Client-Centered Psychotherapy Flashcards
Rogers basic assumptions
Unconditional Positive Regard
Effort to graps the ‘point’ the client is trying to make, and this leads to empathic understanding responses that capture the client’s basic intentions, agency, and emotional associations.
Transparency or genuineness in the behvariol quality of relaxed openness
Unconditional Positive Regard
Warm appreciation or nonjudgemental prizing of the other person.
- How you perceive yourself
Locus-of Evaluation
- Pre-therapy focus on other’s opinions
- Through therapy clients begin to shift the basis for their standards and values from other people to themselves.
- As therapy onset, rigid mode of experiencing self and world
Evaluative statement:
Places judgment on the person’s thoughts, feelings, wishes, or behavior
Reassuring statement
Attempts to soothe the person’s feelings
Probing statement:
Seeks further information
Reflective statement:
Captures the underlying feelings
Interpretive statement:
Identifies the real problem or underlying feelings
Emotion Coahing Steps
- Be aware of emotions
- Recognize emotion as an opportunity for intimacy/intervention
- Listen empathetically and validate feelings
- Label the emotion
- Set goals/problem solve - if needed
Passive constructive conveys
A response that appears positive and supportitve but muted
Active-destructive conveys
high engagement minimization of importance of the event and/or a focus on the potential downside
Passive destructive conveys
Little or no interest in your respomse (often with a shift of focus in the conversation)
Intrest, enthusiams, and positive regard