Classical Period (4th Century BCE) Flashcards
Describe Late Classical Art (6)
- Still idealistic
- Less athenocentric
- New emphasis on individual over community
- More diversity in styles
- Emphasis on expression, emotion, sensuality
- Increased in named artists (Praxiteles, Scopas, Lysippos)
Who is asklepios? (4)
- God of healing
- Son of apollo, deifed after death
- Divine healing
- Increase importance after 5th cent. plague in Athens
Descibe the Asklepion
- Doric temple made of Corinth limestone, pediments are pentelic marble
- Chryselephantine statue of Asklepios
- Site of pilgrimage
- Anatomical votive offerings donated to sanctuaries
What is the Abaton? (4)
- Stoa-type structure and dormitory
- Reserved for vistors to stay for long periods of time
- Located near a well and bath house
- Ceremonial healing practices: 3-day purification and abstinence, offerings ands sacrifices, incubation period (interpret deams sent by spirit of the dead and snakes)
What is the thymele?
- Hearth or altar
- Tholos design with colonical roof
- Doric columns on exteioir, Corinthian interior)
- Architect: Polykleitos the younger
- Function is unknown
Define orchestra, skene, and theatron
- Orchestra: where actors and chorus performed, circular
- Skene: stage housing and backdrop
- Theatron: seating area for audience
Identification (6)
Mausoleion at Halikarnassos
* From 4th century BCE
* Found at Halikarnassus
* Anatolian and pentelic marble
* Tomb of Mausolos, king of Caria
* Completed after his death by Artemisia (wife and sister)
* Considered one of the 7 Wonders of the World
Who is Lysippos?
- Interested in portraiture
- Personal scultpor of Alexander the Great
- Known for making over 1,500 works of bronze and marble
- Published a new canon of proportions (slimmer and long legs, smaller heads, leaner muscles)
Identification (6)
Antikythera Youth
* 4th century BCE
* Found in shipwreck near island of Antikythera, coins suggest it came from Asia Minor
* Once held a spherical object, could be Perseus or Paris
* Polyklitean feautures: wide muscular body, contrapposto pose
* Lysippian features: smaller head, elongated appearance, left side shorter and elongated right side (optical correction)
Who is Praxiteles? (4)
- Made bronze and marble statues
- S-curve contrapposto (over exaggeration)
- Made first female nude statue, showed soft male youth
- Produced representations of mrotal women displayed in public spaces (none survived)
Identification (6)
Dervini Krater
* 375-350 BCE
* Found at Tomb B at Dervini
* Made of bronze with high tin content to give gold-like sheen (overlays of copper and silver for some details)
* Set on a pedestal within a cist tomb, found with other grave goods
* Cinerary urn: ashes of 25-50 year old male and younger female
* Shows a mix of hammered repousse and cast figures
Describe Kerch Style Pottery
- Featruing a rich use of colour and exported in large numbers to Black Sea
- New style of red-figure pottery
- Luxury pottery good with added pink, green, blue and gold leaf
- Mythological themes
- Named after site of Kerch
- Produced in Attic workshops
Describe Magna Graecia Pottery production
- 5th and 4th cent. BCE
- Increased demand for pottery demand in Southern Italy and Sicily
- 3 key pottery production sites: Ca,pania, Apulia, Lucania
- Interested in themes of mythology and theatrical performances
Identification (6)
Apulian Red-Figure Loutrophoros
* 350-325 BCE
* Teracotta
* Findspot is unknown, likely Southern Italy
* Loutrophoros: water bessel used for ceremonial pouring of water for weddings, or used in funerary context
* Depicts a naiskos: funerary shrine shaped like small temple-like enclosure, funerary marker with ionic columns on a podium, skenographia, 3-D perspective of ceiling
* Shows mistress and maiden motif
Define a tesserae
Collection of stone pebbles
Identification (6)
Stag Hunt Mosaic
* From 4th cent. BCE
* House at Pella, Macedon
* Made of a collection of stone pebbles (Tesserae) set in mortar
* Shows light figures against a dark background
* Uses skiagraphia
* Signed by mosaicist, Gnosis
Identificastion (6)
Abduction of Persephone by Hades
* From 336-317 BCE
* Found in Tomb 1: Tomb of Persephone in Verina/Aigai
* Polychromatic, true fresco
* Shows three-quarter profile and foreshortening of limbs
* Can be symbolic meaning of Hades aducting a soul to bring to the underworld
* Shows skiagraphia (use of brown for shading)
What is found in Tomb II?
- Frieze in place of a pediment (fresco painting)
- Scene of royal anumal hunt
- Use of 3D space, contrast of light and dark colours, depth of field, and figures moving in different directions
- Assembleges: stone sarcophagi (gold box), gold and ivory shield, iron helmet and cuirass, silver vessels, luxury textules
What is in Tomb III?
- Not looted
- Doricy style, single burial chamber
- Silber ash urn topped with gold wreath
- Painted friezes on wood panels