Classical Conditioning & Pavlov's Research (approaches | LA: the Behaviourist Approach) Flashcards
The behaviourist approach assumes that: everyone is
born as a ‘blank slate’ which life writes upon (Watson, 1930)
The behaviourist approach assumes that: all behaviour
is learned from the environment e.g. upbringing, neighbourhood, peers, education
The behaviourist approach assumes that: behaviour can be understood via a
stimulus-response approach (classical conditioning)
The behaviourist approach assumes that: behaviour can be understood via the
mechanisms of reward and reinforcement(operant conditioning)
a stimulus-response approach is
classical conditioning
the mechanisms of reward and reinforcement is
operant conditioning
The behaviourist approach assumes that: behaviours
which can be directly observed only, can be measured
The behaviourist approach assumes that: behaviours which can be directly observed only can be measured: imitation
of specific aggressive behaviours can be observed and measured
The behaviourist approach assumes that: behaviours which can be directly observed only can be measured: memory
cannot be measured as it cannot be directly observed
The behaviourist approach assumes that: lab-based, scientific methods
are the only way that behaviour can be studied
The behaviourist approach assumes that: animal research
may be used as a basis for understanding human behaviour
The behaviourist approach assumes that: repeated
behaviours become internalised and automatic
The behaviourist approach assumes that: repeated behaviours become internalised and automatic e.g.
hearing the bell ring for the end of the lesson triggers packing away and moving to the next lesson without any real thought involved
The behaviourist approach assumes that: classical conditioning and operant conditioning
underpin the principles of behaviourism
The behaviourist approach assumes that which two things underpin the principles of behaviourism
classical conditioning and operant conditioning
classical Conditioning (CC) is
learning via association and is one of the core assumptions of the behaviourist approach
CC occurs when
a neutral stimulus is substituted for the original unconditioned stimulus to produce a conditioned response
An unconditioned stimulus produces
a natural, unforced response i.e. no animal or human has to learn how to feel hunger
The mechanisms of CC are as follows: the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is
the starting point
The mechanisms of CC are as follows: the US is
a stimulus that produces an unconditioned response (UCR)
The mechanisms of CC are as follows: the US is a stimulus that produces an unconditioned response (UCR): food is
an UCS as it is a natural, physiological reflexThe UCR to food being presented is to salivate/feel hungry
The mechanisms of CC are as follows: the UCS is paired
with a neutral stimulus (NS)
The mechanisms of CC are as follows: the UCS is paired with a neutral stimulus (NS): one which
ordinarily and on its own, does not produce a strong response (neither positive nor negative) e.g. a tone being sounded
The mechanisms of CC are as follows: when the UCS is paired
with the NS the response continues to be the UCR, as a result of the UCS
The mechanisms of CC are as follows: after repeated pairings
the NS is presented on its own and elicits the UCR e.g. salivation
The mechanisms of CC are as follows: the NS has thus become
the conditioned stimulus (CS) and the salivation has become the conditioned response (CR)
The mechanisms of CC are as follows: when the CS
is presented it will result in the CR
The mechanisms of CC are as follows: the CR is
generally not as strong as the UCR
The mechanisms of CC are as follows: after some time
the NS must be paired with the UCS again otherwise extinction will occur
extinction is when
the NS fails to elicit the CR
the mechanisms of classical conditioning were discovered accidentally by
Pavlov (1897), a physiologist who was measuring the volume of specific enzymes in dog saliva
Pavlov had been working with dogs in his lab:
the dogs were attached to an apparatus which held them in place and collected their saliva
Pavlov noticed that the dogs began to salivate before they saw or smelt their food
they began to salivate when they heard the footsteps of the lab assistants approaching (the dogs had learned that these footsteps = food)
Pavlov was astounded by this discovery as he believed
the dogs should only salivate when presented with the UCS - food - rather than an NS (footsteps)
To test what he had just discovered he set up the following procedure:
- the dog is given food as usual (UCS)
- the dog salivates when it sees and smells the food (UCR)
- a bell is sounded (NS) every time the dog is given food (UCS)
- a bell is sounded every time the food is presented (the pairing of NS and UCS)
- after repeated pairings, the dog salivates when it hears the bell
- the bell has become the CS
- the dog salivating to the sound of the bell has become the CR
- the dog continues to salivate to the bell however when Pavlov stopped pairing the bell and the food he found that the CR decreased and gradually disappeared (known as ‘extinction’)
Pavlov’s classical conditioning procedure diagram
Evaluation of classical conditioning & Pavlov’s research
- The use of
scientific methods (e.g. lab experiments)
Evaluation of classical conditioning & Pavlov’s research
- The use of scientific methods (e.g. lab experiments), reliability
is based on the use of a testable hypothesis
Evaluation of classical conditioning & Pavlov’s research
- The use of scientific methods (e.g. lab experiments), hypothesis
testing takes place in controlled conditions using standardised, replicable procedures
Evaluation of classical conditioning & Pavlov’s research
- The use of scientific methods (e.g. lab experiments), the above measures produce results
which should show consistency over time
Evaluation of classical conditioning & Pavlov’s research
- The use of scientific methods (e.g. lab experiments), thus
research into behaviourism has good reliability
Evaluation of classical conditioning & Pavlov’s research
- Behaviourism takes a
nomothetic approach which is a strength as it seeks to establish general laws of behaviour which can be applied universally to all people
nomothetic approach is
an approach that aims to establish general principles and laws through quantitative research methods that involve studying large samples of individuals to identify patterns or trends across populations
Evaluation of classical conditioning & Pavlov’s research
- Whilst classical conditioning
may explain some forms of behaviour, it cannot explain all behaviour
Evaluation of classical conditioning & Pavlov’s research
- Whilst classical conditioning may explain some forms of behaviour, it cannot explain all behaviour, e.g. behaviour which is
spontaneous or original e.g. dyeing your hair bright blue
Evaluation of classical conditioning & Pavlov’s research
- Whilst classical conditioning may explain some forms of behaviour, it cannot explain all behaviour, e.g. behaviour which
resists conditioning e.g. someone who has been brought up in a strict religious environment who goes on to reject that religion
Evaluation of classical conditioning & Pavlov’s research
- Whilst classical conditioning may explain some forms of behaviour, it cannot explain all behaviour, this means
that classical conditioning has limited external validity
Evaluation of classical conditioning & Pavlov’s research
- Behaviourism is highly
deterministic (environmental determinism)
Evaluation of classical conditioning & Pavlov’s research
- Behaviourism is highly deterministic (environmental determinism), the assumption is
that people are controlled by environmental forces and have little autonomy over their destiny
Evaluation of classical conditioning & Pavlov’s research
- Behaviourism is highly deterministic (environmental determinism), the assumption is that people are controlled by environmental forces and have little autonomy over their destiny, this assumption
negates the role of free will in behaviour which reduces the usefulness of the approach, seeing people in almost mechanical terms