0 -Lab exam CATA 337 - Injuries and their special test Flashcards
Ankle fracture
o Ottawa ankle rules – 4 locations
o Squeeze test
o Bump test
Lateral ankle sprain
o Anterior drawer
o Talar tilt
Medial ankle sprain
o Anterior drawer
o Talar tilt
High ankle sprain
o Kleiger
o Squeeze test
o Bump test
Anterior tibial nerve entrapment
Tinel tap test
Tibialis posterior nerve entrapment
Tinel tap test
Deep vein thrombosis
Homan’s sign
Achilles tendon disruption
o Thompson test
o Knee flexion test
Leg lengt discrepancy
Sit-up test
Towing in or out at ankle
Tibial torsion
Ankle MMTs
o Gastrocnemius/plantaris/soleus = PF
o Tibialis anterior = DF/INV
o Tibialis posterior = PF/INV
o Peroneus tertius, longus, and brevis = EVER
o Flexor hallucis brevis, and longus = Great toe FLEXOR
o Extensor hallucis longus and brevis = Great toe EXTENSOR
o Flexor digitorum longus, and brevis = Toe FLEXOR
o Extensor digitorum longus, and brevis = Toe EXTENSOR
Reflexes at the ankle
Tib post
Knee flexor
Achilles tendon
Hip test
Trendelenburg sign
Impingement of femoral neck or hip flexors m.
Quadrant/scouring test
MCL tear at knee
o Valgus stress test (0 or 20d)
o Hughston test (mod.)
o Slocum
LCL tear knee
o Varus stress test (0 or 20d)
o Hughston test (mod.)
o Slocum
PCL tear at knee
o Posterior drawer
o Godfrey’s test
o Posterior sag
ACL tear at knee
o Anterior drawer
o Lachman’s
o Lelli’s test
Medial meniscus
o McMurray’s test
o Apley’s test
o Bounce home
o Bragard’s sign
o Thessaly test
Lateral meniscus
o McMurray’s test
o Apley’s test
o Bounce home
o Bragard’s sign
o Thessaly test
Swelling test at knee
o Figure 8
o Brush, stroke, bulge, or wipe test
o Fluctuation test
o Patellar tap test
o Tape measurement
Patellofemoral dysfunction (PFS)
o Clarke’s sign
o McConnel test
o Q-angle
IT band friction syndrome
Noble compression
Medial plica
Mediopatellar plica test
Knee MMTs
o Popliteus
o Medial or lateral hamstrings
o Quadriceps/sartorius
o Hip flexors (psoas, iliacus)
o Adductors
o Tensor fascia latae
o Gluteus maximus, medius, minimus
o Medial and lateral rotators
Anterior instability at shoulder
o Anterior drawer
o Anterior apprehension
o Relocation test
o Rockwood test
o Load and shift
Posterior instability at shoulder
o Posterior drawer
o Posterior apprehension
o Load and shift
Inferior instability at shoulder
Sulcus sign
Impingements at shoulder
o Supraspinatus
Neer test
Hawkins-kennedy test
Yocum’s test
o “Kissing” labral tear lesion posteriorly
Posterior impingement
Labral tears at shoulder
o O’Brien
o Clunk test
o Compression rotation
o Provocation test
Scapular stability
o Wall push up
o Scapular assistance test
AC joint lesion
o Horizontal adduction
o Shear test
Muscle specific pathology at shoulder
o Supraspinatus
Empty can
o Subscapularis
o Biceps
Speed’s test
Yergason’s test
o Teres minor/infraspinatus
Lateral rotation lag test (“Spring back”)
Thoracic outlet at shoulder
o Neural/vascular
Roos – EAST or AER
o Pec minor
o Radial artery
Shoulder MMTs
o Pec major
o Pec minor
o Lats
o Serratus anterior
o Deltoid (anterior, middle, and posterior)
o Coracobrachialis
o External rotators
o Internal rotators
o UFT and MFT
o Rhomboids
UCL sprain/instability
o Empty bowl
o Valgus stress test (0 or 20d)
o Stand up test
LCL elbow sprain/instability
Varus stress
o Medial test
o Lateral method #1,#2, or #3
Elbow MMTs
o Biceps
o Brachioradialis
o Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
o Extensor carpi ulnaris
o Extensor digitorum
o Flexor carpi radialis
o Flexor carpi ulnaris
o Palmaris longus and brevis
o Pronator quadratus
o Pronator teres
o Supinator
o Triceps
Neurological at elbow
o Brachial plexus tension = ULNT 1,2,3,4
o Ulnar nerve
Tinel’s sign
Elbow flexion test
o Median nerve
Pronator teres syndrome
o Median nerve/anterior interosseous nerve
Pinch grip test
Ligaments at wrist/hand
o Thumb ligament instability (MTP or IP in neutral or 90d)
o Finger ligament instability (MTP or IP in neutral or 90d)
Carpal instability (3 types)
o Watson-scaphoid shift test
o Lunotriquetral ballotement
Supinated lift test
Compression test
Ulnar/radial accessory motion
Tendon injuries at wrist/hand (3 types)
o ABD poll L = Finkelstein
o EXT poll Br = Extensor hood boyes
o Para tenosynovitis between flex dig prof of 2nd digit and flex poll = Linburg’s sign
Median nerve entrapment at wrist
Tinel’s sign
Phalen’s test
Carpal compression
Ulnar nerve entrapment at wrist
Tinel’s sign
Vascular occlusion at wrist
Allen’s test
Digital flow – cap refill
Muscle strains at hand/wrist (MMTs)
o Adductor pollicis
o Abductor pollicis brevis, longus
o Opponens pollicis
o Flexor pollicis brevis, longus
o Extensor pollicis brevis, longus