Chapter 7, 8, 9 Vocabs Flashcards
Black Death
massive epidemic that swept through Eurasia in the 13th century, collection of diseases
Ghana, Mali, Songhay
series of important states in west Africa that rose to prominence because of the transahra trade
Great Zimbabwe
gold traders in Southeast Africa
Indian Ocean Trading Network
worlds largest sea based trade and exchange system before 1500
silk roads
an ancient network of trade routes that were central to cultural interaction through regions of eurasia
Swahili civilization
combination of the Bantu Africans and Arab merchants and traders who came to the African coast to settle
Trans-Saharan Trade
required travel across the Sahara to reach sub-Saharan Africa from the north African coast, Europe, to Levant
The code of moral principles the samurai were required and instructed to follow
Chinese Buddhism
shaped culture in art, politics, literature, philosophy, medicine, and material culture
Economic revolution
the transition to new manufacturing processes in the period 1760
foot binding
applying tight binding to young girls feet to modify the shape of their feet
Sui Dynasty
short lived dynasty with pivotal significance, unified the north and south, reinstalled the rule of ethnic
Tang Dynasty
ruling dynasty of china from 618-907, noted for its openness to foregin cultural influences
Umayyad caliphate
family of caliphs who ruled the islamic world from 661-750 ce
the community of believers in islam
abbasid caliphate
the 3rd of the islamic caliphates to succeed the islamic prophet Muhammad, decended from muhammads uncle
ibn battuta
14th century arab traveler who wrote about his extensive journeys throughout the islamic world
former colleges for higher instruction in the teachings of islam as well as the secular subjects, founded throughout the islamic world beginning in the 11th century
mansa musa
muslim king of mali, who famously undertook a pilgrimage from his west african homeland to the city of mecca
5 pillars of islam
the 5 core practices of islam: prayer, faith, charitable giving, fasting, and pilgrimage to mecca
islamic law, dealing with all matters of both secular and religious life
great city of west africa, noted as a center of islamic scholarship in the 14th century to the 16th century