Cleaning & Shaping/ Irrigation in Endodontics Flashcards
What is the most important part of endodontics?
Cleaning and shaping
What is shaping?
Preparation of the canal system to allow for adequate disinfection and obturation
What is Cleaning?
removal of infected dentin and the disinfection of the canal space
What are the 4 desing objectives of cleaning and shaping the canals?
1) continously tapering funnel from apex to coronal access
2) root canal preparation should reflect that of the original anatomy
3) apical foramen should remain in the same location
4) apical foramen should remain as small as feasible
What are the 4 biologic objectives in cleaning and shaping?
1) confinement of instrumentation to within the root canal system
2) minimum extrusion of debris
3) removal of all tissue from the root canal system
4) creation of space for irrigaiton and medication
3 types of canal instrumentation?
1) manual/hand file
2) Rotary instrumentation
3) ultrasonic instrumentation
What are the 2 methods of manual/hand file instrumentation?
1) Step back
2) Crown down
What is the crown down technique?
start with large insturment sizes in coronal and sequentially using smaller hand files as you progress apically
Explain the step back instrumentation?
measure of the first binding file
- stepback 0.5-1 mm increase size by one increment
- proceed to stepback a total of 5 times
- handfile to smooth out the canal
- remeasure the apex
What is the first binding file?
the first file that slightly binds at WL after straight line access
What is the first binding file a guage of?
guage of original size
What is the master apical file?
What is this a guage of?
Final file that lightly binds at WL before obturation/after cleaning and shaping
Final apical size
What type of files are the most commonly used hand instruments in endo?
K files
What is the order of sizes of files (with colors)?
.06 - pink
.08- grey
.10- purple
.15- White
.20 - yellow
.25 - red
.30- blue
- 35 - green
- 40 - black
ETC… once it gets to 0.6, it increases by .10!!!
What is reaming?