Climate Crisis Flashcards
Masco (2017)
- crisis become counterrevolutionary idiom - mode control and stabilising a condition
- US capitalist model denotes a crisis in crisis: the state within external crisis like climate change - policies and econ priorities exacerbate crisis
Smith et al. (2007)
Interdependence key to responsibilities to people distant in space and time and to nonhuman natural world. (climate change and globalisation)
IPCC (2018)
Must keep Global Warming below 1.5 degrees
Latour (2017)
saying something is a crisis = reassuring that it will pass. (Climate crisis more a) mutation in our relation to the world
A Few General Useful Books / Articles
- Silent Spring - Carson (1962)
- Gaia - Lovelock (1979)
- Rich (2018) = decade almost stopped climate change (online article)
- Field Notes - Kolbert (2015)
- Equality - Dorling (2017)
- anthropocene - Bonneuil and Fressoz (2017)
[- Ehrlich 1968 Population Bomb
- Club of Rome The Limits to Growth 1972]
Oreskes and Conway (2010) - Merchants of Doubt
fossil fuel companies supporting climate deniers and stalling climate progress. scientists against scientists because may work for harmful industry. Environmentalism also seen as new form communism. Hiding the truth about climate change. (1990s)
Oreskes (2004)
Scientific consensus is that climate change is caused by humans.
Corfee-Morlot et al. (2007)
Climate Change into public sphere and political agenda
- US increased climate change research funding 400% 1971-75
- 1988 first international meeting of west govs to call restrictions GHG emissions
- 1989 Exon Valdez oil spill
- public awareness climate change doubled 1981-89
Chakrabarty (2009)
- Anthropogenic climate change = collapse distinction natural and human history (humans geological force)
- Anthropocene qualifies human histories modernity and globalisation
- global histories capital and species aligned (fair? capitalist west vs species everyone - anthropocene species force)
- we experience specific effects but not whole phenomenon climate crisis
- put forward the anthropocene
- argues start anthropocene as industrial rev
- favour geo-engineering
Palsson et al (2013)
Anthropocene first epoch geological force is conscious of its role. Thus starts when humans become aware role shaping earth. Makes a domain with intentionality and meaning.
Later camp when anthropocene began - critique early.
Capitalocene idea: neoliberal capitalism problem (- but carbon emissions did pre-exist capitalist economies?)
Castree (2014)
- Anthropocene development science to public. (eg. 2012 Planet Under Pressure Conference; The Day After Tmrw)
- Anthropocene working group.
- How determine marker
- Planetary Boundaries: 9 components pass threshold = anthropocene - criticised distracting politicians emissions
- Ellis: biomes under threat, call for solutions
- Liverman: uneven impacts env change & need justice
- Anthropocene grounds rethink western thought nature/society binery
- Clark + Yusoff - humans are earthly creatures
- Robbins + Moore (2013) - need science and society cooperate
- Graham - need alternative pol-econ order to holocene
- Castree sees anthropocene as intellectual zeitgeist - how challenge understanding of human condition
Steffan et al (2015)
- Great Acceleration Graphs Project
- Growth resource use, economic growth, urbanisation (2008 50% pop urban areas), GDP + CO2 parallel etc.
- Some progress eg. ozone hole stabilisation (Montreal Protocol)
- Graphs mask inequality eg. OECD econ growth 74%
- China urbanisation - urban pop 1978-2010 17.9 to 52.6% (BRICs)
- support Anthropocene start 1950 (45 atomic bomb)