CKD (Specht) Flashcards
CKD definitions
- Any chronic change in kidney disease
- structure
- function
- CKD is
- permanent
- progressive
*can’t recover, but can compensate for a period of time
- Dysfunction
- electrolytes
- acid base
- hormones
- biomarkers
- Damage / dz
- appearance
- biomarkers
- pathology
- Secondary / compensatory change
- renal: inc PTH
- Hypertension
Common lab values
- Serum biochem
- BUN, Cr
- Phos, K+, TCO2, Alb
- tCa / iCa++, Na+, Cl-
- Urinalysis
- USG, Protein, Sediment
- Hct, other
GFR estimation
- Creatinine, BUN, SDMA follow similar curve
- normal GFR: flat curve, then steep line
- Suggest use of stricter limits on acceptable creatinine levels
- better for animals with lack of muscle mass, or muscle wasting
Other informations
- Blood pressure
- urine protein to creatinine (UPC)
- Imaging (AXR, AUS)
- Urine culture
- other
- specific infectious dz
- PTH/iCa++
- Aspirates/biopsies
- Others
Underlying dz
- > 50% cases are idiopathic
- age-related, accumulation of injuries
- Specific causes
- toxicity
- infection
- cancer
- obstruction
CKD vs Pre-renal azotemia vs AKI
- Pre-renal azotemia
- sig dehydration/hypovolemia
- low cardiac output
- very important to recognize
- diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic differences
- very important to recognize
IRIS staging
- based on creatinine
- subcategories
- proteinuria
- blood pressure
Why use IRIS staging
- Consistent records
- Client communication
- ‘expert’ support for your recommendations
- Earlier recognition and response to CKD….?
IRIS staging
Key points
- patient must be at a stable point in disease
- > 2-3 weeks
- Helps with communication and studies
- Basis for published treatment recommendations
- evidence regarding appropriate treatments
- Be careful making prognostic statements
CKD General Management strategies
- no cure
- look for/treat underlying dz
- discontinue nephrotoxic meds
- pay attention to dose and frequency of medications that are eliminated by kidneys
CKD: specific management strategies
- Therapy should be tailored to specific patients
- secondary problems
- Hyperphosphatemia
- Systemic hypertension
- Proteinuria
- hypo/hyper kalemia
- metabolic acidosis
- anemia
- nausea, vomiting
- renal diets (good evidence of significant survival)
- reduced phospohorus (protein)
- omega-3 FA
- vitamins
- Recommend for stage 2 dz or higher
- Calories are important, don’t force feed
- mirtazapine: apppetite stimulant
- almost universal recommendation to maintain normal volume and hydration
- support GFR and uremic toxin clearance
- Prevent clinical signs
- minimize progression
- For uremic crisis - IV fluids
- Replacement + maintenance + losses
- For stable CRF
- fresh drinking water avail
- serial measurements of body weight
- extra fluids PRN SQ or E-tube
*not extra but enough fluids to keep up with losses
Control of serum phosphorus conc
- Minimize progression
- prevent tissue mineralization
- avoid secondary hyperparathyroidism
- variable recommendations
- target value
- method
- renal diet
- fluid support
- phosphate binders
Phosphate binders
- Aluminum based: tastes yucky
- Effective, inexpensive
- toxicity
- subtle neuro to seizures
- complexed with
- hydroxide, oxide, carbonate
- Calcium based
- a little more expensive
- may help minimize secondary inc PTH
- toxicity
- hypercalcemia: inc risk of mineralization
- complexed with
- acetate, citrate, carbonate
- Others
- sevelamer
- lanthanum
- epakatin
*may be synergistic
Control of hypertension
- important to control
- difficulties
- ‘white coat effect’
- where / how to measure
- monitor and treat with hypertensive agents if
- dogs repeatedly > 160-170
- cats repeatedly > 170
- evidence of end-organ damage
Control hypertension dogs
- Na restriction
- ACEi at standard doses
- Double dose of ACEi
- ACEi, CCB and hydralazine
*small inc in Cr is ok trade-off
Control hypertension cats
- Na restriction
- CCB at standard doses
- Inc CCB dosing
- CCB and ACEi
*ensuing small inc in Cr is ok trade-off
Control of proteinuria
- Increasing awareness and detection of proteinuria
- Goals
- minimize progression, improve survival
- strong evidence for effectiveness
- to monitor effectively requires UPC (urine protein:Cr ratio)
- Recomendations
- monitor UPC
- investigate further and treat if
- UPC > 0.5-1.0
- Typically use ACEi
- Enalapril
- benzapril
Acid-base balance
- Often overlooked
- threshold values
- pH < 7.25
- HCO3- = 16
- target values
- pH >/= 7.3
- HCO3- >/= 17
- Usually use K+ citrate unless hyperkalemic
- IRIS stage 2+ => dogs >/= 18; cats >/= 16
Total CO2 can approx bicarb measurement
Serum potassium conc
- inc or dec potassium potentially detrimental
- recommendations
- supplement when
- hypokalemic (with or without clinical signs)
- repeatedly in the low end of dose range
- if acidotic, Specht uses K+ citrate
- if not acidotic, Specht uses K+ gluconate
- supplement when
Acid blockers
(GI issues)
- used to minimize gastric hyperacidity
- evidence is anecdotal
- gastrin metabolized and excreted by kidneys
- recommendation
- PPI (or H2 blockers)
- when clinical signs, lab evidence of bleeding
- in most cases of CRF with Creatinine > 3 mg/dL
- PPI (or H2 blockers)
- anemia
- predominantly due to dec EPO sensitivity
- GI loss, dec RBC life span, vit def, iron def
- Recommendations
- try to get reticulocyte count
- to prove it is non-regenerative
- if non-regenerative with normal morph and Hct < 20%
- consider darbopoeitin (1 vial is 100$ weekly admin)
- iron
- +/- B12
- consider darbopoeitin (1 vial is 100$ weekly admin)
- try to get reticulocyte count
* There is a human erythropoeitin that may induce a reactivity to animals own cells making them transfusion dependent
- Goal: normalization of PTH levels
- Good evidence for positive effect
- definite reduction in PTH for both dogs and cats
- Controls secondary renal hyperparathyroidism
- Requires exceptionally close and frequent monitoring
- PTH, iCa++, Phosphorus
- potential hazards / complications
- dose response variability
- hypercalcemia
- mineralization
- phosphorus must be , 6.0 mg/dL before starting
- Probiotic: ‘enteral dialysis’
- little evidence that reduction in BUN and some Cr affects GFR
- Specht doesn’t really use yet
Mainstays of CKD treatment
- Diet
- Maintain hydration
- Limit protein
- Blood pressure control
- Lots of treatment options, many with limited evidence regarding effectiveness
- Treatment should be individualized
- CKD is dynamic, requires intense monitoring and management