classical conditioning + pavlov Flashcards
Describe learning theories (3)
All behaviour occurs after birth. Therefore behaviour is explained by nurture.All 3 theories are based on scientific researh which used the experimental method to est cause and effect.This provides the theories with scientific cred therfore support psych as a science and have many practical applications eg develop therapies and enhance educational practises
Pavlov’s experiment
Step 1: US (food) -> UR (salivation)
Step 2: NS (bell) -> US (food) -> UR (salivation)
Later… CS (bell) -> CR (salivation)
What is meant by Tabula Rosa
Blank slate
Strengths of using animals
Easy to handle, strict controls high validity, easy to repeat and carry out again, good ppt cannot guess the aim
Limitations of using animals in research
Brain differences, rights of animals, individual differences between animals themselves, lab experiments in artificial environments always lack ecological validity
Aim of Pavlov’s study
To find out if a reflexive behaviour salivation could be produced in new situations through learning
Sample of Pavlov’s study
35 dogs of a variety of breeds raised in kennels in the lab
Procedure in Pavlov’s study
- the dogs were kept in an isolated room strapped to a harness
- NS = bell UCS = food -presented at the same time
- UCR = salivation collected via a tube in the dogs mouth
Results of Psvlov
Confirmed through measuring dogs saliva dogs learned to associate the sound (CS) with food (US) and begin to salivate when they heard sound. Secondary conditioning was possible and not all dogs were the same
Environmental stimuli that had no connection to relflex action could through repeated pairings trigger a salivation response
Define stimulus
External factor/event which is interpreted through the sense and bring out a response
Define unconditioned stimulus
Stimulus elicts an UR eg food for dogs
Define conditioned stimulus
Previously neutral stimulus after repeated association with US elicits response produced by US
Define unconditioned response
Behaviour which occurs naturally due to a given stimulus
Define conditioned response
Automatic response by training to an ordinary neutral stimulus