how many steps are there in the Hand Hygiene routine and how long should it take?
- 6 steps
- minimum of 10-20 seconds
- ideally 45 seconds start to finish
what are some rules associated with hand hygiene?
- short nails with no nail varnish
- removal of jewellery (plain wedding band allowed)
- arms clear to elbows
You walk into a dental practise that has some clear hazards present in the clinic room, what hazards might draw your attention?
- sharps left on bracket table unattended
- messy bracket table
- overflowing sharps box/sharps box left wide open
- burrs left in handpieces
- blood saliva on outside of spittoon or light handle
- instruments in sink
- dentist/nurse touching drawers/holding pen with gloves on
what are the 9 SICPs?
- patient placement/assessment for infection risk
- hand hygiene
- respiratory and cough hygiene
- safe management of care equipment
- safe managment of care environment
- safe management of linen/uniform
- safe management of blood and body fluid spillages
- safe disposal of waste/sharps
what are the six links in the chain of infection?
- infectious agent
- reservoir
- portal of exit
- mode of transmission
- portal of entry
- susceptible host
what are the 7 modes of transmission?
- direct
- indirect
- inhalation
- ingestion
- innoculation
- intercourse
- mother to child
what are the 5 moments for hand hygiene?
- before touching a patient
- before a clean/aseptic procedure
- after body fluid exposure risk
- after touching a patient
- after touching a pateints immediate surroundings
what is social hand hygiene?
washing with an alcohol based gel when hands are not visibly soiled
what is hygienic hand washing?
washing with an antimicrobial scrub/with hot water and soap & then alcohol based gel
when should sharp box containers be disposed of? how is this done?
- 3/4 full
- sent away for incineration
In the dental practise, where should sharps boxes be placed?
- out of reach of children
- close enough to operator for easy reach
You are working on clinic with a patient when you suddenly pierce your glove with a probe and give yourself a sharps injury, what steps do you follow?
- stop what you are doing immediately & inform pateint/nurse you have injured yourself
- run the injury under warm water and squeeze to encourage bleeding
- wash thoroughly with soap and water (do not scrub)
- speak to someone in charge and report to occupational health
- complete incident report form (datix form)
what is the black waste stream used for?
domestic waste
what is the orange waste stream used for?
items which are contaminated/likely to be contaminated with blood/bodily fluids (disposal via treatment or incineraton)
- dressings & swabs
- disposables such as gloves, aprons, masks, contaminated wipes
what is the blue waste stream used for?
medicinal waste that must be disposed via incineration
what is the yellow waste stream used for?
infectious waste for disposal by incineration
- teeth with fillings (NOT AMALGAM)
- used or unused sharps
- infected blood
what is the yellow/black waste stream used for?
offensive/hygiene waste for disposal by deep landfill
what is the purple waste stream used for?
containing cytotoxic or cytostatic waste for disposal via incineration
what is the red waste stream used for?
anatomical waste for disposal by incineration
what is the white waste stream used for?
amalgam waste for recycling
You are on clinic and about to use a piece of sterile equipment, what must you check first?
- the packaging is intact
- no obvious signs of packaging contamination
- the expiry date remains vaild
how would you clean up a blood spillage?
chlorine releasing granules poured directly onto blood spillage
what would be used to clean a blood spillage?
- sodium hypochlorite (10,000ppm)
- dichloroisocyanurate (10,000ppm)
what do you NOT use to directly to clean a urine spillage? why?
NEVER use chlorine releasing granules directly on urine spillage
- will react and produce toxic chlorine gas
what order does PPE go on?
- apron
- mask
- eye protection
- gloves
in what order is PPE removed?
- gloves
- apron
- eye protection
- mask
what is the Spaulding Classification definition?
Puts medical devices/equipment into categories depending on the infectious risk associated with it.
what are the Spaulding Classifications?
Minimal Risk
Non-Critical (low risk)
Semi-Critical (medium risk)
Critical (high risk)
what are examples of minimal risk equipment?
dental chair
what is meant by Minimal Risk spaulding classifications?
Equipment not normally in contact with skin
what is meant by Non-Critical Spaulding Classification equipment?
Equipment that is normally in contact with intact skin
what is meant by Semi-Critical Spaulding Classification equipment?
equipment that comes into contract with intact mucous membranes
what is meant by Critical Spaulding Classification equipment?
equipment that comes into contact with normally sterile body sites
what are examples of Semi-Critical equipment?
dental mirrors/hand pieces
what are examples of critical (spaulding classification) equipment?
forceps, scalpels, perio scalers, dental burrs