Classification Flashcards
What are the three lineages of mammals?
Monotremes Marsupials Eutherians
What are the four classes of Eutherians
Afrotheria Xenarthra Euarchontoglires Laurasiatheria
What order does this animal belong to?

Monotremata (echidna)
What order does this animal belong to?

Monotremata (platypus)
What order does this animal belong to?

Didelphimorphia (opossums)
What order does this animal belong to?

Paucituberculata (shrew opossum)
What order does this animal belong to?

Microbiotheria (single species, the Monito Del Monte, Dromiciops gliroides)
What order does this animal belong to?

Dasyuromorphia (Tasmanian devil)
What order does this animal belong to?

Dasyuromorphia (quoll)
What order does this animal belong to?

Peramelemorphia (bandicoot)
What order does this animal belong to?

Peramelemorphia (bilby)
What order does this animal belong to?

Notoryctemorphia (marsupial moles)
What order does this animal belong to?

Diprotodontia (kangaroo)
What order does this animal belong to?

Diprotodontia (koala)
What order does this animal belong to?

Diprotodontia (wombat)
What order does this animal belong to?

Afrosoricida (tenrecs)
What order does this animal belong to?

Macroscelidea (Elephant shrews)
What order does this animal belong to?

Tubulidentata (aardvark)
What order does this animal belong to?

Proboscideans (elephant)
What order does this animal belong to?

Sirenia (manatee)
What order does this animal belong to?

Hyracoidea (hyrax)
What order does this animal belong to?

Cingulata (armadillo)
What order does this animal belong to?

Pilosa (sloth)
What order does this animal belong to?

Pilosa (anteater)
What order does this animal belong to?

Dermoptera (flying lemur, which is not a lemur)
What order does this animal belong to?

Scandentia (treeshrew)
What order does this animal belong to?

Primates (loris)
What order does this animal belong to?

Primates (hominoid)
What order does this animal belong to?

Rodentia (rat)
What order does this animal belong to?

Lagomorpha (rabbit)
What order does this animal belong to?

Erinaceomorpha (hedgehog)
What order does this animal belong to?

Soricomorpha (mole)
What order does this animal belong to?

Chiroptera (bats)
What order does this animal belong to?

Pholidota (pangolins)
What order does this animal belong to?

Carnivora (wolf)
What order does this animal belong to?

Perissodactyla (odd-toes)
What order does this animal belong to?

Perissodactyla (odd-toes)
What order does this animal belong to?

Artiodactyla (even-toes)
What order does this animal belong to?

Cetacea (all marine mammals)