Classification of Epithelium Tissues Flashcards
What are the 4 types of tissues?
Epithelial, Connective, Muscle, and Nerve tissue
How many layers does Simple Epithelia have?
one single cell layer
How many layers does Stratified Epithelia have?
two or more cell layers
Squamous cells are
flattened and scale-like
Cuboidal cells are
Columnar cells are
tall and column shaped

Simple Epithelia

Stratisfied Epithelia

Squamous Cells

Cuboidal Cells

Columnar Cells
Name the Tissue

Simple Squamous Epithelium
Endothelium lines _____ and _________ vessels.
blood, lymphatic
Mesothelium lines ____ ________.
body cavities
Name the Tissue:
- Location: tubules of kidneys, pancreas, thyroid, small glands, ovary
- Function: secretion, absorption

Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Name the Tissue

- Location: most of the digestive tract (stomach to anal canal), gall bladder, ducts of some glands, small bronchi, some parts of the uterus.
- Function: absorption, secretion, propels mucus/reproductive cells.
Simple Columnar Epithelium
Does Simple Columnar Epithelium contain goblet cells?
Yes, it may contain it.

Name the Tissue

-Location: ciliated type
*trachea/most of the upper respiratory tract
non-ciliated type
*sperm carrying ducts/some glands
-Function: secretion of mucus, propulsion of mucus through cilla
Pseudostratisfied Columnar Epithelium
Does Pseudostratisfied Columnar Epithelium contain Cilia & Goblet Cells?

Name the Tissue

-Location: Non-keratized type:
*skin, mouth, esophagus, vagina.
Keratinized type:
*epidermis of the skin
Function: protection against mechanical stress and abrasion.
Stratisfied Squamous Epithelium
Is Stratisfied Squamous Epithelium non-keratinized?
Name the Tissue

- Location: urinary bladder, ureters, urethra
- Function: streches readily and permits distention.
Transitional Epithelium
Surface is toward a lumen (open space)
Surfaces are toward other epithelial cells
Surface is toward the basement membrane
Cells are tightly packed and attached by
cell juncitons, (tight junctions and desmosomes)
Epithelial tissue is
Does epithelial tissue lack a nervous system?
Name the junction:
A zip- lock seal intestines
Tight junctions
Name the junctions:
Velco seals holds cell together
Adherence junctions
Name the Junctions:
tunnel for larger molecules
Gap Junction
Name the junctions:
dots of Velco
Name the junctions:
Welcro to basement membranes
Name the Junction
- Keep substances from passing between cells.
- Line simple epithelia
*columnar epithelia in the intestine
Tight Junctions
Name the Junction
–Allow small molecules and ions to pass through to adjacent cells
–Found in most epithelial cells
*Nerve and Cardiac cells
Gap junctions
Name the Junctions:
–Mechanical protein links which bind cells together in tissues subject to considerable stretching
•Found in skin, heart, muscle, and uterus
Name the junction:
-Mechanical protein links which bind cells to the basement membrane in most tissue
Name the junction:
–Weak glycoprotein bonds which assist tight junctions in binding epithelial cells together
•Adherance Junctions
Types of Glandular Epithelia
–Endocrine glands
–Exocrine glands
–Unicellular exocrine glands
–Multicellular exocrine glands
Name the gland (Grandular)
–Ductless glands
–Secrete hormones that travel through lymph or blood to target organs
Endocrine Glands
Name the gland (GLandular)
–More numerous than endocrine glands
–Secrete products into ducts
–Secretions released onto body surfaces (skin) or into body cavities
–Examples include mucous, sweat, oil, and salivary glands
Exocrine Glands
NAme the glands (GRadular)
–Goblet cell (found in respiratory tract)
•Unicellular exocrine glands
Name the glands (GRadular)
–Are composed of a duct and a secretory unit
–Classified according to:
- Duct type (simple or compound)
- Structure of their secretory units (tubular, alveolar, or tubuloalveolar)
•Multicellular exocrine glands