Climbing And Burrowing Flashcards
How can you jump higher?
Put in more work. Work=mass x velocity2/2
What is crawling?
The movement of locomotion dependent on the body instead of the limbs
What are the types of crawling?
Two-anchor crawling, peristalsis, serpent crawling
What animals two anchor crawl?
Maggots and leeches
What do bristles do in two anchor crawling?
Slope backwards so the animal can slide over the group at more ease then slide back.
What is the other alternative do earthworms use?
Peristalsis. The body gets long and then contracts.
What do the bristles prevent when the body is lengthening?
Prevent the hind part from sloping back so the forepart is pushed forward
What do the bristles prevent when shortening the body?
Prevent the forepart from sliding back so the hind part is pulled forward
What happens to each section of the body when it is moving in crawling?
Each end of its body is repeatedly accelerated and halted
At low speeds of crawling which force is dominate?
How does a worm and maggot use it’s longitudinal and circular muscles for crawling?
Bend it’s body by shortening the longitudinal muscles on one side which stretches out the other side. Allows then to grip the surface and move
What two frictions make two anchor crawling possible?
Forward friction and backward friction
What is three part crawlers?
The top pulls the middle and the back and the middle moves at a constant velocity. Maggots mainly crawl in this way.
How does peristalsis work?
Segments lengthen and shorten in turn cause a backward wave along the body. Number of segments that can be in motion is limited.
How can the body of the worm maximize peristalsis?
Body flattern when contracting so more surface area is projected
What are setae?
What do circular muscles do?
Make segments narrow and longer
What do longitudinal muscles do?
Make segments shorter and fatter
What are cylindrical animals?
Worms, volume die to fluid filled so volume must be constant.
How is velocity measured during crawling?
A viscometer
What is serpent crawling?
Wobbling back and forth with friction causes the animal to move forward
What is axial friction
Runs down the animal
Transverse friction?
Friction that runs side to side
What do snakes need to overcome in order to move forward?
Delta-mass x gravity X axial
What does a snake need to overcome in order to move sideways?
Delta-mass x gravity X transverse friction
What is side winding?
Relies on lifting each section of the body and moving forward
What is two anchor bivalve burrowing?
Foot in the mouth of the clam is pushed out and forces water into the water. When foot is pulled back it forces water down