Archaic Period Flashcards
Define the Archaic Period (3)
- Archaios: ancient or old
- Comes from Pausanias, a greek Geographer who refers to art pre-5th cent. BCE as Archaic
- Today it refers to art between 7th cent.-early 5th cent. BCE
What is happening in the Archaic period? (4)
- Established poleis
- Athens’ sees foundations of democratic reforms
- Invention of coinage
- Artisitic developments: refinements of architectural orders, formulaic kouroi and korai, black-figure and red-figure pottery, Athens is dominent center for pottery and sculpture
Describe the versatility of Kouroi and Korai (4)
- Idealized
- Aglaos: containing brilliance, radiance, and eternal youth
- Votive offerings and grave markers
- Depicting gods, heroes, and mortals
Identification (6)
Kleobis and Biton
* Found in Delphi from 570
* Made of Naxian marble
* Votive offering by the Argives
* Incisions indicates breastplate or clothes were added
* Idealized portraiture
* Could also be Dioscuri (Brothers of Helen of Troy)
Define peplos (2), chiton (4), and himation (1)
Peplos: belted rectangular cloth that is folded over and secured by pins or sewn, heavier wool material worn by women
Chiton: 1-2 pieves of fabric sewm to make a tube, sleeves can be sewn, belted, worn by both gender, lighter materian
Himation: type of wool mantle worn over chiton or can be worn alone (which men do)
Identification (3)
* Found in Cemetery of Merenda in Attica, from 550-540 BCE
* Made of marble
* Wearing a belted Chiton, jewelry, and sandles
* Depicting a kore (maiden eligible for marriage)
Identification (4)
Caryatid Mirror
* Found in Cape Sounin, 510 BCE
* Free standing and made of Bronze
* Caryatid: cupids/angels of love
* Could be used as a feminine toillete, votive and funerary use
Identification (5)
Cryselephantine Statue of Apollo
* Found in burial pits along Sacred Way in Delphi that had experience fire damage in 5th century BCE, from 6th cent. BCE
* Votive offering
* Original place is unknown
* Made of ivory and gold
* Part of fragmentary remains
The Pediments at the Temple of Artemis
* Located in Corfu, from 580 BCE
* Made entirely from limestone
* Contains gorgoneion and titanomachy (gods vs. titans)
* Used as apotropaic figure (protection from harm)
* Medusa in a whirligag gesture (one-knee)
Define gorgoneion
The decapitated head of Gorgon Medusa, used as a apotropaic figure (visual or motif to protect from harm)
Identification (6)
Siphnian Treasury
* Found along the Sacred Way of Delphi, from 535-530 BCE
* Space for offerings deciated to a god/goddess
* Ionic style
* Indicates more than one scupltor, East and North are simmilar
* East side shows pediment of struggle between Apollo and Herakles over Delphic tripod, dark blue background
* North side shows frieze of gigantomachy (battle between giants and Olympian gods)
Pitsa Panels
* Found in a cave dedicated to nymphs near town of Pitsa located in Corinthea
* From Late Archaic, 540-530 BCE
* Made of wooden panels with plaster and paint
* Votive offerings
* Shows family procession to altar
* 4 in total
Describe Laconian Pottery
- 6th cent. BCE important pottery and bronze working producrtion
- Exported beyond Laconia
- Production mysteriously ceases at end of 6th cent. BCE
- Use of cropping “porthole” scenes
Identification (4)
Eurytios Krater
* From early 6th century in Corinth
* Corinthian column krater (mixing wine)
* Polychrome: red and black
* Has a mythological scene: Banquet of Eurytios
* Early example of symoitic pottery
Explain on the Attic Pottery Industry (6)
- Only minor producer of pottery in 7th cent. BCE
- Mid 6th cent. BCE, Athens dominates market
- Abandon orientalizing B&W style and adopts Corinthian black-figure
- Use clay from Attica: distinctive red-orange colour
- Painters being to sign their names
- Family workshops, generational craftsmen
Francois Vase
* Discovered in Chiusi at Etruscan chamber tomb, 570 BCE
* Attic volute krater made of teracotta, mimics ionic column capitals
* Burial good
* Named after Alessandro Francois (discovered it)
* Damaged by museum guard in 1900
Identification (3)
Exekias Amphora
* From Attica, 540 BCE
* Signed by Exekias (potter and painter)
* Two sided: Achilles and Ajax playing dice, Dioscuri returning home
Explain red-figure pottery
- Emerged at end of 6th cent. BCE
- Eventually dominates market in popularity
- Developed in Athens
- Figures: left in natural red of terracotta, outlined with black or red-brown
- Black slip used for background
- Red and white slip can also beused for details