin when BGL are high
- both found in the islets of Langerhans in pancreas
lipoprotein functions
- albumin: transports FFAs from adipose tissue to other tissues during mobilisation
- chylomicron (synthesised in intestine): transport dietary TAGs from intestine to tissues via LYMPH
- VLDL (synthesised in liver): transports TAGs and some cholesterol from liver to tissues
- LDL (synthesised in blood): transports cholesterol from liver to tissues (bad)
- HDL (synthesised in liver and small intestine): transports cholesterol from tissue to liver to be excreted (good)
- protein part of a lipoprotein
processes stimulated when insulin is high
- glycogenesis
- TAG synthesis
- lipogenesis
- glycolysis
- mostly biosynthetic processes (anabolic) during well-fed state
what are acetone, acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate?
ketone bodies
can ketone bodies cross the blood-brain barrier?
situations where ketones will be high
- severe starvation
- alcohol
- diabetes
alcohol metabolism
- ethanol > (alcohol dehydrogenase) acetaldehyde > (aldehyde dehydrogenase) acetate > acetyl-coA
- both of these steps use NAD+ > deficit inhibits CAC so can’t make glucose > acetyl-coA produces fatty acids or ketone bodies instead (ketosis)
- produces lactate (acidosis > tachypnoea to compensate) from pyruvate to replenish NAD+, further reducing the pyruvate & oxaloacetate available for gluconeogenesis > hypoglycaemia
medication to give for alcohol poisoning
- Thiamine (vit B1): needed by pyruvate dehydrogenase to produce acetyl coA, converts NADH to NAD+
- bicarbonate to increase blood pH
symptoms of alcohol poisoning
slurred speech, tachypnoea, trouble staying conscious (not getting hungover)
how does alcohol affect lipid metabolism
- lack of NAD+ inhibits B-oxidation
- FA buildup in liver > cirrhosis (scarring and inflammation)
- FAs are stored as TAGs > transported in the blood (hyperlipidaemia)
- histology shows lipid droplets in hepatocytes
which organ can’t use ketone bodies?
- liver
- it’s the only organ that produces them, but can’t use them b/c it lacks the enzyme
3 hours after eating a meal, what is the major source of energy?
- mobilisation of liver glycogen
- not TAGs because these are generally used in longer times of starvation or after 5+ hours of sitting
difference b/n digestion and mobilisation of carbs
- digestion = breakdown in GIT, produces glucose which is then absorbed into the blood
- mobilisation = breakdown of stored carbs, produces G6P
‘asian flush’ syndrome occurs due to a deficiency in which enzyme?
- acetaldehyde dehydrogenase
- (type of aldehyde dehydrogenase)
pentose phosphate pathway
- breakdown of glucose, forms NADPH
- secondary glucose metabolism for RBCs
- also used in times of enzymatic abnormalities
what compound can be used in both CAC and gluconeogenesis?
how does atherosclerosis occur?
- phagocytes engulf oxidised LDL
- aggregate and stick to ECM > form foam cells