Limbs of Classical Dance
Nritta ,Nritya, Natya
Natya or Nataka
Means Drama, It is dramatic representation or drama with speech , dance and music
Interpretative Dance, when vaachikaabhyana of natya is replaced with music or songs
This dance relates to Rasa and Bhava i.e sentiment and psychological states eg AyigiriNandini
Pure dance steps , performed rhythimically , it is not connected to Rasa or bhava (((example Alarippu)))
Tandava and Lasya
((Intense, heroic , touch of wrath )) and (( beauty grace and love))
Chari and Karana
Chari is single leg movement and Karana is both lef movement
North India - 15 th -16th Century during Bhakti Movement + Under Mughals
Secualar ,Vaishnavite,Fast footeork, Legs straight, Spins and jumps, Ankle Bells ,Both dhrupad and Khayal in music
Opening is Vandana,Thaat,Jugalbandi
Ghara LUCKNOW of Nawab Wajid ali shah, Current representative is Birju Maharaj and Gharana JAIPUR of Bhanuji marked Baishnavite Influence, BENARAS- Janaki prasad
Kerela - Dance and Drama
Theme is Mahabharata ,Ramayana and Puranas - Borrowed ekements from Kodiyattam
male dance , nasculine dance , Group Dance ,Not solo, Not court , Not lyrical
Andhra Pradesh, grew out of Bhakti Movement By siddhendra yogi
Invokes Lord Ganesha , Uses Copper plate and pot balancing , initially only nales , now female also
Sutandar or director announces the dance theme and characters
Youngest and oldest dancr of India ,though ancient ,current form new , Ancient local themes , Now influence of Vaishnava ,Puranas and Gita Govinda
Female ,thin viel, long skirt,radha krishna theme,uses puna pena khartal bansuri,slow rounded movements , less expression
Revived by Raja Bhadra
Kerela by Vadivillu
Fusion of kathak and bharatnatyam, Named after lord vishnu who became mohini, theme is love and devotion to vishnu and krishna
Solo danxe ,sinple white and gold constume, gentle footwork not heavy stamping
types Mahari,Gotipura and Nartaki
Tribhanga, bhanga atibhanga etc
Vaishnavite dance ,lord jagannath ,love and seperstion of lord krishna
Inckudes magalcharan, Bhoomi Pooja and Moksha
Hip deflection,silver jewellery, tahiya headgear represent temple tower
Tamil Nadu under Chola ,Pallava etc Temple Devdasi System
By females , Devotional dance,Alarippu,Tillana,Jatiswaram
Fire dance ,knees bent. instruments Mridanga and Cymbals ,tambura
Shaivite Origin
Kuchipudi Vs Bharatnatyam
Vaishnavite vs Shaivite , Andhra vs Kerela, Both sex vs fenale onky , Earth element vs Fire element , Rounded steps vs precise steps ,Speech use vs not use
Assam, Monastries called Sattras ,By shankaradeva
vishnu stories ,On music called Borgeets,initially onky by monks