Class differences in Education Flashcards
What is a child from a working class background more likely to do?
start school unable to read.
fall behind in reading, writing numeracy.
suffer from mental health problems, illness, poor attendance + poor performance.
be placed in lower sets.
study vocational subjects.
achieve lower scores in SATs + GCSEs.
attend a failing school.
What is a child from a working class background less likely to do?
be in a nursery/ preschool play group.
leave school with 5 or more A*-C grades at GCSE.
progress to university.
What are the theories of material deprivation?
linked to economic poverty.
lack of financial resources/ facilities which would enhance educational progress.
low income creates a barrier to learning.
overall, WC kids are disadvantaged.
What are examples of material deprivation?
inability to afford: books stationary uniform transport school meals
overcrowding in the home
no access to the internet
no heating, mould on the walls (effects health)
Statistic to show poverty is closely linked to educational achievement:
90% of failing schools are located in economically deprived areas.
Research has shown that economic poverty is not a recipe for educational success.
How is housing an example of material deprivation?
overcrowding - harder to study, do h/w + lead to disturbed sleep from sharing bedrooms.
poor housing effect on child’s health + wealth fare leading to more accidents.
cold/damp housing - ill health .
Temporary accommodation - child suffers from phycological distress, schooling disruption.
How does diet and health link to material deprivation in education ?
HOWARD (2001) - young people from poorer homes have a lower intake of energy, vitamins + minerals. Poor nutrition affects health + weakens immune system - lowering energy levels. this leads to difficulty concentrating in class + more absences from school from school likely to have emotional/ behavioural problems.
WILKINSON (1996) - among 10 yr olds, the lower the social class, the higher the rate of hyper-activity, anxiety + conduct disorders . all of which are likely to have negative effects on education.
BLANDEN AND MACHIN (2007) - children from low income families more likely to engage in externalising behaviour (fighting + temper tantrums) which disrupts their schooling.
How does finance link to material deprivation in education?
TANNER ET AL (2003) - found costs of items such as transport, uniforms, books, art equipment etc. place heavy burden on poor families.
SMITH AND NOBLE (1995) - poverty acts as a barrier to learning in other ways eg. inability to afford private education, tutoring + poorer quality schools.
RIDGE (2002) - children in poverty are more likely to take on jobs that have negative impacts on school work.
Going to Uni involves getting into great debt to cover tuition fees, books + living expenses. attitudes towards debt may deter WC students from going to uni.
CALLANDER + JACKSON (2005) - Their research found WC students more debt-averse + saw more costs than benefits from going to uni.
What is the theory of cultural deprivation?
linked to home + cultural background/ parental values.
its the view that, as a result of socialisation patterns, WC parents don’t instil encouragement to be aspirational + ambitious. WC is understood as ‘inadequate’ - fails to nurture, stimulate + enrich educational interest. Therefore, WC children lack the ‘cultural equipment’ essential for educational success, therefore at an disadvantage.
What are some examples of cultural deprivation?
Lack of emphasis on education + learning.
lack of cultural environment (travel to different places, visiting museums/ galleries).
A ‘book poor’ home - little access to reading material.
lack of intellectual stimulation.
What is intellectual development ?
refers to development of thinking + reasoning skills. eg, the ability to solve problems + use ideas/ concepts.
WC lack books, educational toys + activities that would stimulate a child’s intellectual development.
They start school w/o having developed the intellectual skills required to progress.
BERNSTEIN + YOUNG (1967) : intellectual development
MC mothers are more likely to choose toys that encourage thinking + reasoning skills + prepare children for school.
What does DOUGLAS say about attitudes + values in educational achievement ?
How are BLACKSTONE + MARTIME (1994) critical of this?
he claims that the most important factor affecting educational progress was the degree of parental interest shown in the child’s education. MC parents take a greater interest in their children’s education and value it more - which motivates children to do well.
this is shown through parents: helping with h/w, attending parents evenings etc.
they argue WC parents are less likely to access school events because of transport costs, work shift patterns, child care costs for younger siblings.
SUGARMANN (1970) on how class differences in attitudes and values contribute to cultural deprivation:
he argues that the WC subculture has key features that act as a barrier to educational success:
present time orientation > Thinking + living in the present. contrasts future time orientation which planning/ thinking of the future. WC = present time (the absence of a career structure) and MC = future time (encouraging/aspirational)/
immediate gratification > wanting benefits rewards now. contrasts deferred gratification which is sacrificing short term rewards for longer term benefits + rewards in the future.
fatalism > belief that you cannot change how things are. They are pre - determined and predestined. contrasts activism.
collectivism > group collective effort is required to generate change. contrasts individualism - emphasises you being in charge. control. WC may join trade unions to help promote change.
SUGARMANN claims that differences in the workplace reflect differences in attitudes and values. These differences are internalised and pass down onto the next generation through the socialisation process. the subcultural values of the working class place them at a distinct disadvantage in the education system because they clash with MC values and the ethos of the school. School is an extension of MC values - therefore mc pupils equipped for success.
Research by HYMANN (1967) on the values of the working class:
he found that values of the WC act as a self-imposed barrier to educational and career success.
they believe they have less oppurtunity for individual advancement and place less value on achieving high status jobs - so they see no point in education. Subcultural beliefs and values place a greater value on securing a good steady job straight from school.