Clearing ROM + special tests Flashcards
Lumbar spine
Side flexion
If toes are affected, perform which 2 ROM
Name the 2 tests for neurological + explain
- Slump test (seated, rounded back, on leg up, + if extending of head decreases sx)
- Straight leg raise
Name the 4 tests for vascular supply
Color of skin
Cap refill
Dorsal pedal pulse
Tibialis posterior pulse
Name the special test for fracture + explain
Ottawa ankle rules (palpation + tap test)
1. lateral malleolus above 6 cm
2. medial malleolus above 6 cm
3. Navicular tubercle/bone
Name the special test for swelling
Figure 8
Name the joint stability special tests (3)
- Anterior drawer - 0/20 with inv. and ever.
- Talar tilt - 0/20
- Kleiger - for HAS (dorsiflexion and tibial ext. rot.)
Name the tests for fracture and/or splaying of ankle motrice (2)
- Squeeze test (from proximal to distal of tibia)
- Bump test (firm bump on calcaneus + if pain)
Name the test for fracture and/or peripheral nerve entrapment
Tinel test
1. lat. to tib ant. tendon = anterior tibial nerve
2. post. to medial malleolus = tib post. nerve
+ if numbness, tingling, etc.
Name the test for deep vein thrombosis
Homan’s sign
- skin check and palpation in dorsiflexion
+ if increase pain on palpation
Name the tests for achilles tendon disruption (2)
- Thompson test - squeeze gastroc = does it sollicitate plantarflexion?
- Knee flexion test - prone, knee flexion 90 = + for dorsiflexion foot
Name the tests for functional testing (3)
- Tibial torsion - angle between knee and ankle imaginary line (more than 12 is +)
- Sit up test/leg length
- Neutral position of talus WB and NWB (is the forefoot ADD or ABD?)
J.A.M - explain the long axis extension or distraction test
Cup calcaneaus + hand dome of talus
Create a distraction
J.A.M - explain the AP glide of talocrural joint test
Stabilize distal tib/fib + hand on dome of talus
J.A.M - explain the side tilt test
Joint between calcaneus and talus
Tilt calcaneus medially and laterally with slight traction
J.A.M - explain the side glide
For MP and IP joint
Stabilize proximal bone, grab distal, traction and glide sideways
J.A.M - explain the tib-fib joint play
Distal TF joint
If good mobility, facilitates dorsiflexion
Play with ant. post. glide of fib on tib
Sacroiliac ROMs to clear
Separation test, compression test, sacral pressure
Hip joint ROMs to clear
Flexion, abduction and internal rotation
Ankle/foot ROMs to clear
Plantar flexion, Dorsiflexion, pronation, supination
Shoulder ROMs to clear
Flexion, abduction, external rotation
Elbow ROMs to clear
Flexion, extension, supination, pronation
Wrist ROMs to clear
Flexion, extension, radial deviation, ulnar deviation
Fingers and thumb ROMs to clear
Flexion, extension, adduction, abduction