Clear heat resolve toxicity Flashcards
what are the functions of clear heat resolve toxins
main function - clear heat and clean toxins
indications: syndromes due to heat and toxin such as carbuncles, boils, skin eruptions, and rashes, swollen and sore throat, mumps, dysentery,
infections of the skin, pus, heat at the surface layer, affinity to breast tissues (mastitis).
some herbs in this category can be used for insect and snakebites and cancers
herbs in this category should not be used long term
jin yin hua - lonicera, honeysuckle flower
clear heat resolve toxins
cold, sweet
lung, stomach, large intestine
-clears heat and clean toxins
-vents and disperse wind heat
-cools the blood and stops bleeding when charred
-goes with lian qiao
-treats hypertension in high quantities
-treats the fever by dispersing
-affects the upper parts of the body - specifically the face, head and throat
-toxic swelling and sores
antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, CNS stimulant, increases GI motility and antihyperlipidemic
herb should not be used until there is a fever.
lian qiao - forsythia
clears heat resolves toxins
slightly cold, bitter
lung, heart, gallbladder
- abscesses, clumps of toxins with heat and blood (sore throat, goiter, strep throat)
- cools and vents heat, with a focus on the upper burner and heart.
- clean and resolve toxins,
- good for fever, chills, sore throat, headache
- disperses wind heat
- treats the lymph nodes
- looks like a heart chamber
- antibiotic, antiviral, anti-inflamatory, anti-emitic, diuretic, hepatoprotective, cardiovascular
Da qing ye - isatis leaf
clears heat resolves toxin
very cold, bitter, salty
heart lung stomach
-strongly clears heat toxins or pathogenic heat in the qi and blood levels; cool blood to relieve skin eruptions
- skin eruptions, coma, high fever, and restlessness due to invasion of ying and xue level by heat and toxin
-swollen and painful throat,
-epidemic febrile diseases -attacking people regardless of constitution or age - severe contagious diseases
rashes with warm toxins with sore throat
herb drug interactions
- sulfa-antidiabetics, sulfa-antibiotics
Ban Lan Gen - isatis root
clears heat resolves toxins
cold, bitter,
heart, lung, stomach
-drains heat
-resolves fire toxins
-cools the blood
-resolves sore throat
– fever, swollen and sore throat, headache due to warm pathogen attacking
- swollen and painful throat, mumps due to heat and toxin in the blood
damp heat jaundice, diphtheria, tonsillitis and other epedemic diseases
-emphasis on throat
-sulfa-antidiabetics and sulfa-antibiotics, anticoagulants and antiplatlet drug
qing dai - indigo
clears heat, resolves toxins
cold, salty
liver, lung, stomach
-clears heat toxins, cools blood, reduces maculae, drains liver heat ad toxicity, clears the lungs, dispels summer heat, relieve swelling and stop convulsions
-convulsions with fever due to heat or toxic heat in the liver
- skin eruptions, hematemesis, hemoptysis or epistaxis due to heat toxin in the blood
- cough with sticky sputum, chest pain and difficult breathing due to lung heat
-mumps, swollen and sore throat, carbuncles due to heat and toxin.
- antibiotic, antiviral, antineoplastic
Pu gong ying - dandelion
clears heat, resolves toxins
cold, sweet, bitter
liver, stomach
- clears and cools heat
- resolves toxins
- drains damps and direct downward while promoting urination
- facilitates urinations
- resolves nodules - treats the breasts and intestinal abscesses
- used internally and topically.
-damp heat jaundice with painful urination - antibiotic, baterialcidal, hepatoprotective, diuretic, immune enhancing, chologagic
zi hua di ding (viola, violet)
clears heat resolves toxins
cold, bitter, acrid
liver, heart
-drains, disperses, cools, and clears heat and resolves toxicity
- deeply rooted boils and swelling (ding), acute mastitis and appendicitis, nd erysipelas due to heat doxin
ye ju hua - wild chrysanthemum flower
clear heat - resolve toxin
slightly cold, bitter, acrid
lung, liver
disperses wind, clears heat, resolves toxin, reduces swelling
does much the similar as ju hua - however does not nourish yin
antiplatele, anticoagulant drugs
si gua luo - luffa - vegetable sponge skeleton
clear heat resole toxin
sweet, neutral
lung, stomach, liver
unblocks the collaterals and dispels wind, invigorates blood, transforms phlegm and resolves toxins and swelling
breast abscess
good for post trauma injury
good for phlegm in the lungs
- cardiotonic, hepatoprotecitc, diuretic
bai jiang cao - thlaspi
clear heat resolve toxins
slightly cold, acrid, bitter
stomach, large intestine, liver
clears heat and clean toxin, expel pus, remove blood stasis and abscess
- abscess in the lung and large intestine due to heat toxins
- expels blood stasis and alleviates pain
yangming and juiyin herb - excels and expelling statsis and resolveing pus, also a good gynocological herb.
- sedative, antibiotic, antiviral, hepatoprotective
— prolonges the barbituate effects - sedatives
yu xing cao - houttuyniae
clear heat, resolve toxicity
slightly cold, acrid
disperses heat, resolves toxicity, drains pus and swelling, promotes urination to drain damp heat and works especially on the lung
cough with sticky sputum, lung abscess with coughing pus and blood due to heat and toxin in the lung
infections due to heat and toxin
painful and burning urination due to damp heat
bai hua she she cao - oldenlandia
clear heat, resolve toxicity
cold, slightly bitter, sweet
liver, stomach, large intestine, small intestine
clear heat, clean and resovle toxin, expels dampness via urination
- treats upper and lower GI cancers
- good for snake bite
- treats urination – hot painful urination that is dribling
- damp heat jaundice
bai tou weng - pulsatilla
clear heat resolve toxin
cold, bitter
large intestine, stomach
clear heat and resolves toxicity, especially good to cool blood and relieve dysenteric conditions
dysentery due to damp heat or heat and toxins
pus and blood in the stool
downward bearing pressure
antibiotic, antiamebic
shan ci gu - cremastra
clear heat resolve toxin
cold, slightly acrid, sweet
liver, stomach
resolves toxicity, anti-clumping, anticancer
he ye - lotus leaves
clear heat, resolve toxin
neutral, slightly sweet, bitter
heart, spleen, liver
clear heat, resolves summerheat, raises clear yang, stops bleeding
raises clear yang of the spleen d/t spleen xu or aftermath of summerheat
lu dou - mung bean
clear heat, resolve toxins
cold, sweet
heart ,stomach
clears heat and cleans toxins, clears summer heat and promotes urination
restlessness and thirst due to summer heat invasion
herb for food poisoning
- can be used as a antidote to aconite
bai xian pi - dictamnus
clear heat. resolve toxicity
cold, bitter
spleen, stomach
- stops itching
- scabies or vaginal discharge with itching and yellowish discharge or pus due to damp heat
- jaudice, yellow urine, or bi syndrome due to damp heat
- anitneoplastic drugs
hong teng - sargentodoxa vine
(red vine)
clear heat, resolve toxicity
neutral, bitter
large intestine, liver
clear heat, resolves toxin, remove blood stasis . treats abscesses, appendicitis - chang yong
tu fu ling - smilax
clear heat, resolve toxicity
neutral, sweet, bland
liver, stomach
-resolves damp heat
- resolves toxicity
- relieves joint pain by expelling wind damp (eases the joints)
- promotes normal urination
-syphilis –> pain and spasm of the muscles
- damp heat toxins
- damp heat jaundice
- benefits the urination
-clears the skin - reccuent skin conditions
- throat conditions - sore throat, swollen, strep ect
-antineoplastic (cancer)
Ban zhi Lian - barbat skullcap
clear heat, resolve toxins
cool, acrid, slightly bitter
liver, lung, stomach
– clears heat toxins and dampness
- relieves blood stasis and promotes urination
- snake bites
- treats cancer
- chronic hepatitis
- reduces edema - damp heat/ ascites
- effective in the treatment of MRSA
- antibitic, antineoplastic, antispasmodic
Ma Bo - puffball mushroom
clear heat, clear toxin
neutral, acrid
lightweight so it rises to disperse wind heat for throat disorders
clears toxins
stops bleeding
loss of voice - aphonia
antibiotic, hemostatic
Shan Dou gen - menispermi
clear heat, clear toxin
cold, bitter
lung, large intestine
clears heat
clears toxin
throat swelling and stops pain
sore throat and gums, canker sores due to stomach fire
swelling of the throat and the gums
- antibiotic, antineoplastic, antihyperlipidemic, hepatoprotective, immunostimulant, anti0asthmatic, antiarrhythmic, antiulcer, antibacterial
She Gan - belamcanda
clear heat, resolve toxin
cold, bitter
clear heat and clean toxin
reduce swelling of the throat
transforms phlegm
swollen and painful throat due to accumulation of phlegm heat, fire toxins, or excess fire conditions affecting the throat
benefits the throat and clears phlegm
anibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflamatory
niu huang - cattle gallstone
clear heat resolve toxins
bitter cold
heart liver
clear heat and clean toxin
subdue liver wind for relieveing convulsions
open the orifice of the heart by resolving phlegm
used for delirium/ coma –> waking up someone from a coma
stops tremors/ convulsions (wind) and reduces fever
herb drug - sedatives