Climate Change/ Green House Effect Flashcards
Define climate change
Significant long term change in weather patterns
Define inter glacial
Warm period of time
Define glacial
Significant drop in the,ps for a period of time
Colder periods
Define fossil fuels
A natural fuel
Formed by remaining organisms
When bursts the carbon, from it, and oxygen, from the air, makes co2 (a ghg)
Define green house effect
When the layer of green house gases build up to be really thick
They trap radiation that should’ve escaped into space
Warming up earth more than needed
What is the effect of deforestation
Photosynthesis will be limited a lot
Which means co2 will remain in the atmosphere
If trees are burnt, more co2 for the ghg layer
Why has global warming only now impacted our lives
The increase of technology and electricity
The development of factories
Industrial revolution
Name main green house gases (ghg)
Carbon dioxide (co2)
Nitrous oxide
Impacts of global warming/climate change
Polar ice melting = sea level rising = low-lying land floods
Extinction of species
Financial struggle for poor countries
Climate refugees
Salt water would contaminate wells = water borne disease/cholera
Bush fires
Define tropical storm
Oceans get warm Hurricanes become stronger Large tidal waves Flooding of coastlines Strong winds/torrential rainfall