class differences in achievement - external factors Flashcards
`private school statistics
7% attend private school
account for 50% oxbridge
Sutton trust
3 years eton - 211 to oxbridge
1,300 state school - 0 to oxbridge
nationwide study by the Centre for for longitudinal studies
by 3yrs disadvantaged 1 year behind the privileged. gap continues to widen
what causes cultural deprivation
primary socialisation family embed wc values.
failure to socialise adequately causes…
no cultural equipment for society, language, self discipline + reasoning
language = Bernstein
MC = feel at home , WC = exclusion
teachers, textbooks ,exams elaborated code
language = Hubbs- Tait et al
languag that requires evaluation=achievers
feinstein = educated parents
language = Bereiter and Engelmann
WC language is deficient, ungrammatical, disjointed phrases
Douglas = parents attitudes on education
WC p place less value on edu ,e.g not attending parents’ evening= less ambition + motivation
feinstein = educated parents factors
EDU p socialise with education culture by parenting style, parents educational behaviours, use of income, parents own education
parenting style (feinstein), causing gaps in achievement
EDU p = consistent discipline, encouraging active learning,
WC = discipline = do as told leads to problem with interacting with teachers
parents educational behaviour (feinstein) that causes gaps in achievement
EDU P= better knowledge of childrearing, visits to museum + libraries (cc), helping with HW
Use of income (feinstein) of MC parents that helps MC to be achieving
EDU p=Bernstein and young MC mum more likely to buy educational things that stimulate development, nutrition
parents own education (feinstein) that affects some WC children to be successful
regardless of income EDU P have achieving children
how are WC values transmitted
primary socialisation, WC values, attitudes and beliefs transmitted
compensatory education in tackling gaps in achievement
compensate for CC lost in deprivation e,g educational psychologists, school trips
myth of cultural deprivation (CD) criticism
kedddie - not culturally deprived, culturally different, education system dominated by MC values, tackle anti-working class prejudices
criticisms of speech codes - Bernstein
troyna + williams problem is not language but teachers attitudes towards language. teachers hierarchy = MC , WC , black speech
criticism of Douglas (WC disinterest)
blackstone + mortimore WC P attend less, days are dominated by low pay/lack knowledge of understanding education
department of education (material deprivation(MD)
barely 1/3 eligible for free school meals achieve 5/more C-A* against 2/3 of other groups
flaherty - material deprivation (MD) affecting attendance
finanical problems = major in affecting young children attendance
statistic of failing schools
90% failing schools in deprived areas
housing in affecting gaps in achievement
overcrowding/homework (desk space, poor housing- mould cold, temporary housing - psychological distress
diet and health in affecting gaps in achievement
howard - WC = low intake of nutrition = weak immune system/concentration issue
mental disorders in WC homes affecting underachievement
wilkinson - among 10yr olds the lower the class = higher the anxiety , hyperactivity
costs of free schooling - sociologist name
hand me downs in affecting underachievement in WC
school equipment =expensive so poor deal with hand-me-downs that are unfashionable ——-bullying= stigmatisation, bullying tanner et al
why dont some take up entitlement of FSM (free school meals)
20% dont take entitlement bcs fear of isolation and stigmatisation
who said poverty acts as a barrier
noble and smith - poverty acts as barrier to full potential e.g, good quality education, tutoring
abolishing of education maintenance allowance - EMA
EMA abolished by coalition government in 2011
fear of debt - affecting those who apply to university
data: nationwide study of 2,000 prospective students callender+jackson = WC are debt adverse MC= debt tolerant (5* more likely to apply to uni
increases in fees affecting uni applicants
increase in fees to max of 9k = increased debt burden. applicants fell by 8.6% - UCAS
MC vs WC receiving help from home with debts
national union of students online survey of 3,863. 81% of MC received help from home, compared to 43% of WC
criticism of material deprivation - regardless of social class…
some poor students achieve, MD only part of explanation e.g political, religious + cultural values play pert in sustaining motivation
evaluation of MD - strength
mortimore, whitty - material inequalities have biggest affect on achievement. robinson - tackling child poverty effective to tackling underachievement