Classification of Neurons Flashcards
4 Categories of structural classification of neurons:
- Anaxonic
Location: Brain and sensory organs
-Has axons, but they can not be told apart from dendrites
Location: Sensory organs only!!
-has a fused dendrite and a axon extending from cell body
Location: In the PNS. Specifically, in the sensory divison of the PNS.
-Built to SEND information.
-dendrite is conncected to the axon and NOT the cell body
Multipolar Neuron
-most common neuron (99% of neurons are multipolar)
-major neuron in CNS
-Steryotypical barbie
Functional classification of neuron categories: (there are 3)
- Sensory (Affernt)
2.Motor (Effernet)
Sensory neurons
-carry impules TO the Central Nervous System FROM the PNS
-most of them are unipolar
-cell bodies are found in ganglia close to the spinal cord
-10 milliom
Efferent neruons
-Carry impulses AWAY from the CNS and to the PNS
-have about 1/2 million
-transfer impulses between motor and sensory neruons in the CNS.
-Most of them are multipolar
-Most aboundant
We have about ______ neurons. 99% of those are ______ and ______
We have about 100 Billion neurons.
99% of them are multipolar and interneurons
Neuroglia (Gial cells)
-what are they?
-where are they primarily found?
-Are there more or less glial cells than neurons?
-cells that support and protect neruons
-They are primiarly found in CNS
-There are MORE glial cells than neuorns. there is a 10:1 ratio
glial cells in the CNS:
Ependymal cell
-line central canal of spinal cord and ventricles in brain.
-help produce and circulate cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
glial cells in the CNS:
-largest and most abondent glial cell in CNS.
-secrete chemicals to help maintain blood brain barrier
-form structural framework in CNS,
-repair damaged nerve tissue,
-guide neural development
glial cells in the CNS:
form the myelin sheaths arround axons in CNS
glial cells in the CNS:
-Immune glial cell. smallest and rarest glial cell.
Glial cells found in PNS and what they are
- Satelite cell
-surrond neuron cell bodies. play a role in regeneration of nerve and muscle tissue.
2.Schwann cell
form mylein sheaths around axons in the PNS