one of most exposed countries in the world to many “natural” hazards
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunami, lahar flows, typhoons, flooding, landslides, and sea level rise.
Natural hazards that Ph is exposed to
According to the World Risk Report 2018, the Philippines ranked ____ in terms of disaster risk index.
geographical context
Due to its ___, the highest risks posed to the country are those of earthquakes reported with ten risk index points and tropical cyclones of 9.5 risk index points.
Earthquakes and tropical cyclone
The highest risks posed to the country are those of _____
Risk index points of earthquakes
Risk index points of tropical cyclones
Volcanic eruptions within the “ring of wire”
_____ coupled with coastal hazards pose a constant threat to the population with over 109 million inhabitants as of 2020.
The damages caused by the drought resulting from El Nino were the highest in ____ compared to damages by other natural disasters and were valued at 12.8 trillion Philippine pesos.
El Nino
The damages caused by the drought resulting from ____ were the highest in 2016 compared to damages by other natural disasters and were valued at 12.8 trillion Philippine pesos.
The damages caused by the drought resulting from El Nino were the highest in 2016 compared to damages by other natural disasters and were valued at ___ trillion Philippine pesos.
Crop loss/failure; soil erosion Increased pest infestations Rising food prices & food imports
Water shortages Degraded water quality
Reduced energy production potential Increased demand for energy services
Loss of coastal defense, marine habitat & biodiversity Reduced fish populations
Coastal ecosystems
Damage to roads, bridges, and water and sanitation facilities
Infrastructure/ services
Loss of life and livelihoods
Human health
An intervention to reduce the emissions sources or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases
An adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities.
addresses the causes of climate change
addresses the impacts of climate change
Primarily in international issue, as it provides global benefits
Primarily local issue as it mostly provides benefits at local scale
Has long term effect because of the inertia of the climatic system
Have short-term effect on the reduction of vulnerability
Priority in the energy, transportation, industry and wastes management sectors
Priority in water and health sectors and in coastal or low lying areas
Aim to reduce emissions that cause climate change
Action to manage the risks of climate change impact
Republic act of 9729 – climate change act of 2009
Ensure the mainstreaming of climate change, in synergy with DRR into the national, sectoral and local development programs
Republic act of 9729 – climate change act of 2009
Created the climate change commission, lead policy making body on climate change, the CCC advisory board, and the national panel of technical experts
Republic act of 9729 – climate change act of 2009
Established the framework strategy and national climate change action plan on climate change
Republic act 10174 – Peoples survival fund
Provides funding support for climate change adaptation programs at the local level
Republic act 10174 – Peoples survival fund
Created the PSF board
Philippines climate change action plan
Outlines the specific long term program and strategies for adaptation and mitigation, spanning across three political administrations
Philippines climate change action plan
Aims to address urgent and immediate needs and concerns of the country relating to the dangerous consequences of climate change to vulnerable sectors such as agriculture, water resources, ecosystems, humans and infrastructure services
Philippines climate change action plan
Responding to the president’s social contract “keeping the promise”
National Climate Change Action Plan
To build adaptive capacities of women and men in their communities, increase the resilience of vulnerable sectors and natural ecosystems to climate change, and optimize mitigation opportunities towards gender-responsive and rights-based sustainable development
National Climate Change Action Plan
Enhanced adaptive capacity of communities, resilience of natural ecosystems, and sustainability of built environment to climate change
National Climate Change Action Plan
Successful transition towards climate-smart development
National Climate Change Action Plan
Climate-smart to emphasize the need for adaptive mitigation
Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Develop and enhance clean energy sources, uses and other efficiency measures towards a low carbon economy in the energy sector.
The Philippine Energy Plan targets a ___% energy savings across all sectors
Renewable energy
Realize the full potential of the country’s renewable energy capacity so as to further contribute to energy security and promote low-carbon growth in the energy sector.
Renewable energy
Intensify the development and utilization of renewable and environment-friendly
Environmentally Sustainable Transport
Improve the efficiency of the transport sector through increased uptake of alternative fuels and expansion of mass transport systems.