Class7: Note taking Flashcards
What is note taking?
Note taking is the act of writing or jotting for the purpose of further academic study, only main or important information are written during note taking
Why take notes?
a.]Note taking aids in concentration and helps motivate us to understand and learn the topic being taught or read
b.]It aids in memory retention
c.]It serves as a source of further reference
d.]A guide for selective study
What are the modalities for note taking
a.]Comfortable seating and position
b.]Writing materials should be ready
c.]Write down the course, date and topic clearly
d.]Listen attentively for important information to be jotted down
e.]Do not record verbatim
f.]Use abbreviations and short hand
g.]Use symbols when necessary
h.]Dive your notes into main points
What is note making?
Note making is the productive act of creating and forming notes based off of information obtained from previously published documents and articles
What are some guidelines for Note making?
a.]Write down the topic, date and course
b.] Write down the full bibliography of all the works referenced in the production of your notes include the names of authors
c.]Write down the main points only
d.] Be precise and concise
e.] The handwriting should be clear and legible
f.] Leave space in between paragraphs and sentences for personal input
g.] Identify the subject matter of the notes