Classical Civilizations Quiz Flashcards
Title-King of Sparta
- Died at the Battle of Thermopylae
- Part of the Warrior Culture
Title- Athens Leader
- Leader during Unity and Collapse
- Died from the Plague
Symbol of Athens Peak/Reason for war
Alexander the Great
Title- King Of all Greece
- Never lost a battle
- 70 cities take his name
Cyrus 2 the Great
Title- Persian Emperor, Founder of Achae Merid Dynasty
- Controlled the largest empire in the world
- Set lots of important morals, like respecting others beliefs and customs.
Darius I
Title- Perisan Emperor Dynasts
- Huge building projects
- loses battle of Marathon
Gate of all Nations
Symbol of power
Title- Persia Emperor
- Lead 2nd war against Greece
- Leader during the beginning of the empire collapse
Qin Shi Huangdi
Title- Chinese Emperor
- Founder of Qin dynasty
- standardizes weights/measurements
Han Fei
Title-Chinese Philosopher
- founder of legal
- made out to be an enemy of the state
Title- Chinese Philosopher
- Believes in the good of the people
- thinks leaders should model respectful behavior
Great Wall of China
100,000 people died in the process of building the wall
Casear Augustus
Title- 1st roman emperor
- Popular among common people because he gave them resources
- Took over power in 27 bce
Marcus Aurelius
Title- Last of the good 5 emperors
- New coin system was invented
- won many wars
Temple to all Roman Gods
Title- First christian emperor
- spilt religious authority and civil authority
- invented a new gold coin
title- Mauryan Emperor
- seen as a great leader
- most known for his turning point in 265 from violence to care
Title- Gupta Emperor
- Great military leader
- had lots of cultural output- arts and learning
Title- Math Magicion and Astronomer
- started using the place value system
- approximated pi
Pillers of Ashoka
40-50ft tall and described social problems