Classical conditioning Flashcards
What is learning?
a relatively permanent change in behavior, knowledge, capability, or attitude acquired through experience.We also learn through classical conditioning, through operant conditioning, and through observation.
What is classical conditioning?
learning through association of two stimuli: a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus.
Conditioning and Unconditioning can be associated with what words?
Learned and Unlearned
What is a Response?
A behavior that is obtained by a specific stimulus
What can a response be?
- Physiological (Involuntary, Automatic, or Reflexive)
- Emotional: ex: fear, happiness…
What is a reflex?
An unlearned, automatic, involuntary response built into the nervous system and involves the S —> R.
How does responses become conditioned or learned in classical conditioning?
If they are: reflexive, automatic, unlearned, and involuntary
What is an unconditioned stimulus (US)?
It elicits a response that is automatic and unlearned. Ex: food (US) placed in dog`s mouth elicits salivation (UR)
What is a unconditioned response (UR)?
It is the response that is automatic and unlearned (ex: salivation to the food in dog`s mouth).
What is a neutral stimulus (NS)?
It is a stimulus that normally does not elicit a response (ex: the sound of a bell).
What is a conditioned stimulus (CS)?
A learned neutral stimulus (ex: the sound of a bell).
What is a conditioned response (CR)?
A learned response (ex: salivation to the sound of a bell).
What is before conditioning?
A reflexive, unlearned stimulus (US) that causes an unlearned reflexive response (UR).
What is during conditioning?
A pairing of a (NS) to an unlearned stimulus (US) that causes an unlearned reflexive response (UR).
What is after conditioning?
A learned stimulus (CS) elicits a learned response (CR).
What is generalization?
A Conditioned Response (CR) to a Stimulus that is similar to the Conditioned Stimulus (CS).
What is discrimination?
no Conditioned Response (CR) to a Stimulus that is similar to the Conditioned Stimulus (CS).
What is extinction?
A Conditioned Stimulus (CS) is repeatedly presented without the Unconditioned Stimulus (US).
What is higher-order conditioning?
another Neutral Stimulus (NS) that is paired with a Conditioned Stimulus (CS).
What are the factors influencing classical conditioning?
1. The number of pairings of Conditioned Stimulus (CS)and the Unconditioned Stimulus (US).
2. The intensity of the Unconditioned Stimulus (US).
3. The reliability of the Conditioned Stimulus (CS) to predict the Unconditioned Stimulus (US).
4. The temporal relationship between the Conditioned Stimulus (CS) and the Unconditioned Stimulus (US).