class external Flashcards
working class
manual occupations (skilled workers)
middle class
non-manual occupations
traditionally include professionals
e.g doctors, teachers
external factors
outside influences
cultural, material deprivation
cultural capital
internal factors
labelling, subcultures, marketisation
cultural deprivation
lacking in values and attitudes, language, self discipline, intellect and reasoning
this starts with primary socialisation
Bereiter and Engelmann (1966)
claim the language used in lower class homes is deficient (restricted speech codes)
Douglas (1964) and Feinstein (2008)
parental attitudes and education
parenting style
educated/ uneducated parents
educated parents - emphasise consistent discipline and high expectations by encouraging active learning
less educated parents - marked by harsh or inconsistent disciplines that emphasises ‘doing what you’re told’ preventing independence and self control
use of income
educated parents - often spend income in ways to benefit their children e.g educational toys, games encouraging reasoning skills
less educated/ working class - choose to spend money in ways that don’t improve their child’s intellectual development
class, income and parental education
children with better educated parents tend to do better in school - this could explain differences in classes
an educated parent understands the value to education and whats needed for their child’s success
parents educational behaviours
educated parents - know whats needed for their Childs success, more likely to engage in activities that will benefit them e.g reading to them , visiting museums and libraries
working class parents are generally less educated and therefore see less value in this
elaborated code
wider vocabulary, complex sentences, communicated abstract ideas, context free
generally middle and upper class
restricted code
limited vocabulary, simple sentences, descriptive ( not analytical), context bound
generally working class
norms and values that do not fit the mainstream culture
Barry Sugarman (1970)
argues the working class subculture has 4 key attitudes that act as a barrier to educational achievement
- collectivism
- immediate gratification
- fatalism
- present time orientation