class inequalities patterns and trends Flashcards
life chances - weber (1948)
described how some members of society had much better opportunities to achieve things in life most people would see as desirable
family resources survey - income
government sponsered survey which porvides information on living conditions
annual survey of hours and earnings- income
levels, distribution and makeup of earnings and hours worked for employers in all industries
british households panel survey - income
longitudinal survey
trends in income distribution
the government takes more in taxes from the rich than the poor
2013 - poorest 5th paid less in tax than the rich, relative to their incomes however, poorest 5th paid 38% of their income and rich paid 34% of their income
ONS definitions of wealth
- propety wealth
- physical wealth
- financial wealth
- private pension wealth
problems with measuring wealth
- not straightforward
- calculating value of asset
- obtaining data on wealth
- distinguishing wealth from income
- wealth can be in forms of shares
the birmingham commission report 2013
- inequalities occur in different ways]
- wealth affects physical and mental wellbeing, education and employment opportunities
- low levels of income reduce ability to avoid debt
- in the middle of wealth distribution have housing or pension wealth or the ability to accumulate
- those at the top have seen huge increases in their income
work and employment
hierarchy of occupations with higher status jobs, privileged workers in skilled and status occupations
work and employment - rewards
- financial
- power and control
- job satisfaction
- status
- opportunities for advancement
- job security
absolute poverty
lack of basic necessities to survive
relative poverty
judging whether a persons income is enough to exclude them from a normal lifestyle
houesholds below average income
defines low income as being below 60% of the median on the income scale
consensual measure of poverty
askign a series of representative focus groups which a list of items they regarded as necessities
- items rated as necessities by 50% of the respondents were included in the list
social mobility - intergenerational mobility
mobility between generations
social mobility - intragenerational
movment between classes by an individual
problems with researching social mobility
- classifying occupations
- mobility of women
- mobility of very rich and poor
- current aptterns of social mobility
oxford mobility study - goldthorpe
chances had increase for the younger generation of men to end up in service class
- 1:2:4 rule of relative hope