Clin/lab assess SA (Cooke) Flashcards
Normal kidney function
fluid and electrolyte balance
- conservation
- excretion
- Excretion of nitrogenous wastes
- Erythropoietin
- Renin
- Vitamin D activation
- calcium reg
- phosphorus reg
fluid balance effected when
2/3 of functional kidney mass is lost
increased BUN and cr when (unable to excrete BUN and cr)
3/4 of functional kidney mass lost
- increase in BUN and/or creatinine
- categories
- pre-renal
- renal
- post-renal
- Clinical signs associated with renal failure
- these patients have to be azotemic
- straining
- painful urination
- increased frequency of urination
- small volume of urination
- lack of urine production
- decreased urine production
Urinary specific signs
- Stranguria
- Pollakiuria
- Hematuria
- Malodorous urine
- Anuria
- Oliguria
- Drinking more than 100 ml/kg/day
- increased volume of urine
Non-specific CS of urinary dz
- Polydipsia
- Polyuria
- Systemic signs
- vomiting
- anorexa
- weight loss
- fever
- pale mucous membranes
Physical exam cat
abdominal palpation
- Bladder
- left kidney
- right kidney
*pain, crepitus, size/shape
Physical exam dog
abdominal palpation
- bladder
- +/- left kidney
- +/- prostate
*pain, crepitus, size/shape
Physical exam
Rectal exam dogs
- Prostate
- Urethra
- lymph nodes, hernias, anal sacs, masses
Physical exam
- wet, stained fur around vulva/prepuce
Physical exam
Systemic signs
- fever
- body condition
- oral ulcers
- pale mucus membranes
Tests to eval urinary tract
- Urinalysis
- upper and lower tract
- Serum chemistry
- tubular function
- GFR (upper tract)
- Renal function tests (upper)
- Imaging (upper and/or lower)
- estimation of GFR
- produced by muscle
- related to muscle mass and GFR
- excreted by filtration only (no secretion/reabsorption)
- IRIS staging
- not sensitive (75% loss of function)
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
- estimation of GFR
- produced from liver in protein metabolism
- excreted by filtration
- secreted and reabsorbed
- Related to
- peritubular capillary blood flow
- tubular fluid flow
- dietary protein
- hepatic function
- not sensitive (75% loss function)
Individual kidney GFR
- nuclear scintigraphy
urinalysis eval
- within 1 hour
- 4-6 hours if refridgerated
- bring to room temperature
Specific gravity
concentration in dehydrated state
- Dog: >/= 1.035
- Cat: >/= 1.040
azotemic dog with USG 1.012
pre-renal problem
Azotemic dog with USG 1.048
renal component
Reagent strips
- accurately measure
- pH
- glucose
- ketones
- hemoglobin
- protein
- bilirubin
- don’t accurately measure
- leukocytes
- nitrites
- urobilinogen
- SG
- affected by
- moisture
- alkaline urine
- discolored urine
Interpreting protein
- interpret with respect to
- specific gravity
- urine sediment
- Low levels of albuminuria
- > 1mg/dL
- Clinical significance
- other systemic abnormalities
- Confirmatory test
Glucose in urine
- Without hyperglycemia: tubular damage
- With hyperglycemia: diabetes
- Blood: spins down with urine on top
- hemoglobin: pigment stays in urine => most common in SA
- spun blood stays in plasma
- myoglobin: pigment stays in urine
- spun blood, doesn’t stay in plasma
- Squamous cells
- usually normal
- Transitional cells
- traumatic cath
- inflammation
- neoplasia
- Caudate cells
- rare
- from renal pelvis
- Renal tubular cells
- tubular inflammation (upper tract)
Red/white cells
- Red blood cells
- normally
- rule out iatrogenic hemorrhage
- White blood cells
- normally
- infection vs inflammation
- Hyaline
- 1-2/hpf normal
- Cellular casts
- suggests ongoing renal disease
- may be first sign of renal damage animals on aminoglycoside abx
- absence of casts not indicative of health
*can dissolve with in hours of urine sitting around
- Fat
- Crystals
- crystalluria not always pathologic
- type may be dependant on pH
- Sperm
- Parasite eggs
- eval of vaginal vault, urethra, bladder
- +/- tx
- stones, strictures, ectopic ureters
- Anesthesia
- technical skills
- equiptment